No AR-15 found

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
How does CNN report the fact that no AR-15 was used in the DC Navy Yard shooting?

A U.S. law enforcement official said Monday that gunman Aaron Alexis unleashed a barrage of bullets using an AR-15, a rifle and a semi-automatic handgun. Authorities believed the AR-15 was used for most of the shooting, the official said. The news prompted Sen. Dianne Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15, to issue a statement the same day asking, "When will enough be enough?"
However, federal law enforcement sources told CNN Tuesday that authorities have recovered three weapons from the scene of the mass shooting, including one -- a shotgun -- that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound. The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex.
The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning's shootings. Authorities are still investigating precisely how many weapons Alexis had access to and when.

Navy Yard shooting: AR-15, back in the news -- briefly -

Nope, no bias there.
A shotgun is a more effective weapon in an office. An AR would not be my gun of choice in the same scenario.

Rather have an AR. You wont benefit from the spread at close range with a shotgun and you have limited ammo. And it's a pain in the ass to load in most cases.
Much rather have an AR and five or six 30 round mags that can be changed in a couple of seconds.
Nope, no bias there.

Nor here...:doubt::

A shotgun is a more effective weapon in an office. An AR would not be my gun of choice in the same scenario.

Rather have an AR. You wont benefit from the spread at close range with a shotgun and you have limited ammo. And it's a pain in the ass to load in most cases.
Much rather have an AR and five or six 30 round mags that can be changed in a couple of seconds.

Would someone with more patience please explain this to him.
A shotgun is a more effective weapon in an office. An AR would not be my gun of choice in the same scenario.

Sure thing. "What was the last part of that question?"

[ame=]Biden: I Tell My Wife To Get The Shotgun Ready - YouTube[/ame]
Navy Yard shooter sought mental health treatment from VA...

Navy Yard shooter reported hearing voices through walls
September 17, 2013 - Background check by his company recently turned up only a traffic violation; Alexis received an early discharge from the Navy Reserves; Alexis had a "secret" clearance for his job at the Navy Yard, company says
The life of Aaron Alexis, the 34-year-old civilian Navy contractor who killed 12 people Monday in a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, friends, law enforcement and military officials say, was an odd combination of Buddhist calm and paranoia, friendliness and sudden rage. "He always thought someone was trying to hurt him," said Nutpisit Suthamtewakul, a friend of Alexis in Fort Worth. "He was afraid of people." Suthamtewakul, who first met Alexis at a Buddhist temple, told USA TODAY that Alexis showed signs of paranoia and routinely carried a .45-caliber pistol in his belt while making deliveries for a Thai restaurant.

Alexis' paranoia was in full display again as recently as August. He complained to police in Newport, R.I., about hearing voices speaking to him through the ceiling of his hotel room and seeking to penetrate his body with vibrations from a "microwave machine" to prevent him from sleeping. He told officers that he had no history of mental illness in his family. Alexis' name is blacked out in the Newport police report, dated Aug. 7, but he is identified as a contractor for the Navy. He complained to officers about getting into a dispute with three people while getting on a flight from Virginia to Rhode Island. He heard their voices through the wall of his room at the Residence Inn in Middletown, R.I., according to the report. Alexis moved to a hotel on a Navy base to escape the voices, heard them again and moved to a Marriott Hotel in Newport.

Officers told Alexis to contact them if the people threatened him again. The officers also called authorities at a naval facility in Newport and informed them about Alexis' report. The officer was told the Navy would follow up on the report. As recently as a month ago, Alexis had sought assistance for mental illness from the Department of Veterans Affairs, a federal law enforcement official said Tuesday. Alexis, a former Navy reservist who was killed by police responding to the massacre, reported symptoms of paranoia including hearing voices, said the official who is not authorized to comment publicly. It was not believed that Alexis was ever declared mentally ill by a court. Such a finding would have prohibited him from purchasing a weapon.


See also:

Hagel ordering review of security in wake of Washington Navy Yard
September 17th, 2013 ~ CNN has learned Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is ordering a worldwide review of physical security measures at all US military installations in the wake of the attack at the Washington Navy Yard.
A senior Pentagon official tells CNN Hagel will order the military to look at all existing security measures to see if they are sufficient and to determine what other measures may be needed. Still to be determined is who will be put in charge of the review and the deadline for reporting back to Hagel.

At the same time, the Pentagon is still trying to determine what it needs to do to begin a parallel review of security clearances and access standards for contractors and other employees, according to a Defense Department official. Some elements of clearance procedures are handled by other parts of the government so coordination will be required, but the official said it’s expected some review of that element will also take place.

This follow an earlier confirmation from the Navy that it was beginning a similar physical security review at all of its installations.

The kind of firearm actually used need bear no resemblance to the one democrats make up.
Now there will be a liberal based movement to ban automatic and pump action shotguns.

And only single shot bolt action shotguns will be legal to own.

That will really suck if you like to bird hunt; ducks, dove, quail, and such. .. :doubt:
How does CNN report the fact that no AR-15 was used in the DC Navy Yard shooting?

A U.S. law enforcement official said Monday that gunman Aaron Alexis unleashed a barrage of bullets using an AR-15, a rifle and a semi-automatic handgun. Authorities believed the AR-15 was used for most of the shooting, the official said. The news prompted Sen. Dianne Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15, to issue a statement the same day asking, "When will enough be enough?"
However, federal law enforcement sources told CNN Tuesday that authorities have recovered three weapons from the scene of the mass shooting, including one -- a shotgun -- that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound. The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex.
The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning's shootings. Authorities are still investigating precisely how many weapons Alexis had access to and when.

Navy Yard shooting: AR-15, back in the news -- briefly -

Nope, no bias there.

Ah good, this one type of firearm not involved. Excellent news, I'm sure the dead victims will be ecstatic to learn that the AR-15 said to have killed them does not exist, therefore they are free to come back to life. Huzzah.

Was there a point coming with this thread, or does that cost extra?
A shotgun is a more effective weapon in an office. An AR would not be my gun of choice in the same scenario.

Rather have an AR. You wont benefit from the spread at close range with a shotgun and you have limited ammo. And it's a pain in the ass to load in most cases.
Much rather have an AR and five or six 30 round mags that can be changed in a couple of seconds.

You can ghost-load most pump shotguns from your butt-sleve while keeping your tube full and remember, with OObuck each trigger-pull is 9 pellets (.33 caliber)....the shotgun is a superior weapon to any other firearm out to 60 meters.
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How does CNN report the fact that no AR-15 was used in the DC Navy Yard shooting?

A U.S. law enforcement official said Monday that gunman Aaron Alexis unleashed a barrage of bullets using an AR-15, a rifle and a semi-automatic handgun. Authorities believed the AR-15 was used for most of the shooting, the official said. The news prompted Sen. Dianne Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15, to issue a statement the same day asking, "When will enough be enough?"
However, federal law enforcement sources told CNN Tuesday that authorities have recovered three weapons from the scene of the mass shooting, including one -- a shotgun -- that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound. The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex.
The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning's shootings. Authorities are still investigating precisely how many weapons Alexis had access to and when.

Navy Yard shooting: AR-15, back in the news -- briefly -

Nope, no bias there.

Ah good, this one type of firearm not involved. Excellent news, I'm sure the dead victims will be ecstatic to learn that the AR-15 said to have killed them does not exist, therefore they are free to come back to life. Huzzah.

Was there a point coming with this thread, or does that cost extra?

I'd say the point is that the MSM are liars and Feinstein uses lies to promote your side's agenda...when you get caught at it like you have this time you say "big deal" and wander off....and you'll do it over and over again.

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