NJ lieutenant gov.: Aid-for-development claim false


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno called Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer's claims "false" and "illogical" at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day commemoration in Union City, the day before Gov. Chris Christie's second-term inauguration.


uh oh, could this be yet another democrat claim laid to waste? does this look good for democrats?
Lt. Gov. Guadagno didn't do herself any favors with her press conference. Anytime the first thing a political figure says is, "I will not be taking questions", you know that means they're on the wrong side of something that smells really bad all around them.

There is every reason to believe the Mayor of Hoboken, since we already know that the Christie administration has practiced political retribution on many individuals both on the left and the right. The Christie administration adopted a culture of bullying and it has finally caught up with them.

The closure of the bridge is a criminal offense, imho. There is political retribution on an individual, and then there is an abhorrent abuse of power that directly affects the lives of everyday Americans. It's like a spit in the face of democracy and good governance. Governor Christie should do the honorable thing and resign.

His administration went way over the line on several occasions and it should be a surprise to no one that they tried playing politics with relief funds to one of the hardest hit places by Hurricane Sandy.

If "taking responsibility" actually means anything, the Governor should do the right thing and step aside. If he didn't know about it, then he's just about the dumbest person on the planet and unfit to be a Governor of a big state. And if he did know about it and was the one behind it, criminal charges should follow.

This is serious shit, but you wouldn't know it from the delusional brain farts coming from the cons in this thread.
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What you have are accusations without proof yes the closing of the bridge is serious and if real concrete proof comes to light that Christie ordered it then he should and in all likely hood will have to resign that however is not the case at this time. Lets go to the mayor now making her claims of being bullied first all she offers for proof is her word and her handwritten entry in a journal claiming she was bullied,blackmailed, intimidated whatever you want to call and then she post tweets and comments praising Christie after the incidents she alleges that brings her credibility on this into question you see some of us would like to see actual proof of something before condemning a person.
Just on a side note should Obama step down over Benghazi? There has now come to light plenty of evidence that both the intelligence community and the military knew very quickly that Benghazi was a terrorist attack not a protest over a video and the Whitehouse was briefed on this so using the logic applied to Christie Obama either new it was a terrorist attack and lied about it or he had no idea about any of it and is incompetent. To be equally fair to Obama there is no hard proof that he knowingly sent Susan Rice out with false information we can all speculate on what we think Christie and Obama did or did not know and did or did not order but speculation is not proof of anything.
The far left started the war on any one with an (R) has just started this year, but the far left press will not give these things the same attention.

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