No Cake for You

Really? They ask the state for a license to operate, to sell cakes to the public. Bakers could refuse orders. Bakers cannot discriminate in public the way you would want...

We are a nation of laws. If you follow the link below, you will be educated on what you are talking about

What is a Public Accommodation?

Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against certain protected groups in businesses and places that are considered "public accommodations." The definition of a "public accommodation" may vary depending upon the law at issue (i.e. federal or state), and the type of discrimination involved (i.e. race discrimination or disability discrimination). Generally speaking, it may help to think of public accommodations as most (but not all) businesses or buildings that are open to (or offer services to) the general public. More specifically, the definition of a "public accommodation" can be broken down into two types of businesses / facilities:

  • Government-owned/operated facilities, services, and buildings
  • Privately-owned/operated businesses, services, and buildings
- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations - FindLaw

The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.


Oh, it's about laws and the consequences of breaking the law.
really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.

and here we all thought it was about the law and guaranteed protections under constitutions.

Poor criminals feel intimidated and demand not to be punished? Go tell it to the judge. :lol:

Justice should require the baker to pay a fine equal to the cost of the cake. No more, no less
Really? For violating civil rights? They should be shut down and publicly flogged :clap2:

Over a cake?

You are a sick puppy
I'll just leave this here, to sum up:

"In our early struggles for liberty, religious freedom could not fail to become a primary object."

-Thomas Jefferson to Baltimore Baptists, 1808

"Religion, as well as reason, confirms the soundness of those principles on which our government has been founded and its rights asserted."

-Thomas Jefferson to P. H. Wendover, 1815
I'll just leave this here, to sum up:

"In our early struggles for liberty, religious freedom could not fail to become a primary object."

-Thomas Jefferson to Baltimore Baptists, 1808

"Religion, as well as reason, confirms the soundness of those principles on which our government has been founded and its rights asserted."

-Thomas Jefferson to P. H. Wendover, 1815
A bakery is not a church, a baker not a pastor. And so ends that debate.
The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.

and here we all thought it was about the law and guaranteed protections under constitutions.

Poor criminals feel intimidated and demand not to be punished? Go tell it to the judge. :lol:

Justice should require the baker to pay a fine equal to the cost of the cake. No more, no less
Justice requires that the baker bake the stupid cake. That's what they do for a living after all.
Hobby Lobby was decided by a 5 - 4 vote. If by chance some judge had left the court by death or whatever a few years earlier or later than he did, a Democrat instead of a Republican President could have replaced him and the Hobby Lobby decision might have easily been 4 -5. Would that magically mean the the right decision had been reached,

in either case?

Why is it you lefties don't get we are supposed to have freedom of association and the free exercise of religion, you don't give up those rights just to make an honest living.

Some people like to use religion in order to justify being bigoted assholes. Apparently the two dip-shits running the bakery were ignorant of the law. Sounds like they're too stupid to run a business.

What was it you said about assumptions?

The proof is in the pudding. I'm not the one who lost a business or had to pay a $150,000 fine.

So you agree that individuals lose their rights if they try to make an honest living, and you still call this a free country? Or should it be only as free as you want it to be?
In business your rights are limited. Now you know.
I'll just leave this here, to sum up:

"In our early struggles for liberty, religious freedom could not fail to become a primary object."

-Thomas Jefferson to Baltimore Baptists, 1808

"Religion, as well as reason, confirms the soundness of those principles on which our government has been founded and its rights asserted."

-Thomas Jefferson to P. H. Wendover, 1815
jesus,. another dope quoting Jefferson the hypocritical slave holder
personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
Huh? Depends on where one stands and when.

Hobby Lobby was decided by a 5 - 4 vote. If by chance some judge had left the court by death or whatever a few years earlier or later than he did, a Democrat instead of a Republican President could have replaced him and the Hobby Lobby decision might have easily been 4 -5. Would that magically mean the the right decision had been reached,

in either case?

Why is it you lefties don't get we are supposed to have freedom of association and the free exercise of religion, you don't give up those rights just to make an honest living.
Actually you do give up those rights. When you get hired you work with and for people you otherwise wouldn't have dealings with, and you do as the boss says or you lose your job. You don't get to preach at work, or require that your employer fire all the ******* either because they aren't your kind eh?
Some people like to use religion in order to justify being bigoted assholes. Apparently the two dip-shits running the bakery were ignorant of the law. Sounds like they're too stupid to run a business.

What was it you said about assumptions?

The proof is in the pudding. I'm not the one who lost a business or had to pay a $150,000 fine.

So you agree that individuals lose their rights if they try to make an honest living, and you still call this a free country? Or should it be only as free as you want it to be?

It's not an honest business when they're breaking the law.

So laws can take away your constitutional rights, who knew?
They limit them. Grownups know this so guess what that makes you...
Its funny, why is it that you always come back to the bible to justify why people should be forced to do something against their beliefs? Do you know what God did to the Egyptians for enslaving the Israelites? Tell me you aren't that naive and clueless.

God didn't do anything to the Egyptians because -

1) God doesn't exist.
2) The Israelites were NEVER in Egypt
3) Even the bible doesn't say the Egyptians 'enslaved' them. (Do you actually read your own fucking bible?)
really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.

and here we all thought it was about the law and guaranteed protections under constitutions.

Poor criminals feel intimidated and demand not to be punished? Go tell it to the judge. :lol:

Justice should require the baker to pay a fine equal to the cost of the cake. No more, no less
Justice requires that the baker bake the stupid cake. That's what they do for a living after all.

And Justice is served with the price of the cake.


Death penalty for parking tickets?
The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.


Oh, it's about laws and the consequences of breaking the law.
If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.

and here we all thought it was about the law and guaranteed protections under constitutions.

Poor criminals feel intimidated and demand not to be punished? Go tell it to the judge. :lol:

Justice should require the baker to pay a fine equal to the cost of the cake. No more, no less
Really? For violating civil rights? They should be shut down and publicly flogged :clap2:

Over a cake?

You are a sick puppy

No, over discrimination based on sexual orientation.
really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.


Oh, it's about laws and the consequences of breaking the law.
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.

and here we all thought it was about the law and guaranteed protections under constitutions.

Poor criminals feel intimidated and demand not to be punished? Go tell it to the judge. :lol:

Justice should require the baker to pay a fine equal to the cost of the cake. No more, no less
Really? For violating civil rights? They should be shut down and publicly flogged :clap2:

Over a cake?

You are a sick puppy

No, over discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Join the sick puppy club
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.

The Supreme Court obviously found it since PA laws have been on the books since 1964, have been challenged and, lo and behold, we still have them.

On the Federal level they protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability...and some on a local level protect gays. But which ones to folks attack? Not the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the PA laws found there at the FEDERAL level...Nope, just want to get rid of the ones at the local level. So much for "states rights" eh?
I wonder if I go to a gay bakery and want a cake with "Gays shall die with fire aids"on it. Do you think the gay owners will bake it for me and deliver it to the Anti-gay marriage meeting I am hosting? I think not.
Why would anyone in his right mind request such a cake in the first place.

Why would anyone in their right mind force a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding when there is a phone book full of people who would gladly bake it for them?

Liberals are so full of intolerance yet you grasp none of it

The bakers were the ones being intolerant, and it just so happens, people don't have to tolerate intolerance. And in Oregon, its against the law to discriminate. So sad.

What's sad is someone using Carla Danger as their user name. I guess you are really into weiner aren't you? You into Barney Franks and Lyndon Johnson too? What about I hate "the N word?" You'd bake that too?

So if you owned a bakery and you were asked to make a cake that said "Death To Muslims" or "Liberals are Vermin" or "Hitler Lives" or "Jews are Dogs" you'd bake it and shut up?

Government is there to protect us. Only an oppressive governments use force to compel it's citizens to do do what government decides they should do. But you are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. I am a libertarian, I'm a true liberal.

I suppose I like weiner, but it's not by choice. Haha! Now your Barney "N" word rant is just you typing, each word more useless than the last.

If I advertised political cakes at my bakery, I would do any type of political cake. If I advertised wedding cakes, I would do any type of wedding cake. More important, as a business owner, I would be knowledgeable of the laws.

You didn't say anything
Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
Huh? Depends on where one stands and when.

Hobby Lobby was decided by a 5 - 4 vote. If by chance some judge had left the court by death or whatever a few years earlier or later than he did, a Democrat instead of a Republican President could have replaced him and the Hobby Lobby decision might have easily been 4 -5. Would that magically mean the the right decision had been reached,

in either case?

Why is it you lefties don't get we are supposed to have freedom of association and the free exercise of religion, you don't give up those rights just to make an honest living.
Why is it most conservatives don't get that Commerce Clause jurisprudence authorizes public accommodations laws that in no why 'interfere' with freedom of association and the free exercise of religion, where no one is compelled to 'give up' those rights just to make an honest living.

Is it ignorance on the part of most conservatives, willful or otherwise – or just outright contempt for the Constitution and its case law and the rule of law driven by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans.

Why is it that FASCISTS don't get that the Commerce Clause merely prevents states from interfering with interstate commerce.

Any other interpretation is a BOLD FACE USURPATION by a corrupt fascist judiciary .


Why would anyone in their right mind force a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding when there is a phone book full of people who would gladly bake it for them?

Liberals are so full of intolerance yet you grasp none of it

Quite the contrary. The thing is, you guys were perfectly happy to use the power of government to discriminate against gays for decades. Now you are complaining the shoe is on the other foots, begging for this last little bit of room where you can be comfortable

I am, when did I do that? The voices in your head are very angry today, aren't they JoeTheNutJob?

JoeB131 said:
Government is there to protect us. Only an oppressive governments use force to compel it's citizens to do do what government decides they should do. But you are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. I am a libertarian, I'm a true liberal.

again, a Libertarian is a five year old who refuses to share his crayons.

A liberal is a five your old who grabs other kids crayons and cries to the teacher it's not fair they have more crayons.
That's just stupid. Protection is preventing other people from doing things like mugging you. To call forcing someone to bake a cake for you "protection" is just retarded.

Let's say you are the only black family in a given town, and all the businesses in town decide they will refuse to serve you. Is it protection to assure that businesses serve the customers that have the money to pay for services and goods? Absolutely. That's the whole purpose of public accomedation laws.

So if the baker says, "We provide wedding cakes" and you made a call and reserved a wedding cake that said, "Happy Wedding Pat and Mary", and the day of the wedding comes, and someone didn't realize that Pat and Mary were both chicks, and refuses to do the services offered, then YES, they need protection.

Jim Crow was government, Sparky. Why did government have to pass those laws? People wouldn't do them on their own. You are again giving an example of why NOT to give government that power to control how citizens interact.
All the baker had to do was say they couldn't handle the order. Who made being gay a divisive issue?

Both of them. The baker was being an ass by saying that, no doubt. But the couple by not walking out of the bakery, saying what a dick, and walking across the street to another baker who doesn't give a shit who they sleep with clearly were doing it for divisive politics, they wanted to force the prick to bake a cake. That's just stupid.

If the couple targeted the bakery, that is no crime. It's political. Is KAZ saying there isn't political issues in America surrounding people being gay?

No, how does oppose government using force to compel it's citizens to bake each other cakes remotely imply that?
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

That's just stupid. Protection is preventing other people from doing things like mugging you. To call forcing someone to bake a cake for you "protection" is just retarded.
You are in serious need of protection

I feel you. Who can I force to bake a cake for me?
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to force someone to bake you a cake? I can't find that part.

Where in the constitution does it say they CAN'T require you to bake a cake?

Actually, what requires you to back a cake is when you took out an ad that says, "I bake wedding cakes" In short, your advertisement was half of a written contract.

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