NM Senator Thomas Udall calls himself & his Dem collegues inhumane


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Senator Thomas Udall inadvertantly called himself inhumane when he said that the immigrant people who are struggling have a right of due process entrance (which by the way they do have at checkpoints) so his confusion over people sneaking in from those lawfully going through that due process is either his ignorance or evil inclined missdirection & political use of those sufferers and thus there's no actual there there.
NOW THAT WE CLEARED THAT UP, we reflect the mirror of his standard back at the Senator to notice his inhumanity not to let people struggling on the street to break in his side windows into his own home without arresting them and seperating them from their children..
PELOSI HERSELF seperated her grandkids from their parents for up to 2 months when she paid for their Overnight summer camp, placing her grandkids in poor bunk conditions much like scenes of bunks in Hogan's Heroes.
Pelosi now has the room in her own kids
house to house those unaccompanied kids or seperated kids in her grandkids rooms, and maybe this time she'll refrain from using them as slave labor in her vinyards.-oops!
Senator Thomas Udall inadvertantly called himself inhumane when he said that the immigrant people who are struggling have a right of due process entrance (which by the way they do have at checkpoints) so his confusion over people sneaking in from those lawfully going through that due process is either his ignorance or evil inclined missdirection & political use of those sufferers and thus there's no actual there there.
NOW THAT WE CLEARED THAT UP, we reflect the mirror of his standard back at the Senator to notice his inhumanity not to let people struggling on the street to break in his side windows into his own home without arresting them and seperating them from their children..
PELOSI HERSELF seperated her grandkids from their parents for up to 2 months when she paid for their Overnight summer camp, placing her grandkids in poor bunk conditions much like scenes of bunks in Hogan's Heroes.
Pelosi now has the room in her own kids
house to house those unaccompanied kids or seperated kids in her grandkids rooms, and maybe this time she'll refrain from using them as slave labor in her vinyards.-oops!

Wow, a disjointed rant mindful of word salad. Is this a product of an emotional outburst, or of a mental disorder that affects how this person thinks, feels, and behaves?
Senator Thomas Udall inadvertantly called himself inhumane when he said that the immigrant people who are struggling have a right of due process entrance (which by the way they do have at checkpoints) so his confusion over people sneaking in from those lawfully going through that due process is either his ignorance or evil inclined missdirection & political use of those sufferers and thus there's no actual there there.
NOW THAT WE CLEARED THAT UP, we reflect the mirror of his standard back at the Senator to notice his inhumanity not to let people struggling on the street to break in his side windows into his own home without arresting them and seperating them from their children..
PELOSI HERSELF seperated her grandkids from their parents for up to 2 months when she paid for their Overnight summer camp, placing her grandkids in poor bunk conditions much like scenes of bunks in Hogan's Heroes.
Pelosi now has the room in her own kids
house to house those unaccompanied kids or seperated kids in her grandkids rooms, and maybe this time she'll refrain from using them as slave labor in her vinyards.-oops!
Oh so he didn’t say that. Okay.
Not one reply from the left that addressed the Senator's confusion or outright lie over due process, instead you took the ad hominem response low road.
People claiming asylum are not illegal . They have immigration status. They are pending an asylum claim.
People claiming asylum are not illegal . They have immigration status. They are pending an asylum claim.
And that is done at check points=due process, so the Senator is either lying or stupid and confuses illegal entrance (sneaking in=illegal immigration=like breaking into a home) with legal entrance (front door ask for permission to enter).
People claiming asylum are not illegal . They have immigration status. They are pending an asylum claim.
And that is done at check points=due process, so the Senator is either lying or stupid and confuses illegal entrance (sneaking in=illegal immigration=like breaking into a home) with legal entrance (front door ask for permission to enter).

Checkpoints are not judge points .
People claiming asylum are not illegal . They have immigration status. They are pending an asylum claim.
And that is done at check points=due process, so the Senator is either lying or stupid and confuses illegal entrance (sneaking in=illegal immigration=like breaking into a home) with legal entrance (front door ask for permission to enter).

Checkpoints are not judge points .
Checkpoints are the front door, processing= the door bell, brought before the judge the owner you plee your shpiel to in order to be granted access entrance or not. IF I were to go to any country and ask asylum because I AM REFUSED SERVICE because I support my country by supporting the administration that technically is seeking legitimate political assylum. All I have to do is play a tape of Maxine Waters spewing her vetrol as evidence and technically they will give me assylum? AND what would happen if you snuck in their borders? WOULD EITHER OF US BE CITIZENS OF THAT COUNTRY OR REJECTED?
Who would be able to seek counsel and who would never be heard from again?
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