No abortions for rape or incest but OK for mistress of tea party Rep cheating on wife

He should have just drove across a bridge with her in the car and into a river and refuse to get help....problem solved.
He should have just drove across a bridge with her in the car and into a river and refuse to get help....problem solved.

Sounds like something a rich drunk democrat would try and pull....oh wait.....:eusa_whistle:
Then the asshole records himself begging the chick he's cheating on his wife with to get an abortion

Scott DesJarlais, Pro-Life Republican Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Abortion (UPDATE)

Scott DesJarlais, Pro-Life Republican Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Abortion (UPDATE)

You're confused about the tea party. The tea party, is a tax and spend revolt. It has nothing to do with the socon agenda. Hence the name ... tea party ... A reference to the colonial tax revolt. There may be socons in the tea party, but even then their point is that fiscal issues should be the priority with government.

So just saying "tea party" and "abortion" isn't a contradiction.
The left is now down to trying to make argument fallacies stick based on some moron's lack of self control.

Ed Shultz called Laura Ingrahm a slut.

And Bill Clinton admits to the Blue Dress treatment by M.L.

So what ?
Wasn't there a recent thread that ran quite awhile regarding a Democrat having sex in a wayside rest,,,,,,gay sex? Then it wasn't "so what".
Every time some Dem or Repug gets caught doing something regarding sex, there's a thread started. It doesn't matter if the politician is a US Senator/Representative or a state level politician, there is a thread on the subject. Count on it.

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