No Collusion.So Who Really Looks Like A Total Buffoon Now?,Maxine Waters&Joy Behar.

i have no idea what whoopie and blowhard had to say this morning.,..anyone know?
So now we wait to hear the "Maxine Waters Response", right? if any of the loons out there were so adamant that the Russians worked with Trump, to the extent that Trump was going to jail over this collusion, its two of the biggest clowns on earth. Maxine and Joy! Remember particularly what Maxine was accusing Trump of over these last two or so years?
Trump is a felon! Trump and Putin colluded together to steal the election !!!
So now we wait to hear from Maxine, anyone wonder what she and her wig has to say now?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::iyfyus.jpg:
Who says this Barr character? Let congress see the full report
So now we wait to hear the "Maxine Waters Response", right? if any of the loons out there were so adamant that the Russians worked with Trump, to the extent that Trump was going to jail over this collusion, its two of the biggest clowns on earth. Maxine and Joy! Remember particularly what Maxine was accusing Trump of over these last two or so years?
Trump is a felon! Trump and Putin colluded together to steal the election !!!
So now we wait to hear from Maxine, anyone wonder what she and her wig has to say now?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::iyfyus.jpg:
Who says this Barr character? Let congress see the full report

Fuck your delay tactic.

You are going down in flames.

You bastards really can't get your heads out of your asses.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
(starts at 11:00) He talks about the Steele dossier, Clinton emails etc at 16:00...double standard in MSM..." that's about to changa" (on Clinton campaign crimes being swept under the rug ) meaning there will soon be a special counsel looking at the other side very soon.

hopefully they do something
the swamp wants it swept under the rug .
i think its a mistake to let it go . no more high road.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Show us the report if it vindicates trump.

Only it doesn’t.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Oh look...the troll showed up.

Let us know when you have ANYTHING to say besides name calling idiocy
Why would Barr have to be forced, when he has continuously and consistently said he is going to release the Muller report.

Do you have a link to that? Because his letter said nothing of the kind
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Show us the report if it vindicates trump.

Only it doesn’t.

Sealybutthurt SEZ???? "Those ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to make a mockery of our DEEE-MOCK-Racy!!!!! I just know it!!!! They conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat commie party and that's a crime!!!!"

Stow the bullshit, lil sealy........if Swamprat Mueller had ANYTHING that would stand up in court that would indict Trump for working with Russian intel, he would have been ALLL over it. This was an investigation looking for a crime....ANY crime to go after anyone associated with Trump. All of these deep state pieces of shit like Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Hildebeast, obamamonkey et al are just doing their disgusting jobs. McCain is burning in "fuck him" as well.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Show us the report if it vindicates trump.

Only it doesn’t.

Yes, you and your mother are the only ones who can't accept it.
Why would Barr have to be forced, when he has continuously and consistently said he is going to release the Muller report.

Do you have a link to that? Because his letter said nothing of the kind

He said it at the committee hearing when he got appointed.
He said it in the news and in tweets.
And he said it in his letter.

Read William Barr’s Letter to Congress on the Mueller Report

Separately, I intend to consult with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and Special Counsel Mueller to determine what other information from the report can be released to Congress and the public consistent with the law, including the Special Counsel regulations, and the Department’s long-standing practices and policies. I remain committed to as much transparency as possible, and I will keep you informed as to the status of my review.

Finally, the Special Counsel regulations provide that “the Attorney General may determine that public release of” this notification “would be in the public interest.” 28 C.F.R. § 600.9(c). I have so determined, and I will disclose this letter to the public after delivering it to you.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Oh look...the troll showed up.

Let us know when you have ANYTHING to say besides name calling idiocy

I know SOOOO much more than you, Lesh.........and I prove it. You are simply a butthurt commie fuck that is having to deal with the disappointment that your contentions were W-R-O-N-G.

Troll? Me? I bet we could take a poll here as to which one of us brings more content to this forum and I would crush you by a three to one margin.
(starts at 11:00) He talks about the Steele dossier, Clinton emails etc at 16:00...double standard in MSM..." that's about to change" (on Clinton campaign crimes being swept under the rug ) meaning there will soon be a special counsel looking at the other side very soon.

hopefully they do something
the swamp wants it swept under the rug .
i think its a mistake to let it go . no more high road.

The whole Washington establishment would take a big hit if the truth goes fully public about the Clinton campaign. Republicans know that the apple cart is on shaky ground as it is, and we don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes yet. ( or if we ever will - probably not). To them, public knowledge of their fuck-ups is a 'threat to national security'. The bottom line --if Hillary goes down, a whole bunch of others will....that's Graham's dilemna - because he has his own back channels above the DOJ - the NSA and CIA leak to Congress all the time at their own discretion.
So now we wait to hear the "Maxine Waters Response", right? if any of the loons out there were so adamant that the Russians worked with Trump, to the extent that Trump was going to jail over this collusion, its two of the biggest clowns on earth. Maxine and Joy! Remember particularly what Maxine was accusing Trump of over these last two or so years?
Trump is a felon! Trump and Putin colluded together to steal the election !!!
So now we wait to hear from Maxine, anyone wonder what she and her wig has to say now?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::iyfyus.jpg:
there is simply never a time i care nor want to hear what she has to say.
Another bullshit thread?

What's that 25 now?

Get back to us when Barr is forced to release the Report

Lesh the lush sez????? "Oh this ain't over!!! I just know that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to reveal the cheating of my beloved demcrat communist party!!!! And that is CHEATING!!!!!!"

(sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle)

Sucks to be a leftard like you that tied your hopes to an event that never took place......
Show us the report if it vindicates trump.

Only it doesn’t.

Rosenstein was in on the reveiw of the report too. He and 20 Mule team are not out there squealing the Barr report is not right. Think about that.
So now we wait to hear the "Maxine Waters Response", right? if any of the loons out there were so adamant that the Russians worked with Trump, to the extent that Trump was going to jail over this collusion, its two of the biggest clowns on earth. Maxine and Joy! Remember particularly what Maxine was accusing Trump of over these last two or so years?
Trump is a felon! Trump and Putin colluded together to steal the election !!!
So now we wait to hear from Maxine, anyone wonder what she and her wig has to say now?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::iyfyus.jpg:

We don't have the Mueller report.
We have the Barr report, a 3.5 page distillation of a 22-month investigation in which Barr had to admit that Trump was NOT exonerated, despite Trump lying that he was.
And Barr is biased towards Trump, writing a treatise soon after the Special Counsel was appointed saying there was no reason for the investigation.
That's how he got the job of AG, pledging his loyalty to Trump.
It's Give Your Dictator a Hug Week, sucker.

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