Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Or you know, the democrats could have actually compromised and agreed to investigate all their violent protests too as part of this non-partisan commission.
If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.

If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.

Why do Leftists exploit children?
Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.

In case it has escaped your memory, they interrogated Hilary for 3 days and came up with no fault of hers.
You're not real smart at this are you. Maybe you still suffering from hate of democrats. That's ok. Its goes after a while.
If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.

Why do Leftists exploit children?
Where are they exploiting children?
Be specific.
Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.
In case it has escaped your memory, they interrogated Hilary for 3 days and came up with no fault of hers.
You're not real smart at this are you. Maybe you still suffering from hate of democrats. That's ok. Its goes after a while.
No one else here missed my sarcasm.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
God Damnit, exclaimed Democrats. Now we have to actually govern and hope no one notices we don't know what we're doing....
Why do Leftists exploit children?
Where are they exploiting children? Be specific.

Seriously? Have you been living in a cave? For years and years, leftist-progressives have infiltrated and commandeered every aspect of the educational system; there is a story in the news practically every week of either some prog brow-beating kids in grade school to be good commies, to get a sex-change operation, or they are indoctrinating/forcing them in college.
If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.
I vote this post as the most air headed post of the week..
Well coming from an airhead like you, I bet you do. :)
Pelosi has the power to appoint a Select Committee.

No Republicans need apply.
. . yeah, that will help the discord in the nation and really bring some trust and faith back to the system. . .


Fuck the traitors and their supporters who tried to bring down this country and destroy our democracy. I'm a law and order type American and support the death penalty for all traitors of this country and I also believe the death penalty should apply to sedition also. These people are by far the biggest threat this country has had since the civil war and these traitors should be dissposed of.
I vote this post as the most NAZI of the week. There's way more than 6 million of us, so good luck Adolf.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Conservatives want their terrorist attack ignored, forgotten about, swept under the rug –

JUST THE OPPOSITE. We are working to get the truth out about the Big Steal, how it was set up, how the Left stole an election, and the riot at the capitol that it caused by an America fighting back.
Hope Trump realizes that it's imperative that he helps prove the steal with every ounce of his ability to do so. Hope he doesn't think that his remaining wealth can protect him from the raging leftist after all that has taken place now.

If it took every bit of my ability to prove that the steal was real, and I were Trump, I'd spare no expense at doing so. Their is to many people working hard to prove what he claimed, and it wouldn't be wise for him to let them all down at this point. I know it's taken alot out of him, and he's getting up in age, but maybe his son's can kick in for him, and help to prove what most think happened during the election of 2020. They need to be very visible at this point going forward.
What is the mental level of people who think that the election was stolem when 7 million more voted for Biden then the piece of shit Trump.
That's just it, you can't prove 7 million more votes for Mr.lost in space then there was for Trump. It's only in your rehtoric and BULLCRAP since no one has finished with the audit's yet.
If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Let's all shed a tear for liberals who had to move a few blocks from where they were.

Just remember that the image Trump created will be forever associated with the violent attacks by the American military, on peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment Rights. And it galvanized public opposition to the Trump Presidency.

You wonder why so many people voted for Joe Biden, well the image of Trump standing in front that church, having just tear-gassed the Minister who was standing in front of it giving out water to the marchers, holding an upside down Bible, literally drove voters to the polls to get the criminal out of office.

And here you are mocking the violence that cost Trump the election!
Leftist/liberals have done enough in their own names to receive their just rewards of not gaining a whole lotta respect in life. How is there supposed to be a respect for leftist/liberals or anyone for that matter, after all that they have done, and after the action's that they have taken and/or shown in life, without any regards or repentance of their actions that have been taken by them ??? People have their crosses to bare, but for those who refuse proper instruction in life, and refuse to turn from their wicked ways, then respect will be hard to find.

That's talking about the disciples who went to follow/walk with Jesus, but you knew that (I'm guessing), so nice try at your leftist spin in your attempt to even use the Bible as a weapon in your demented mind.
Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.

In case it has escaped your memory, they interrogated Hilary for 3 days and came up with no fault of hers.
You're not real smart at this are you. Maybe you still suffering from hate of democrats. That's ok. Its goes after a while.
Oh they came up with stuff alright, it just didn't stick because you can't make slime stick to a wall.
The republicans saving the taxpayers money. We saw what 40 million dollars and 25 democrat lawyers got us. Some dude in jail for his taxes from 10 years ago and absolutely NOTHING on the president.

Do we really need to spend money to investigate this?


proof=guy with dixie flag was a Dem from Delaware
You doubt the FBI?
Still waiting for you to post proof that guy is a Democrat..........

Like the proof the protestors were armed?
Go to the search feature and find my 2 different sources, and if you can't find the info in Google researching then you lose the censorship issue as well. :)
Note: people confuse the dixie flag friend with fur collar with buffalo horn fur wearer by mere mention of fur=assumption, so they rant it a lie like you did out of their own mistake. Just clearing that up, dixie flags partner in crime was not the one I call buffalo soldier. I NEVER SAVED HIS PICTURE someone here posted it so there was no need to, but there is one online seen together with the FBI report that the friend was also a Registered Dem.
Note on Jan 6 before the FBI investigation report Kevin Seefried, who was carrying the flag that he later told authorities had been displayed outside his Delaware home was assumed or purposely reported as a Trump supporter without research or "proof" by
Mike Theiler through Reuters.
Typical poor fake news propaganda reporting and another egg on the face.
The FBI's Baltimore Office tells the press that the men surrendered to authorities in Wilmington. HMMMM who's responsible for the 90 % Biden voting Wimington residents?
In fact:
The rioters (not the protestors) facing federal charges hail from 42 out of the 50 US states and the District of Columbia, according to the George Washington University extremism tracker.
Only a few came from pro-Trump strongholds. Most came from districts that voted for Joe Biden in the November election.
The convenience of the Left-wing activist who wanted to record the set up dixie flag was also arrested after tweeting video of himself inside the US Capitol as protesters breached security.
John Sullivan, 26, was charged with entering a restricted building and violent entry or disorderly conduct. He claimed in media interviews that he was just "documenting" the rampage, though the affidavit notes he has no press credentials.
The court document says Mr Sullivan can be heard saying in a video he filmed of the Capitol riot: "Let's burn this shit down." He has identified himself in media interviews as a Black Lives Matter supporter-oops
You lie. There's no evidence the Kevin Seefried in the Capitol is a registered Democrat.
proof=guy with dixie flag was a Dem from Delaware
You doubt the FBI?
Still waiting for you to post proof that guy is a Democrat..........

I can see by your 1 sentence ad hominem posts that you are to lazy to find it yourself.

Retard, this is who you show is a registered Democrat...

Screenshot_20210531-112629_Samsung Internet.jpg

Note the year of birth...1986. The Kevin Seefried you claim was in the Capitol with the Confederate battle flag is from Wilmington and would be about 34.

But the actual Kevin Seefried in the Capitol is 51 and is from Laurel...

As part of the FBI’s nationwide manhunt to identify the rioters at the US Capitol on January 6, Delaware man Kevin Seefried, who was spotted carrying a Confederate flag inside the Capitol, was arrested on January 14. In a viral photo from the Capitol siege, 51-year-old Seefried was seen carrying the controversial Confederate flag while creating a ruckus inside the Capitol along with his son Hunter.


During his interrogation with the FBI, Kevin admitted that he displays the same flag outside his home in Laurel, Delaware. On the day of the Capitol attack, he carried the flag all the way to Washington, DC, proudly asserting his allegiance to the controversial banner, which, in fact, is banned in multiple states.

[emphasis added to highlight your ignorance]

Savvy, rightard? That's a different Kevin Seefried. That's why I wanted you to post your "proof." Because I know you're an idiot.

Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
Antifa nor Blm claim him.....

And Sullivan does not claim them either...:dunno: seems he just goes where trouble is, to make more trouble....??

I haven't seen video of him urging others to break in to the Capitol Building....?? Is there video, a link?

Where have you been, Princess?


Rightard, notthebee.com???

Not the Bee is a humor-based news, opinion, and entertainment site from the creators of The Babylon Bee and Disrn. Like the name suggests, it'll feature some absurd and hilarious (but real) news that seems like it should definitely be satire.


Try actual news...

The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
As abhorrent as those riots were, they weren't an attack on our country. Unlike Insurrection Day which was an attack at the heart of our government to prevent the winner of the 2020 election being certified so that the loser of that election could be undemocratically installed.

You demonstrate how the right suffers from an abnormal brain disfunction known as conservatism.
Neither were the Jan 6 riots. Who are you trying to kid? You only fool the gullible with this horseshit.
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn't know what the U.S. government is. :cuckoo:
I now you don't overthrow it with a taser and some cable ties, dip stick.

The hysteria over this event is purely fictional
You do with a big enough mob to subdue the police and lawmakers.
You don't subdue people who can use machine guns, moron.
Hundreds of thousands descended upon the Capitol. Thousand squeezed inside the perimeter of the building and some 800 stormed inside. And that was before other departments showed up as backup with machine guns.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Thanks for admitting it was unarmed Americans against machine guns.

Why lie, fucking moron? Where did I say the insurgents were unarmed?

What were they armed with, cable ties?
Fucking moron....

You web page uses the term "dangerous weapon" over and over. Nowhere is that defined.
Why do you work so hard to show the forum just how big of a fucking moron you are, fucking moron?

Fucking moron... a) there's some 40 insurrectionists on that page charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon. That means they were armed, despite your delusional claims they weren't; and b) every one of those has their indictment linked which describes what they used as weapons.

Seriously fucking moron, what the fuck is wrong with you? When did you decide to side with enemies of America?
What "dangerous weapon" was that, cable ties? A hollow aluminum flag poll?

Their indictment does not describe this so called "dangerous weapon." It simply says "dangerous weapon." It takes a special kind of stupid to believe these people intended to overthrow the government.
Yes, fucking moron, the indictments identify the "dangerous weapons."
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
As abhorrent as those riots were, they weren't an attack on our country. Unlike Insurrection Day which was an attack at the heart of our government to prevent the winner of the 2020 election being certified so that the loser of that election could be undemocratically installed.

You demonstrate how the right suffers from an abnormal brain disfunction known as conservatism.
Neither were the Jan 6 riots. Who are you trying to kid? You only fool the gullible with this horseshit.
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn't know what the U.S. government is. :cuckoo:
I now you don't overthrow it with a taser and some cable ties, dip stick.

The hysteria over this event is purely fictional
You do with a big enough mob to subdue the police and lawmakers.
You don't subdue people who can use machine guns, moron.
Hundreds of thousands descended upon the Capitol. Thousand squeezed inside the perimeter of the building and some 800 stormed inside. And that was before other departments showed up as backup with machine guns.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Thanks for admitting it was unarmed Americans against machine guns.

Why lie, fucking moron? Where did I say the insurgents were unarmed?

What were they armed with, cable ties?
Fucking moron....

You web page uses the term "dangerous weapon" over and over. Nowhere is that defined.
Why do you work so hard to show the forum just how big of a fucking moron you are, fucking moron?

Fucking moron... a) there's some 40 insurrectionists on that page charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon. That means they were armed, despite your delusional claims they weren't; and b) every one of those has their indictment linked which describes what they used as weapons.

Seriously fucking moron, what the fuck is wrong with you? When did you decide to side with enemies of America?
What "dangerous weapon" was that, cable ties? A hollow aluminum flag poll?

Their indictment does not describe this so called "dangerous weapon." It simply says "dangerous weapon." It takes a special kind of stupid to believe these people intended to overthrow the government.
Yes, fucking moron, the indictments identify the "dangerous weapons."

Please quote one.
Antifa would love to make Trump supporters look bad. It wouldn't surprise me if they sunk to that low level to do exactly that.
Like this?View attachment 495481
The insanity to try to make the attack on the capital a left wing attack because one of the people who was at the protest was a left winger, now did he even go in the capital. You just have to laugh at their pitiful approach. The deal is that's all they got. So when we talk about the thousand who attacked the capital and the hundreds that forced their way into the capital, they respond to balance everything is by bringing up one guy.

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