No American was hurt by Trump's alleged "crime" but are hurt by The Economy, last 3 years

It certainly is a shame Biden didn't inherit Obama's economy.,
What did Barry say about Joe? Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up? Let's face it...whatever Joe Biden touches turns into a giant steaming pile of shit. It's who he is. Forget that he's also obviously going senile...he was never smart to begin with. Especially when it comes to foreign policy. He hasn't been right on a foreign policy issue in forty years.
What did Barry say about Joe? Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up? Let's face it...whatever Joe Biden touches turns into a giant steaming pile of shit. It's who he is. Forget that he's also obviously going senile...he was never smart to begin with. Especially when it comes to foreign policy. He hasn't been right on a foreign policy issue in forty years.

Presidents receive both too much blame and too much credit for the economy. We're still a capitalistic economic system.

Are those that lease real estate not supposed to make up for losses they incurred during the pandemic?

People complain about gasoline prices, neglecting the beating in value of energy companies took since 2007 while other industries prospered over that same time. They write as if it is a sin for these companies to charge market value for their product and neglect the pressure on CEO's from investors who desire their company keep pace with the gains of alternative investment choices.

Presidents receive both too much blame and too much credit for the economy. We're still a capitalistic economic system.

Are those that lease real estate not supposed to make up for losses they incurred during the pandemic?

People complain about gasoline prices, neglecting the beating in value of energy companies took since 2007 while other industries prospered over that same time. They write as if it is a sin for these companies to charge market value for their product and neglect the pressure on CEO's from investors who desire their company keep pace with the gains of alternative investment choices.

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I agree in part with your first line, My2cents but President's CAN drastically affect an economy with their policies. When Joe Biden was pushing "Build Back Better" and the "Inflation Reduction Act" he was warned by Economists that pumping Trillions of dollars in stimulus money into an economy coming out of the Covid shut downs was going to be inflationary and he chose to ignore those warnings! That 9% inflation rate and a cumulative rate of almost 20% are the result of that and unfortunately for Joe Biden...he OWNS that!
Joe Biden...he OWNS that!

Yes, he does - or whoever is behind the puppet president. He and congress in handling of the budget have been totally reckless. But the same can be said of every president of this century. And let's not let the Fed off the hook. Interest rates should have slowly risen back to normal starting no later than 2013. Instead of small bites, we've been forced to overcompensate with a mighty one.

It would be unfair to point to Nixon not bowing to the Arabs and bringing on the oil embargo, as the sole source of the 1970's decade of inflation. LBJ's Vietnam War and his Great Society costs can't be disregarded. Nixon's wage-and-price controls and subsequent legislation was a lesson in the ineffectiveness of the crap like the "Inflation Reduction Act". Only an economic slow-down with the people paying the price brings inflation to its knees.

Tax cuts, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the Great Recession, the pandemic all contributed to undermine what Bush the 1st, Bill Clinton, and Republicans in congress took on facing the federal deficit.

Plus, there are many things that effect the price we pay for things. Gasoline prices were purposely kept down beginning in the fall of 2014 as the Saudi Arabia desired to undermine America's fracking industry. American oil companies took a hit with many of the smaller ones going bankrupt while major ones were forced to fire people and become more efficient. After the pandemic, oil producers' strategy had to change to make up for lost ground.

All-in-all it can pretty well be summed up that as it goes with most things, eventually the rooster comes home to roost.

Yeh, we were all hurt by Trump's accounting practices, weren't we? And he was not his own accountant anyway.

But haven't we all been hurt by

sky high INFLATION?
can't afford to rent, much less by a house?
There has been no invasion.
Inflation was global thanks to a pandemic.
Inflation is 3 percent ow, and our economy is doing better than all others on earth.
Biden is not responsible for prices.
Yes, he does - or whoever is behind the puppet president. He and congress in handling of the budget have been totally reckless. But the same can be said of every president of this century. And let's not let the Fed off the hook. Interest rates should have slowly risen back to normal starting no later than 2013. Instead of small bites, we've been forced to overcompensate with a mighty one.

It would be unfair to point to Nixon not bowing to the Arabs and bringing on the oil embargo, as the sole source of the 1970's decade of inflation. LBJ's Vietnam War and his Great Society costs can't be disregarded. Nixon's wage-and-price controls and subsequent legislation was a lesson in the ineffectiveness of the crap like the "Inflation Reduction Act". Only an economic slow-down with the people paying the price brings inflation to its knees.

Tax cuts, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the Great Recession, the pandemic all contributed to undermine what Bush the 1st, Bill Clinton, and Republicans in congress took on facing the federal deficit.

Plus, there are many things that effect the price we pay for things. Gasoline prices were purposely kept down beginning in the fall of 2014 as the Saudi Arabia desired to undermine America's fracking industry. American oil companies took a hit with many of the smaller ones going bankrupt while major ones were forced to fire people and become more efficient. After the pandemic, oil producers' strategy had to change to make up for lost ground.

All-in-all it can pretty well be summed up that as it goes with most things, eventually the rooster comes home to roost.
Vietnam might have been costly but you guys need to quit lying about the great society.

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