NJ Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists

When are you guys going to realize that Trump has tapped into the "identity politics" vein?

Well, he sure as hell didn't create it!

Nope, but he's using it. What's the difference?

He's using it effectively against the idiots that created and propagate it.

In other words, he's the same as they are.

Only in your over-simplified world.
When are you guys going to realize that Trump has tapped into the "identity politics" vein?

Well, he sure as hell didn't create it!

Nope, but he's using it. What's the difference?

He's using it effectively against the idiots that created and propagate it.

In other words, he's the same as they are.

Only in your over-simplified world.

The sound of hypocrisy.
When are you guys going to realize that Trump has tapped into the "identity politics" vein?

Well, he sure as hell didn't create it!

Nope, but he's using it. What's the difference?
Progs are the ones who created all of this. Politicians crapping on people because of PC,quotas and affirmative action run to the extremes. It was so bad that 95% of the media/entertainers mock, laugh at, and condemn anyone who is not a Prog. A massive void was there for the taking. Fine Republican candidates would run. But be frozen out by the establishment in many ways. And even if they were the candidate at the end, would they have the moxie to win it all. The current President hit it on the nail. Trump ran a campaign like they do. And they do not know what to do. What makes it worse for them is that he is the master sensai and they are the grasshoppers. Weened on TV with the self important and self absorbed for decades. All of them Progs. He learned off of them when he started. And it did not take long for him to teach them. In 2016 all the Progs had to do is not be what they are for a few months. Be nice. Or be nicer. Just a little of it and we would not be here today with this thread. They can not. They have learned nothing up to now. If fortunate we will have 4 more years of Trump and that time to think what we are doing. For once we put our socialistic policies into overdrive, the party is over. We already have a massive amount to pay people in which we are struggling.

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?
With all due respect, people in New Jersey should be more concerned about ordinary violent street criminals than with so-called "white supremacists."

The politics of division. They need identity politics to keep people from questioning the policy failures of the Communist democrats.

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?

Dude. We were never fond of the Saudi's. Don't be an idiot. (and you call them "liberalized"?)

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?

Dude. We were never fond of the Saudi's. Don't be an idiot. (and you call them "liberalized"?)

As long as the Kingdom hated Israel, you loved them. The enemy of Jews is the friend of democrats - always.

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?

Dude. We were never fond of the Saudi's. Don't be an idiot. (and you call them "liberalized"?)

As long as the Kingdom hated Israel, you loved them. The enemy of Jews is the friend of democrats - always.

lol...you haven't a clue, parroting your bumper sticker talking points.

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?

Dude. We were never fond of the Saudi's. Don't be an idiot. (and you call them "liberalized"?)

As long as the Kingdom hated Israel, you loved them. The enemy of Jews is the friend of democrats - always.

lol...you haven't a clue, parroting your bumper sticker talking points.

Facts are facts. For 40 years democrats defended and supported Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9/11, the day democrats cherish above all others. BUT the MOMENT Mohamed Bin Salmon made peace with Israel, and gave women rights, you Stalinist turned on SA.
You people need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?

I live in NJ asshole and they haven’t done anything. Keep watching that liberal media. Moron.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From a talk radio Trumpster.


From a liberal piece of shit. I live in NJ. There isn’t any of that shit going on. Just Demtards trying to cause trouble. Do you live in NJ. If you don’t just shut up. Liberal Trolls are hysterical. Loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New Jersey Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists to High

While most of these guys obviously don't have the intellectual horsepower to organize a game of solitaire, they may have guns and/or bombs, and there's plenty of beer out there, and this is definitely their time in America's history, their last gasp. Not good.
The decision to put white supremacists at the highest possible level comes after a number of threats and attacks in 2019, including the El Paso attack that left 22 people dead and two dozen more injured. In New Jersey, a man allegedly conspired with members of a neo-Nazi network to vandalize synagogues in the Midwest. He also allegedly once sat with a machete in the parking lot of a New Jersey mall, and considered an attack on black shoppers.

There was also an increase in efforts by white supremacists to identify and recruit members in New Jersey and New York while spreading their messages of hate in 2019, the report reads. Reported incidents of white supremacists distributing their propaganda — particularly in the form of flyers in public venues in cities and on college campuses — surged to 168 since January 2019, up from just 46 in 2018.

The report said that "supporters of this ideology demonstrate the willingness and capability to carry out attacks, direct and inspire sympathizers online, and attempt to network globally." Nationwide, extremist white supremacists carried out four attacks and had at least 19 additional plots, threats of violence or weapons stockpiling incidents, according to NJOHSP's report.


Do you feel safer now, snowflake?
We all saw the OWS (occupy wall street) rabble disrupt traffic and camp out on public property in NYC but the N.J. government doesn't worry about the threat. A Sanders supporter tried to assassinate every Republican congressional representative at baseball practice barely two years ago but N.J. isn't concerned about Sanders supporters.Undocumented Illegal aliens are a threat to New Jersey residents but the government offers sanctuary. There is no evidence in the United States , let alone New Jersey of an organized "white supremacist" terror group but we need New Jersey to be ever vigilant for evidence of confederate flags or NASCAR fans or just fat bearded white guys hanging around critical government institutions. Way to go New Jersey, keep us all safe from the dreaded white guy mob.

They HANDED OUT FUCKING FLYERS!!! The Fascist NJ government is going after people for HANDING OUT FUCKING FLYERS

And this is after they LOST the White House.

There are storm clouds gathering
The Obama justice dept refused to prosecute or even consider the "New Black Panther party" a threat when they were videoed intimidating voters while dressed in uniforms and carrying weapons near polling places. Now it seems that NASCAR fans and people who have confederate stickers on their cars are considered a threat to New Jersey citizens. Way to go N.J. Keep us safe from all those Southern white guys.

Asshole, I read 1984 and Animal Farm by the 8th grade, along with Fahrenheit 451. No one "loves" the misogynist, authoritarian tendencies of any religion, as they are anti-civil rights. You "conservatives" are the ones trying to stick your filthy noses between the legs of every woman, sniffing, and in the bedrooms of everyone who is not exclusively heterosexual. You are the the ones trying to dump a fake religion on us all. If you actually supported civil rights, you would not be doing these things.

And yet the gist of every post from you is "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.."

What are these lies about sniffing in bedrooms? :lol:

That is another feature of you Stalinists, you're shameless liars, utterly devoid of even a hint of integrity.

Don't try to use Muslims, who are very much a minority in the U.S., to deflect attention away from garbage like trump, pigpence, frankie graham, perkins, focus on the family. This filth is operating right here in the U.S.

BTW: the whole idiotic approach by ignorant men that women should not complain because women are treated better here than in some other countries doesn't fly. It is an argument adopted by cowards who lack the courage to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the human race.

Just pointing out that you Marxists didn't start hating Saudi Arabia until they liberalized. Oh and Comrade Traitor, name a country where you thing women are "treated" better than in the USA?

I am not a party hack so this "democrat good, Orange man bad, bahhh, bahhh.." means nothing to me. trump is nothing but a corrupt traitorous whore. That's it. End of.

This thing about sniffing people's underwear and invading their bedrooms is not a lie. The right-wingers elect filth like pigpence to police the sex lives of Americans as if anyone has the right to invade the privacy and dignity of Americans.

I erased this once before, but I will type it now. Nobody cares how and how often pigpence screws this karen. It's up to him, and perhaps, them. But still he's got his nose in everyone else's private business. To be blunt, get out and stay out of Americans' sexual choices, reproductive choices, and religious choices.
You people need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?

I live in NJ asshole and they haven’t done anything. Keep watching that liberal media. Moron.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From a talk radio Trumpster.


From a liberal piece of shit. I live in NJ. There isn’t any of that shit going on. Just Demtards trying to cause trouble. Do you live in NJ. If you don’t just shut up. Liberal Trolls are hysterical. Loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But there are things happening in NJ. Why do you think that NJ officials are taking steps to cope with it? I think that they are in a position to know more than you know simply by living in a house/condo/apartment somewhere in Jersey. How do you know everything that is happening in the entire state?
When are you guys going to realize that Trump has tapped into the "identity politics" vein?

Never, because he did not.

And you cannot make any supporting argument to your assertion. I challenge you to even try.

HInt: acknowledging that a group exists and has interests that can and should be represented in politics, is not Identity Politics. To save you time.

i·den·ti·ty pol·i·tics
  1. a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.

    White Identity


    GOP Insists It Doesn't Engage In Identity Politics. Researchers Disagree

a. That is a pretty weak definition. Because Identity politics is a big part of on broad based party, ie the dems. So, any definition that pretends that Identity Politics can't be part of a larger alliance, is stupid.

b. You sort of asserted that there a claim to groups. You'v done nothing to indicate that they operate as Identity Politics or the Trump has encouraged that or even pandered to it, or anything.
New Jersey Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists to High

While most of these guys obviously don't have the intellectual horsepower to organize a game of solitaire, they may have guns and/or bombs, and there's plenty of beer out there, and this is definitely their time in America's history, their last gasp. Not good.
The decision to put white supremacists at the highest possible level comes after a number of threats and attacks in 2019, including the El Paso attack that left 22 people dead and two dozen more injured. In New Jersey, a man allegedly conspired with members of a neo-Nazi network to vandalize synagogues in the Midwest. He also allegedly once sat with a machete in the parking lot of a New Jersey mall, and considered an attack on black shoppers.

There was also an increase in efforts by white supremacists to identify and recruit members in New Jersey and New York while spreading their messages of hate in 2019, the report reads. Reported incidents of white supremacists distributing their propaganda — particularly in the form of flyers in public venues in cities and on college campuses — surged to 168 since January 2019, up from just 46 in 2018.

The report said that "supporters of this ideology demonstrate the willingness and capability to carry out attacks, direct and inspire sympathizers online, and attempt to network globally." Nationwide, extremist white supremacists carried out four attacks and had at least 19 additional plots, threats of violence or weapons stockpiling incidents, according to NJOHSP's report.

If there weren't so many blacks and other non-whites living here -- we wouldn't have any white supremacist terrorists.....they are the victims in all of this....
New Jersey Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists to High

While most of these guys obviously don't have the intellectual horsepower to organize a game of solitaire, they may have guns and/or bombs, and there's plenty of beer out there, and this is definitely their time in America's history, their last gasp. Not good.
The decision to put white supremacists at the highest possible level comes after a number of threats and attacks in 2019, including the El Paso attack that left 22 people dead and two dozen more injured. In New Jersey, a man allegedly conspired with members of a neo-Nazi network to vandalize synagogues in the Midwest. He also allegedly once sat with a machete in the parking lot of a New Jersey mall, and considered an attack on black shoppers.

There was also an increase in efforts by white supremacists to identify and recruit members in New Jersey and New York while spreading their messages of hate in 2019, the report reads. Reported incidents of white supremacists distributing their propaganda — particularly in the form of flyers in public venues in cities and on college campuses — surged to 168 since January 2019, up from just 46 in 2018.

The report said that "supporters of this ideology demonstrate the willingness and capability to carry out attacks, direct and inspire sympathizers online, and attempt to network globally." Nationwide, extremist white supremacists carried out four attacks and had at least 19 additional plots, threats of violence or weapons stockpiling incidents, according to NJOHSP's report.

If there weren't so many blacks and other non-whites living here -- we wouldn't have any white supremacist terrorists.....they are the victims in all of this....

Please explain your comment. Is it sarcastic? Or is it meant as a declaration that you do not acknowledge that "blacks and other non-whites living here" are your fellow Americans? It's so early and I'm not sharp, and need some more shut-eye, but I am confused.
Well sure, bro!

The Regressive Left has long cynically weaponized and leveraged Identity Politics and Political Correctness to put other Americans on the defensive and control the conversation, which has enabled the worst behaviors of multiple generations of minorities, lowered standards and expectations of them, and significantly slowed their progress, while creating understandable animosity among many decent Americans.

***** AND *****

Old fashioned, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism still exists in this country, being aggressively enabled by many Trumpsters and others on the Right who refuse to aggressively hold those idiots accountable, who deflect and dismiss and minimize it whenever it is pointed out (as you are now), and who will even go so far as to actually deny it even exists, which is pretty much one big insult.

See? Both conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously, feeding into the other, giving the other an excuse to exist, and creating one big fucked up vortex of destructive racial shit soup that is dragging this country into the fucking toilet. It's like you're IN THIS TOGETHER or something.

Anything else?

Thanks again Mac for a 'if everybody is wrong, then nobody is right' lecture.

I was asked a question and I answered it.

You appear to disagree with something I said. And what would that be, precisely?

White rascism being enabled by Trump.
If the lowest unemployment rates for Blacks and Hispanics in 50 years is Trump enabled rascism along with inner city pro-growth economic zones being Trump enabled rascism and 2nd chance ex-felon back to work programs are Trump enabled rascism;
your statement does not pass the real world smell test, :290968001256257790-final:.
Did I say Trump enabled them? Hmm, let me check.

Nope, I said "many Trumpsters". So it looks like you lied there.

Nope, I meant people like YOU, doing exactly what you're doing right now. That pleases me.

But, now that YOU bring him into it:


So Trump supporters enable racism but not Trump?
You're confused.
Um, please see that big graphic that YOU QUOTED.

Was it too complicated for you 'n such?
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