No Credit Taken For the Boston Bombing?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
Why would any group or individual expend the effort and risk to commit an act of destructive terrorism without somehow making the reason for it known? But as of this hour, 1AM, 4/18, there has been no mention of who is responsible for the Boston bombing. Because it is natural (and inevitable) to speculate on the motive, when I think about it this is what comes to mind.

[ame=]? Shock and Awe the initial bombing of baghdad ? - YouTube[/ame]

I recall watching this and thinking about how many innocent people, women and children, babies in their cribs, were being burned and/or crushed in our names, and how utterly wrong it was, and that there would be a price to pay for such massively criminal and unprovoked conduct on the part of the Bush Administration.

What are your thoughts about the motive for yesterday's bombing at the Boston Marathon? Did we do anything to deserve it?
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I doubt that the attack was by Al Qaeda because they did not take credit for it. This view was also expressed today by Condoleezza Rice and others.

I agree with you that the “collateral damage” we have inflicted is horrific and inexcusable. Although the Boston attack may have been “home grown,” this country is vulnerable to threats from foreign enemies. We have open borders, and we have pissed off a lot of people by killing their women and children. It would be rather foolish not to expect reprisal from people who are consumed with hatred for what we have done.

It doesn't matter whether one approves of the war or not. In either case, the enemies the war has produced are real and unforgiving. Of this there can be no doubt. We had better be prepared.
Hurry up and get equipped to help the terrorists who hate America, prof. Obviously you're on their side, you piece of shit.
Hurry up and get equipped to help the terrorists who hate America, prof. Obviously you're on their side, you piece of shit.

No, I am not on their side. But I do know that there are those who hate us, and perhaps they are justified because we have killed a lot of innocent people. My advice is for us to stay vigilant and be prepared.

For the record, I despise terrorist, and will fight against them however I can. However, I am not foolish enough to believe that everyone loves my country.

Actually, I am against two things: terrorists AND the needless killing of innocent women and children, no matter who does it, and that includes the U.S. military.

I hope that we could both agree that the killing of women and children is not a good thing, even if the children live in the some land as the terrorists. If you think I would assist a terrorists you know nothing about me, and you are a fool.

Edited to add: When I was in the Marine Corps a long time ago we didn't kill woman and children. We would not have bombed a wedding party or a funeral procession with guests known to include innocent men, women and children just to take out few terrorists. You may defend such tactics, but I will not. You may be proud of what we did, but I am ashamed.
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Hurry up and get equipped to help the terrorists who hate America, prof. Obviously you're on their side, you piece of shit.

No, I am not on their side. But I do know that there are those who hate us, and perhaps they are justified because we have killed a lot of innocent people. My advice is for us to stay vigilant and be prepared.

For the record, I despise terrorist, and will fight against them however I can. However, I am not foolish enough to believe that everyone loves my country.

Actually, I am against two things: terrorists AND the needless killing of innocent women and children, no matter who does it, and that includes the U.S. military.

I hope that we could both agree that the killing of women and children is not a good thing, even if the children live in the some land as the terrorists. If you think I would assist a terrorists you know nothing about me, and you are a fool.

Im ok with accidental killing or when they are shields, Im not ok when they are the targets. I think this is thing you are incapable of distinguishing between us and them, Im not surprised cause your sources tell you to think we are the bad guys and our actions are equal to theirs. If you can walk away with one thing from this, we don't target random people. Again cause you have read lots of articles and have ingested lots of information obviously, WE DONT RANDOMLY TARGET PEOPLE THEY DO. You are free to stay on their side, but if you are willing to switch to water as your drinking choice I would be glad to have you back here with us.
Hurry up and get equipped to help the terrorists who hate America, prof. Obviously you're on their side, you piece of shit.

Koshergrl, for once I'm going to dissent. What Prof said is mostly true.

Normally Middle East terror groups take credit immediately, with pre-made video tapes months in advance. Even if it does turn out to be foreign, that normal "indicators" are not there.

Secondly, take the analogy of Gun Control. Gun violence is the EFFECT of crime, not the Cause of crime, so Gun Control has absolutely no effect on gun violence, because it does nothing to actually treat the causes of Gun Violence.

Terrorism is the same. Terrorism is the EFFECT. People don't just randomly wake up one afternoon and decide they're going to carry out a terrorist plot. They need to have a CAUSE and MOTIVATION. I can assure you that bombing the Middle East 24/7 for over ten years has given plenty of people cause.

Children are dead. Children are blind, maimed, suffered mental damage, etc.

Houses and businesses have been ruined and destroyed.

Family have been torn apart, literally.

And we're the OCCUPIERS. We're not fighting a defensive war.

If you want to descend to the level of the Libtards and ignore true facts and causes, so-be-it.

If you want to awaken to reality, heed the message of Ron Paul and other Libertarians. Use common sense. If another country was bombing us daily, destroying our infrastructure and disrupting our culture, whilst occupying our lands and government, I can guarantee you we'd be fighting back.

You end the "War on Terror", by ending our Reign of Terror in the Middle East.

Here's what we do, several times a day, sometimes several times an hour in the Middle East:

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Very difficult topics.

Imagine this: Obviously, war is hell, and collateral damage happens. So, lets say we are being attacked. And for 10 years, you see friends and family members killed and maimed. And in school, as a kid, you are taught the "Great Satan" is doing it. You are raised to believe they are evil, and you SEE their bombs hurting your family and friends and your city. You see them overtake your city, like foreign cops. They aren't from there, dont care about your homeland, and yet, they are in control, and you see them killing people you know and love (although you may not know why, or that your friend/family member may be Al Qaida).

Would you hold a grudge? You only know what you are taught or see. Over there, they are taught one thing, and see one thing.

We need to get the fuck out of the Middle East. NOW.
I am in favor of using drones to avoid putting American lives at risk. I have been an advocate of pilotless aircraft for decades, long before drones came on the scene. However, I am convinced that we are using them in a way that is inhumane and, according to some authorities, in violation of international law. Here is a link that shows the darker side of drones:

PressTV - The Boston Marathon bombing, drones and the meaning of cowardice

I think we can do a lot better at avoiding killing non-combatants. War is hell, but even in war there are rules (the Geneva Convention comes to mind), and we cannot continue our sometimes reckless use of drones without arousing hatred and a desire for retribution. We do not increase our own security by making more enemies than we must.
Hurry up and get equipped to help the terrorists who hate America, prof. Obviously you're on their side, you piece of shit.

No, I am not on their side. But I do know that there are those who hate us, and perhaps they are justified because we have killed a lot of innocent people. My advice is for us to stay vigilant and be prepared.

For the record, I despise terrorist, and will fight against them however I can. However, I am not foolish enough to believe that everyone loves my country.

Actually, I am against two things: terrorists AND the needless killing of innocent women and children, no matter who does it, and that includes the U.S. military.

I hope that we could both agree that the killing of women and children is not a good thing, even if the children live in the some land as the terrorists. If you think I would assist a terrorists you know nothing about me, and you are a fool.

Im ok with accidental killing or when they are shields, Im not ok when they are the targets. I think this is thing you are incapable of distinguishing between us and them, Im not surprised cause your sources tell you to think we are the bad guys and our actions are equal to theirs. If you can walk away with one thing from this, we don't target random people. Again cause you have read lots of articles and have ingested lots of information obviously, WE DONT RANDOMLY TARGET PEOPLE THEY DO. You are free to stay on their side, but if you are willing to switch to water as your drinking choice I would be glad to have you back here with us.

You are MOSTLY right.

We have in fact targeted a wedding party (killing 47 people as I recall) and a funeral procession (I forget the number of casualties). We knew civilians, including women and children where there. These particular acts I object to. Do you think these bombings were OK? Please say no.

Are you actually accusing me of supporting terrorists just because I find such bombings objectionable? Can't you see how they just might cause others to want to hurt us in return?

Just a rhetorical question. I will give you the last word.

PS: I am not on THEIR side just because I object to the unnecessary killing of innocents.
Why would any group or individual expend the effort and risk to commit an act of destructive terrorism without somehow making the reason for it known? But as of this hour, 1AM, 4/18, there has been no mention of who is responsible for the Boston bombing. Because it is natural (and inevitable) to speculate on the motive, when I think about it this is what comes to mind.

? Shock and Awe the initial bombing of baghdad ? - YouTube

I recall watching this and thinking about how many innocent people, women and children, babies in their cribs, were being burned and/or crushed in our names, and how utterly wrong it was, and that there would be a price to pay for such massively criminal and unprovoked conduct on the part of the Bush Administration.

What are your thoughts about the motive for yesterday's bombing at the Boston Marathon? Did we do anything to deserve it?

It may have been a lone wolf part of an extreme faction, religious, Al Queda, militia, etc. I say this and I am not a fan of conspiracy theories but the Texas explosion today about 15 miles from Waco one day shy of anniversary of the Waco Masacure may mean nothing or just a strange coincidence. Maybe I am just on edge because of fears of more crazy shit considering ricin letters too. IDK

As far as doing anything to deserve it, of course not.
Well...there might be no POLITICAL MOTIVE.

This really could be a case where somebody just wanted to kill people.

Spree Killers have no political motive.
Homegrown terrorists, for some reason, keep pretty quiet.

In any case, the Taliban have been actually in front of this saying they are NOT responsible. Which is pretty unusual.
Homegrown terrorists, for some reason, keep pretty quiet.

In any case, the Taliban have been actually in front of this saying they are NOT responsible. Which is pretty unusual.

I don't know who did it, just because they said they did not is not unusual. Look at Faisal Shahzad behind the NY Bomb which used pressure cookers..Al Qada denied involvement with that but such was proven otherwise.
Well...there might be no POLITICAL MOTIVE.

This really could be a case where somebody just wanted to kill people.

Spree Killers have no political motive.

Just like Adam Lanza, it could have honestly been a really fucking evil guy, who had no other motive than to make international news --- even if he didn't get credit.

Some men just like to watch the world burn.

Using ancient Chinese firework technology, some modern chemistry knowledge and mechanical clock knowledge, you could also create a bomb that was as strong or even more powerful.

To be honest (and don't take this the wrong way), I'm actually surprised that someone (or some organization) who could coordinate an attack like this, only managed to kill 3 people and maim only a handful more.
Homegrown terrorists, for some reason, keep pretty quiet.

In any case, the Taliban have been actually in front of this saying they are NOT responsible. Which is pretty unusual.

They've seen the drones up close and personal more than anyone and I'm betting, regardless if they did it or not, they are shitting bricks expecting a whole squadron of them.
I suspect this was a politically motivated bombing.


The target itself is highly symbolic.
Wow ed, that's brilliant!

In other breaking news, water is wet!
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Wow ed, that's brilliant!

In other breaking news, water is wet!

Thank you, Kosh.

Always nice to have my profound grasp of the stunningly obvious publicly recognized by a person of your vast intellectual stature.


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