No Charges Against Colorado Cop For Killing The “Good-Guy-With-a-Gun” Holding Shooter’s Rifle


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
No Charges Against Colorado Cop For Killing The “Good-Guy-With-a-Gun” Holding Shooter’s Rifle

On a June day earlier this year, good-guy-with-a-gun John Hurley “fatally shot the gunman, Ronald Troyke, 59, with his own handgun after Troyke ambushed and killed Arvada Police Officer Gordon Beesley with a shotgun.”

Moments later, another officer arrived on the scene of the shootings. Not realizing Hurley had already killed the bad-guy-with-a-gun and observing Hurley holding the bad guy’s weapon, the officer killed Hurley.

This again proves that TV and movie cops are the only members of law enforcement that can automatically recognize a hero. Hurley made this mistake when he didn’t drop to the ground after shooting Troyke.

Hurley saw he had severely wounded the would-be mass shooter, and, as a good-guy-with-a-gun should have long before familiarized himself with police procedures when arriving at a live shooter incident. After all, good-guys-carrying-guns are awaiting their opportunity to become heroes, and should anticipate the cautious reaction by police arriving on the scene of their act of heroism.

Had Hurley taken the steps necessary and carefully waited to assure his quarry was incapacitated before approaching the body, he would not have been standing and holding the rifle of the dead man, assuring his own death by cops newly arriving. (Cops also want to be heroes.)

Other good-guys-with-guns, eager to become heroes and live to receive their expected accolades, should always remember the name, John Hurley. In fact, get his name tattooed on the wrist of your gun-hand as a reminder, just in case you get your chance.

1. seems like the cop fkd up--but I wasn't there
2. there you go IM2, BillyBoom, etc--the INNOCENT victim was WHITE..where's the defunders????!! = HYPOCRITES/liars/etc
--where as Floyd, Brown, etc were not innocent
a. a perfect example of how these situations are very dynamic--not easy-difficult-etc
3. for the wannabe heroes, it's not like a movie
This would be an extremely rare once in a lifetime occurrence for the innocent man who was killed. The police are supposed to be trained for things like this.
we've been over this a million freakin times
1. it's not like making a cheese sandwich or putting a screw in a hole----we have people that put screws in holes all the time at my work--and they fk it up sometimes
2. you can train 24/7, you never know how humans will react to situations like that-DUH--like first time in combat situations
.....stop the stupid shit--YOU are not perfect--you are NOT James Bond in a movie ..I had some idiot from NORWAY say ''why don't they just put the handcuffs on them'''!!!! = like it's a movie!!!!! = idiot
we've been over this a million freakin times
1. it's not like making a cheese sandwich or putting a screw in a hole----we have people that put screws in holes all the time at my work--and they fk it up sometimes
2. you can train 24/7, you never know how humans will react to situations like that-DUH--like first time in combat situations
.....stop the stupid shit--YOU are not perfect--you are NOT James Bond in a movie ..I had some idiot from NORWAY say ''why don't they just put the handcuffs on them'''!!!! = like it's a movie!!!!! = idiot

Those incapable of acting in a proper manner have no business being a police officer.
Those incapable of acting in a proper manner have no business being a police officer.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH can have the smartest most trained person/etc --you never know how they will react....AND, he's NOT guilty -
..the guy picked up the shooter's rifle --that was stupid, it was VERY reasonable for the cop to assume he was the shooter /etc
you are a real dumbass cause you don't get it
...again, you people think it's like a scripted TV is very dynamic...the guy picked up the shooter's rifle- stupid...
I saw one STUPID comment saying, it was good that he picked it up , because maybe someone would pick it up--maybe an accomplice !! - no=STUPID
...these are dynamic situations with many variables
so don't act like you are PERFECT and would do the PERFECT thing--like SavanahMann says all the time
..should the cop have fired- PROBABLY not---but it is VERY reasonable to assume that he was the shooter since he had the rifle
If you support open carry, it's scary thought that the police can just shoot you assuming you are a danger.
The article posted is not very helpful in any way. It doesn't speak to exactly what happened second by second.

I can't imagine a police officer would arrive to a scene of a shooting and just start firing. He would (at the very least) yell at the suspect to drop their weapon. Did this officer do that? How did the suspect respond? He wasn't found not guilty for nothing.
No Charges Against Colorado Cop For Killing The “Good-Guy-With-a-Gun” Holding Shooter’s Rifle

On a June day earlier this year, good-guy-with-a-gun John Hurley “fatally shot the gunman, Ronald Troyke, 59, with his own handgun after Troyke ambushed and killed Arvada Police Officer Gordon Beesley with a shotgun.”

Moments later, another officer arrived on the scene of the shootings. Not realizing Hurley had already killed the bad-guy-with-a-gun and observing Hurley holding the bad guy’s weapon, the officer killed Hurley.

This again proves that TV and movie cops are the only members of law enforcement that can automatically recognize a hero. Hurley made this mistake when he didn’t drop to the ground after shooting Troyke.

Hurley saw he had severely wounded the would-be mass shooter, and, as a good-guy-with-a-gun should have long before familiarized himself with police procedures when arriving at a live shooter incident. After all, good-guys-carrying-guns are awaiting their opportunity to become heroes, and should anticipate the cautious reaction by police arriving on the scene of their act of heroism.

Had Hurley taken the steps necessary and carefully waited to assure his quarry was incapacitated before approaching the body, he would not have been standing and holding the rifle of the dead man, assuring his own death by cops newly arriving. (Cops also want to be heroes.)

Other good-guys-with-guns, eager to become heroes and live to receive their expected accolades, should always remember the name, John Hurley. In fact, get his name tattooed on the wrist of your gun-hand as a reminder, just in case you get your chance.

It would never enter my mind to take possession of the assailant's weapon, only kicking it out of reach injured assailant and maintaining control over the scene. Having even your own weapon drawn and in your hand when the cops show up, is probably not a good idea.
It would never enter my mind to take possession of the assailant's weapon, only kicking it out of reach injured assailant and maintaining control over the scene. Having even your own weapon drawn and in your hand when the cops show up, is probably not a good idea.
You'd need to clear the shooter's weapon, too.
It would never enter my mind to take possession of the assailant's weapon, only kicking it out of reach injured assailant and maintaining control over the scene. Having even your own weapon drawn and in your hand when the cops show up, is probably not a good idea.

So if you are armed and a mugger accosts you and you pull your weapon, when the cops show up it will be understandable when they shoot you?
So if you are armed and a mugger accosts you and you pull your weapon, when the cops show up it will be understandable when they shoot you?
It'll be over, by the time the cops arrive. That confrontation is only going to last a few seconds. The call will go in after the fight is over and the cops will be minutes away
It'll be over, by the time the cops arrive. That confrontation is only going to last a few seconds. The call will go in after the fight is over and the cops will be minutes away
I think what he is getting at is the cops should not just show up and start shooting. I agree.

At the same time, the person with a gun has a responsibility to be non-threatening at all possible times.
I think what he is getting at is the cops should not just show up and start shooting. I agree.

At the same time, the person with a gun has a responsibility to be non-threatening at all possible times.
You're right, but like I said, it's all over by the time the cops show up and the law abiding citizen should have plenty of time to present himself as harmless.

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