No Credibility on Russian Sanctions.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
A federal judge temporarily barred the Pentagon from making new deals with the main supplier of rocket engines used to send U.S. military and intelligence satellites into space, citing the Obama administration's expanded sanctions regime against Russia over Ukraine.

"Along with Department of Justice, we are taking all appropriate actions to have the injunction lifted," said a spokeswoman for United Launch Alliance. The firm said SpaceX's lawsuit "ignores the potential implications" to national security.

Sanctions on Russia Block New U.S. Deals to Purchase Rocket Engines -

While I have known for some time now that the Atlas V has been using Russian rocket engines and exposing the US Military supply chain to a non domestic supplier on national security launches is down right dumb. I have come to the conclusion that the Administration has no credibility on Russian sanctions if they are out telling the American people that they are doing ALL they can to impose sanctions and at the same time going to court to keep Russian made rocket engines supplied to the USAF. Especially when the US is fully capable of building it domestically.

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