NJ Governor signs rain tax bill residents property rates rise based on the weather


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”

NJ Governor Signs "Rain Tax" Bill; Residents' Property Rates Rise "Based On The Weather"

It's to bad your all to dumb to realize what AGENDA 21 is, it's to bad you can't realize that being taxed to breathe is next dumb asses they'll call it the ' CARBON TAX" YOU KNOW THAT SCARY CO2 killing everyone lmao.....meanwhile the an idiot use to know that CO2 is in SODA/POP you drink that chit omfg!!
In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”

NJ Governor Signs "Rain Tax" Bill; Residents' Property Rates Rise "Based On The Weather"

It's to bad your all to dumb to realize what AGENDA 21 is, it's to bad you can't realize that being taxed to breathe is next dumb asses they'll call it the ' CARBON TAX" YOU KNOW THAT SCARY CO2 killing everyone lmao.....meanwhile the an idiot use to know that CO2 is in SODA/POP you drink that chit omfg!!
The rain tax was first created in Maryland because Governor Martin O'mally Democrat, decided that his 2 increases of the sales tax just wasn't enough. So he created the rain tax that put a tax on hard surfaces by sq ft, and soon the coffers of Maryland increased but so did the spending and now the state is run by a Republican, liberal, who has yet to get rid of the rain tax.
More to it than just being a rain tax.

NJ bill derided as a 'rain tax' is law. Here's what it really is and who will pay.

But after further reading, Jersey apparently has a history of collecting taxes for unique well meaning causes and the money just winds up plugging holes in their general fund, which I guess is that the states 5% cut is. Couldn't find out about that part.

That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Wonder how long that Governor will remain in office as those living in NJ pay big taxes already?
More to it than just being a rain tax.

NJ bill derided as a 'rain tax' is law. Here's what it really is and who will pay.

But after further reading, Jersey apparently has a history of collecting taxes for unique well meaning causes and the money just winds up plugging holes in their general fund, which I guess is that the states 5% cut is. Couldn't find out about that part.

That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Wonder how long that Governor will remain in office as those living in NJ pay big taxes already?
Call it what you want claudette. Still true about Jersey.
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It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.
In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”

NJ Governor Signs "Rain Tax" Bill; Residents' Property Rates Rise "Based On The Weather"

It's to bad your all to dumb to realize what AGENDA 21 is, it's to bad you can't realize that being taxed to breathe is next dumb asses they'll call it the ' CARBON TAX" YOU KNOW THAT SCARY CO2 killing everyone lmao.....meanwhile the an idiot use to know that CO2 is in SODA/POP you drink that chit omfg!!
Landlords will add that tax to their renters or leasers' rent. Which that shows that the Dems are trying to remove all low-life from their state. But when election time comes. They will just bust them in on that day, and drop them back off outside of the state.

Hillary Clinton coming to N.J. to help fill Menendez campaign coffers
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.
Maybe claudette will read and be informed. I doubt it, though.
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

And what will this bill do to fix the problem?
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

So the community eager for all this growth didn't plan properly and now wants to punish the people who followed all the zoning laws and all the all the state DEP regulations.
In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”

NJ Governor Signs "Rain Tax" Bill; Residents' Property Rates Rise "Based On The Weather"

It's to bad your all to dumb to realize what AGENDA 21 is, it's to bad you can't realize that being taxed to breathe is next dumb asses they'll call it the ' CARBON TAX" YOU KNOW THAT SCARY CO2 killing everyone lmao.....meanwhile the an idiot use to know that CO2 is in SODA/POP you drink that chit omfg!!
The rain tax was first created in Maryland because Governor Martin O'mally Democrat, decided that his 2 increases of the sales tax just wasn't enough. So he created the rain tax that put a tax on hard surfaces by sq ft, and soon the coffers of Maryland increased but so did the spending and now the state is run by a Republican, liberal, who has yet to get rid of the rain tax.

research agenda 21 " sustainable " living.

Try again it's a DEMOCRAT thing anyone who " THINKS" otherwise is dumber than they even know

New Jersey has to pay for the universal income somehow.
Try to think of something the radical socialists taking over the dimocrat party won’t have to tax in order to pay for all the free wetdreams they’re promising the dopes in their base.
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

it's a tax just because it's not worded for you LEFTIST and FAKE RIGHTs , they word it so you clueless think " it's NOT" a tax it is a tax dufis.

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.----Rosa Koire




It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

So the community eager for all this growth didn't plan properly and now wants to punish the people who followed all the zoning laws and all the all the state DEP regulations.

They are taxing those with large paved footprints for their storm runoff and the impact on the environment. The amount of rain has nothing to do with it
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

it's a tax just because it's not worded for you LEFTIST and FAKE RIGHTs , they word it so you clueless think " it's NOT" a tax it is a tax dufis.

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.----Rosa Koire

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View attachment 251544


It is not a tax on rain dufus
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

So the community eager for all this growth didn't plan properly and now wants to punish the people who followed all the zoning laws and all the all the state DEP regulations.

They are taxing those with large paved footprints for their storm runoff and the impact on the environment. The amount of rain has nothing to do with it

And they have a water problem because the morons from the state didn't bother to keep their codes and DEP regs updated.

Once more we see that the fucknuts in government are too stupid to work anywhere else and the people that followed all the rules and laws have to pay for their ineptitude.
It is not a tax on rain....

When storms occur, rainwater runs off of impervious
surfaces such as roads, roofs, and parking lots, and into stormwater
management systems and waterways. This stormwater carries with
it oil, pesticides, other chemicals, sediments, and bacteria that may
contaminate State waters, potentially making them unsafe for
drinking, fishing, and recreational purposes. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the State’s existing water pollution is attributable to
stormwater and nonpoint sources of pollution.

So the community eager for all this growth didn't plan properly and now wants to punish the people who followed all the zoning laws and all the all the state DEP regulations.

They are taxing those with large paved footprints for their storm runoff and the impact on the environment. The amount of rain has nothing to do with it

And they have a water problem because the morons from the state didn't bother to keep their codes and DEP regs updated.

Once more we see that the fucknuts in government are too stupid to work anywhere else and the people that followed all the rules and laws have to pay for their ineptitude.
Can you support your statement ?
He can stop bleeding the citizens of New Jersey. They are already dead.
I never thought for a second that my in-laws would leave their home. Or that their children would. You can walk to the beach which they do every evening. But even they have had enough. One more room to renovate and up for sale it goes. They have been taxed out of their home and state.
More to it than just being a rain tax.

NJ bill derided as a 'rain tax' is law. Here's what it really is and who will pay.

But after further reading, Jersey apparently has a history of collecting taxes for unique well meaning causes and the money just winds up plugging holes in their general fund, which I guess is that the states 5% cut is. Couldn't find out about that part.
A state that has spent much of its resources to eliminate poverty and the poverty is burgeoning. Its cities are terrible. Atlantic City had free money with casinos and it is terrible.

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