No Cake for You

Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.

Bakers should be forced to make cakes featuring strippers with only the naughty bits blurred out.

Wouldn't want to deny strippers their constitutional rights!
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.

The Supreme Court obviously found it since PA laws have been on the books since 1964, have been challenged and, lo and behold, we still have them.

On the Federal level they protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability...and some on a local level protect gays. But which ones to folks attack? Not the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the PA laws found there at the FEDERAL level...Nope, just want to get rid of the ones at the local level. So much for "states rights" eh?

So you don't know where it says that, you just know who thinks it does say that. The Supremes find lots of things that aren't there, like the right to an abortion, the right to force citizens into a contract with a corporation. If it's there, why is the best argument you have that they found it when you can't? The document is not that long.
kaz said:
Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.

Where in the constitution does it say they CAN'T require you to bake a cake?

Really? Read the 10th amendment

Actually, what requires you to back a cake is when you took out an ad that says, "I bake wedding cakes" In short, your advertisement was half of a written contract.

No it's not, that's stupid. You don't know what contracts are.
I am, when did I do that? The voices in your head are very angry today, aren't they JoeTheNutJob?

don't play coy, guy. Somehow I doublt you were out there fighting for gay rights, or saying, "That's wrong" when Bush and Cheney appealled to homophobia in 2004.

Liberals think you support groups by giving them perks. Low the bar for blacks or you are racist. Give women freebies like contraception or abortion or you are anti-women.

I support gays like I support all groups, with being left alone by government to live their life as they chose. I want them to have every right I have. No more, no less. That is how I support them.
So you don't know where it says that, you just know who thinks it does say that. The Supremes find lots of things that aren't there, like the right to an abortion, the right to force citizens into a contract with a corporation. If it's there, why is the best argument you have that they found it when you can't? The document is not that long.

I think you miss her point. PA laws have been on the books for 50 years, and have been found constitutional whenever challenged.

YOu have a right to be a homophobe. That does not extend to your business. Period.
Liberals think you support groups by giving them perks. Low the bar for blacks or you are racist.

Except no one ever said, "Lower the bar for blacks". They said give blacks a fair chance at the same oppurtunities whites enjoy. It is racist to assume a black can't do the same job as a white unless you lower the bar for him.

It's been established that employers are more likely to hire white people, even when qualifications are otherwise the same. It's why John gets a call back on his resume and Jamal doesn't.

Give women freebies like contraception or abortion or you are anti-women.

Well, no, you see, it's a matter of actually having public health policies that make sense. Family planning is the greatest anti-poverty program there is. That's why it works. That's why the government should pay for it.

I support gays like I support all groups, with being left alone by government to live their life as they chose. I want them to have every right I have. No more, no less. That is how I support them.

Then they should have equal access to marriage that you have and they should expect the same level of service when doing business that a straight person enjoys.
So you don't know where it says that, you just know who thinks it does say that. The Supremes find lots of things that aren't there, like the right to an abortion, the right to force citizens into a contract with a corporation. If it's there, why is the best argument you have that they found it when you can't? The document is not that long.

I think you miss her point. PA laws have been on the books for 50 years, and have been found constitutional whenever challenged.

YOu have a right to be a homophobe. That does not extend to your business. Period.

I'm not sure your point if repeating her point that I addressed

I'm not sure your point if repeating her point that I addressed

Whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists didn't Say Anything About that" isn't a point.

But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

I'm not sure your point if repeating her point that I addressed

Whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists didn't Say Anything About that" isn't a point.

But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?

I'm not sure your point if repeating her point that I addressed

Whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists didn't Say Anything About that" isn't a point.

But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?
What gives me wood is when people know the difference between its and it's.

I'm not sure your point if repeating her point that I addressed

Whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists didn't Say Anything About that" isn't a point.

But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?
What gives me wood is when people know the difference between its and it's.

Actually I do know the difference, but I only edit my posts so far. The rare rate I get your internet censor pen pointed at me is a testament to that. Personally I think spelling trolling is about the lamest post possible, but you are the standard in lame.
And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?

Depends which citizens they are doing it to.

The dumb-ass Christian Bible thumpers who put BUsh into office and let him fuck up all our lives... I'm all for screwing those people.

Well, at least you're for a government that's fair...
Whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists didn't Say Anything About that" isn't a point.

But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?
What gives me wood is when people know the difference between its and it's.

Actually I do know the difference, but I only edit my posts so far. The rare rate I get your internet censor pen pointed at me is a testament to that. Personally I think spelling trolling is about the lamest post possible, but you are the standard in lame.
If you knew the difference then you would have corrected your post, which you have yet to do.
Well, at least you're for a government that's fair...

I think that's TOTALLY fair.

You have a business.
Your business makes wedding cakes.
Gays can no legally get married.
totally fair that you should do WHAT YOU PROMISED TO DO.

When did they promise to make an wedding cake for anyone who demanded it?

My business promises to serve no one but who we identify as customers we want. We do graphic design and marketing. We purposely overcharge some items for services we don't want to provide. People will come in and ask us to make one copy of their passport photo because we have digital presses and they think we make copies. We aren't Kinkos and don't want to be. Kinkos is set up for that. For me, it ties up my customer service people. So we charge $5 minimum. Some pay it actually and are fine. Still wasn't worth our time, but at least they appreciate we provided a service we don't say we provide. Some whine and say they won't be back. They don't grasp that's what we want...
But this is???

Sure. It's an absolute point. Making the bakers bake the cake is showing them that homophobia is no longer acceptable, even if you dress it up in vestments and call it religion.

And it's a great thing. We should all be happy.

And government using it's power to force it's citizens to do your will gives you a nice big happy woody, doesn't it?
What gives me wood is when people know the difference between its and it's.

Actually I do know the difference, but I only edit my posts so far. The rare rate I get your internet censor pen pointed at me is a testament to that. Personally I think spelling trolling is about the lamest post possible, but you are the standard in lame.
If you knew the difference then you would have corrected your post, which you have yet to do.

Wow, I didn't realize with internet censor came with the power to tell people what to do with their posts. I see your attraction to the job, its right up your alley, you love power and it's benefits.

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