No charges against Gaetz

Lying is so becoming, you lied and got caught so you double down and lie some more
No kidding?
My avatar lied about Gaetz?
I personally did not know that, tho admittedly I don't supervise every comma he places.

So, if you would, good poster GY, walk me through these transgressions you think you see.
If you have a legit me, I'll address it.

So, saddle up, Skippy.
Show the forum you have gravitas.
Absolutely none. There is no doubt he did it, but the witnesses weren't "credible". There was a paper trail of plane tickets and hotel room receipts. But sex trafficking victims and their pimps are seldom good witnesses. Sexual abuse of young men and women screws them up for life. His accuser had previously tried to extort another politician for having sex with underaged girls. Proving that Gaetz knew how old she was is difficult.

Many end up as sex trade workers, drug addicts, and derelicts, or some combination thereof. All are suffering some form of PTSD. Many attempt suicide. Gaetz victim is now a prostitute. Studies and surveys done show that 85% of all strippers, were sexually abused as children, and 95% of all hookers are the victims of child sexual abuse. Jeffrey Epstein got off with a wrist slap in 2003 because all of accusers were "hookers looking for a payday".

But I notice how quick you are to accuse members of the Biden family of pedophilia on no accusations or evidence, and how quick you are to exonerate proven sexual abusers like Donald Trump - who publicly admits he rapes women he likes, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, or Brett Kavenaugh and dismiss all of the very real evidence against them, because no charges were ever filed.
You are still trying to convict Brett Kavanaugh of something. Damn, liberals never give up.
You are still trying to convict Brett Kavanaugh of something. Damn, liberals never give up.
Says the guy still trying to prove Epstein was "suicided" and that Bill Clinton had sex with underage girls.
No kidding?
My avatar lied about Gaetz?
I personally did not know that, tho admittedly I don't supervise every comma he places.

So, if you would, good poster GY, walk me through these transgressions you think you see.
If you have a legit me, I'll address it.

So, saddle up, Skippy.
Show the forum you have gravitas.
Gaetz did not date a 15-year-old nor a 16-year-old.
Says the guy still trying to prove Epstein was "suicided" and that Bill Clinton had sex with underage girls.
Both are more likely true than the made up charges against Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats love making up tall tales like Trump hiring prostitutes to pee on a Moscow hotel bed.

Gaetz did not date a 15-year-old nor a 16-year-old.
Ah yes, humor and satire do skip over some poor MAGA-Q's.
Or so it seems.
It probably comes hand-in-hand with their grievance filled life.

By the way, Gaetz is gonna sponsor a Halloween Party for cracker high-school cheerleaders.

What could go wrong?

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