do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Such stupidity deserve this , the hate party voted down a bipartisan investigation. These lame fake Americans deserve anything they get, you don't get to try to bring down this government and demacracy for the sake of a piece of shit like Trump and think you can just walk away from it ,with nothing happening to you. Here's a fact, they give the death sentence for traitors in this country. and every person who was involved in the take over or supported the take over can't be defined any other way then being a traitor to this country.
Protesting our corrupt congress is treason in your mind? Boy, you need help.
Bullshit murder and attempt murder , sedition, being a traitor to this country and attacking the police with weapons , injuring 140 of them are crimes. TRying to force in apiece of shit like Trump in as a dictaor, by destroying our demacracy and country is the worst crime in this country, there is no crime worse then that .The people who did this and supported it are scum. Brainless hate driven micro minds. Stupid to the core.
Why do you believe the 140 injured cop number? WHY? The media lied flat out about officer sicknick and much more about that day but you keep quoting 140. This is just stupid on your part-----------the media lied and the government lied about that day---there is no way to confirm the 140.

This said--the only murder was done by the black pelosi capital cop who was out to kill trump supporters per his own text. No one else attempted murder or did murder. Our democracy is dead--------the dems have with the chinese and billioniares like zuckerberg have engaged in all out fraud following years of allowing those unqualified to be here to come in and stay allowing them to vote. We were never supposed to be a democracy as our founders realized that 1/2 the population has less than an average iq and that morons should never be allowed a stay in government. they wanted a republic and strict voting laws that prevented frauds and the town drunks from voting. Democracies are mob rule at best.
Good God , Hitlers people responded like this in the 30's and 40's .
Sounds like you must've been there!

What a tool, not only disagree with everything that says the opposite of what you say but
So then you are in COMPLETE agreement with T.Soup!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Conservatives want their terrorist attack ignored, forgotten about, swept under the rug –

JUST THE OPPOSITE. We are working to get the truth out about the Big Steal, how it was set up, how the Left stole an election, and the riot at the capitol that it caused by an America fighting back.
Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.

I know right? Ten just wasn’t enough :rolleyes-41:
Well, time for Nancy to get busy. This will backfire on The Insurrectionist Party - Bigly.
NP will name a select committee that will start calling in witnesses. Start with Kevin and Mitch!
Hopefully 3 Rs and three Ds. No one currently serving.
It will be covered nonstop by everyone but the usual media suspects.
And they can even impeach Trump a third time.
...and they may try again after he wins by a landslide in 2024.
As much as you Cons are creaming in your jeans over that slimy McWorm blocking that committee, guess the fuck what.

Speaker Pelosi is not backing down. She will be charging ahead with internal Congressional Probes and Investigations. No Republicans allowed.

Republicans on Friday blocked the launch of an external investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. But the issue is a long way from disappearing.

House Democrats, behind Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), are vowing to charge ahead with internal congressional probes of their own, a process now more likely to include the creation of a select committee focused solely on the violence that day — and any role former the Traitor played in instigating it.

Democrats had dangled the select committee as a kind of last resort — an unsubtle warning that investigations would proceed even if Republicans prevented the formation of an independent panel, modeled on the bipartisan 9/11 commission, to examine the violent events of Jan. 6.


The commission those fuck wad Republicans voted down was Bi-Partisan. But nope, you people so fucking wrapped about that Traitor's finger that it was rejected. Well fuck you.

Pelosi has the power to appoint a Select Committee.

No Republicans need apply.
Pelosi has the power to appoint a Select Committee.

No Republicans need apply.
. . yeah, that will help the discord in the nation and really bring some trust and faith back to the system. . .


Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance could be considering a criminal charge that former President Donald Trump’s business empire was a corrupt enterprise under a New York law resembling the federal racketeering statute known as RICO, former prosecutors and defense attorneys said.

New York’s enterprise corruption statute — which carries the potential for severe penalties — can be applied to money-making businesses alleged to have repeatedly engaged in criminal activity as a way to boost their bottom line.

The Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (R.I.C.O.) is primarily used against Organized Crime and those individuals involved in Organized Crime. That is what got Crime Boss John Gotti to die behind bars. Hopefully the same thing will happen with the Traitor.
You want a case for RICO charges? How about this one?


This is why the average working women and men of this nation don't have faith in the legal system. . . it is only for the rich and powerful in the cabal
New York Attorney General Open Criminal Probe Into The Traitor.

The Traitor is facing growing legal danger after the attorney general’s office in New York said it had opened a criminal investigation into his business activities and those of other Trump family members.

The attorney general, Letitia James, had been conducting a civil inquiry into the Traitor's Organization. On Tuesday night, her office said it was joining a sweeping criminal investigation being conducted in parallel by Manhattan’s district attorney, Cyrus Vance.

The move – communicated in a recent letter from James to the Traitor's Organization – significantly raises the stakes for the former Republican president, who now faces three separate criminal investigations.
You want a case for RICO charges? How about this one?


This is why the average working women and men of this nation don't have faith in the legal system. . . it is only for the rich and powerful in the cabal

You post an OPINION PIECE. Opinion is just that opinion and opinions are subjective.

A pitiful, pathetic attempt to pass of opinion as facts. No, no facts involved.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Time to Benghazi their asses!

Come and get us.
Be patient.
It's a long weekend. You cells will wait.
Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
Antifa nor Blm claim him.....

And Sullivan does not claim them either...:dunno: seems he just goes where trouble is, to make more trouble....??

I haven't seen video of him urging others to break in to the Capitol Building....?? Is there video, a link?

Where have you been, Princess?

Please don't tell me that you consider that link, a news site?

Yes, he was arrested, I said so.

I still had not SEEN video of this...
Again, a leftist dismisses the source rather than rebut the message. Liberalism manifests itself in a constant state of denial.

The next thing this dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead Princess will announce is that John Sullivan is a Trump supporter and that this photo proves it.

Hey Care4all ! The fact that you may not have SEEN video of Sullivan saying these things may be due to the fact that HE IS THE ONE MAKING THE VIDEOS and is not in the picture frames. He's holding the camera.

Apparently, you cannot understand written English enough to know that the FBI arrested Sullivan based on EVIDENCE of his participation. Here is a quote from the link that you FAILED to comprehend:
Here were a few of the notes from FBI Special Agent Matthew B. Foulger in the affidavit leading to Sullivan's arrest:

"After the crowd broke through the last barricade, and as SULLIVAN and the others approach the Capitol Building, SULLIVAN can be heard in the video saying at various points: 'There are so many people. Let's go. This s--t is ours! F--k yeah,' 'We accomplished this s--t. We did this together. F--k yeah! We are all a part of this history," and "Let's burn this s--t down."
Sullivan can then be seen on camera helping people scale a wall leading up to the Capitol.

I would try further to educate you, but you're not worth the effort. Continue with your idiocy.
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Reality is setting in for the Traitor As Legal Fees Mount.

The Traitor is frustrated over mounting legal bills amid two ongoing New York investigations into his business, according to a report by Business Insider.

Earlier this month, The New York Attorney General's office announced that it was conducting a criminal probe into the Trump Organization's finances and whether they violated state laws. Another civil case launched by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has been ongoing.

The former president is reportedly frustrated with the investigations because of the possible legal peril they bring and the financial costs attached to them.

It turns out the main reason the Traitor could not block former White House Counsel Don McGahn from testifying behind closed doors before the House Judiciary Committee is that he, the Traitor would have had to foot the bill for the legal costs.

The Traitor no longer has Butt Boy Bill Barr ordering the Justice Department to block for him.

Lawyers cost money, but then again the Traitor is NOT known for paying his legal bill, just Ghouli.
There's already two Senate investigations into Jan. 6, What more do you want?

"McConnell had dismissed the proposal as a "purely political exercise," given that two Senate committees are already looking into the events of Jan. 6. In remarks from the Senate floor Thursday, McConnell called into question how much more a commission would be able to unearth."
As much as you Cons are creaming in your jeans over that slimy McWorm blocking that committee, guess the fuck what.

Speaker Pelosi is not backing down. She will be charging ahead with internal Congressional Probes and Investigations. No Republicans allowed.

Republicans on Friday blocked the launch of an external investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. But the issue is a long way from disappearing.

House Democrats, behind Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), are vowing to charge ahead with internal congressional probes of their own, a process now more likely to include the creation of a select committee focused solely on the violence that day — and any role former the Traitor played in instigating it.

Democrats had dangled the select committee as a kind of last resort — an unsubtle warning that investigations would proceed even if Republicans prevented the formation of an independent panel, modeled on the bipartisan 9/11 commission, to examine the violent events of Jan. 6.


The commission those fuck wad Republicans voted down was Bi-Partisan. But nope, you people so fucking wrapped about that Traitor's finger that it was rejected. Well fuck you.

Pelosi has the power to appoint a Select Committee.

No Republicans need apply.
We already have external investigations going on. There's one going on regarding the 2020 the form of forensic audits.

The Democrats are trying to stop them.

Here's what one supporter of an additional 1-6 Commission said of the Republicans opposing it (in your linked article):

“When people are moving heaven and earth to block an investigation, you've got to ask, what is it they're afraid will be revealed?” Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) said Thursday in an interview with CNN.
I guess that asswipe doesn't apply that metric to Democrats opposing the audits.

The Democrat Party is ONE BIG FARCE!
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Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Conservatives want their terrorist attack ignored, forgotten about, swept under the rug –

JUST THE OPPOSITE. We are working to get the truth out about the Big Steal, how it was set up, how the Left stole an election, and the riot at the capitol that it caused by an America fighting back.
Hope Trump realizes that it's imperative that he helps prove the steal with every ounce of his ability to do so. Hope he doesn't think that his remaining wealth can protect him from the raging leftist after all that has taken place now.

If it took every bit of my ability to prove that the steal was real, and I were Trump, I'd spare no expense at doing so. Their is to many people working hard to prove what he claimed, and it wouldn't be wise for him to let them all down at this point. I know it's taken alot out of him, and he's getting up in age, but maybe his son's can kick in for him, and help to prove what most think happened during the election of 2020. They need to be very visible at this point going forward.
If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.
I vote this post as the most air headed post of the week..
Pelosi has the power to appoint a Select Committee.

No Republicans need apply.
. . yeah, that will help the discord in the nation and really bring some trust and faith back to the system. . .


Fuck the traitors and their supporters who tried to bring down this country and destroy our democracy. I'm a law and order type American and support the death penalty for all traitors of this country and I also believe the death penalty should apply to sedition also. These people are by far the biggest threat this country has had since the civil war and these traitors should be dissposed of.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Conservatives want their terrorist attack ignored, forgotten about, swept under the rug –

JUST THE OPPOSITE. We are working to get the truth out about the Big Steal, how it was set up, how the Left stole an election, and the riot at the capitol that it caused by an America fighting back.
Hope Trump realizes that it's imperative that he helps prove the steal with every ounce of his ability to do so. Hope he doesn't think that his remaining wealth can protect him from the raging leftist after all that has taken place now.

If it took every bit of my ability to prove that the steal was real, and I were Trump, I'd spare no expense at doing so. Their is to many people working hard to prove what he claimed, and it wouldn't be wise for him to let them all down at this point. I know it's taken alot out of him, and he's getting up in age, but maybe his son's can kick in for him, and help to prove what most think happened during the election of 2020. They need to be very visible at this point going forward.
What is the mental level of people who think that the election was stolem when 7 million more voted for Biden then the piece of shit Trump.

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