No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

If there is nothing illegal there is nothing to investigate unless you're just a troll, Troll.
It's obviously over your head. I can't explain it any clearer. Read that report and try educating yourself so you don't sound like such a dumbass during these conversations
I understand you perfectly. You say the law is irrelevant and you don't need any facts to form your opinions.
Read the report, it explains everything. If you don't believe the reports findings then explain why and show me one person who has seen all the intel that agrees with your assessment. You can't, you're done
lol Give it up. You have nothing to say but you're too stupid to realize it.
Great arguement man! You're a real winner. Bring something to the conversation and answer a question or don't join it at all. I'm flgrowing tired of you wasting my time with BS insults
Trolls like you are not even worth a good insult.
It's obviously over your head. I can't explain it any clearer. Read that report and try educating yourself so you don't sound like such a dumbass during these conversations
I understand you perfectly. You say the law is irrelevant and you don't need any facts to form your opinions.
Read the report, it explains everything. If you don't believe the reports findings then explain why and show me one person who has seen all the intel that agrees with your assessment. You can't, you're done
lol Give it up. You have nothing to say but you're too stupid to realize it.
Great arguement man! You're a real winner. Bring something to the conversation and answer a question or don't join it at all. I'm flgrowing tired of you wasting my time with BS insults
Trolls like you are not even worth a good insult.
Yet you keep avoiding answering simple questions to try and insult me... durpa durpa
Snowflakes keep 'asking questions' instead of doing the 1 thing that would solve all of this - present the evidence that proves Trump 'collusion', the evidence the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, and House Intel Committee all say does not exist.

The Watergate break-in didn't take down Nixon - it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!
Actually what brought down Nixon is that we lived in a different time. Watergate was a two bit breakin that harmed no one. It was stupid from the conception as was the cover up. But we lived in a time where Nixon just didn't destroy the tapes, had he done so he would have finished his term. We lived in a time when people, like Nixon, were held accountable. Not like what we saw with Bill Clinton who lied under oath and sexually harasshed many women and his party din't have the moral backbone to do the right thing as did the Republicans did during the Nixon administration. Had the Republicans did what the democrats did then Nixon would have finished his term. But when Nixon saw that the Republicans were going to stand on the side of justice, he left office. Clinton never learned that lesson because the democrats stand for nothing except power.
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Snowflakes keep 'asking questions' instead of doing the 1 thing that would solve all of this - present the evidence that proves Trump 'collusion', the evidence the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, and House Intel Committee all say does not exist.

Trump and many in his administration lied about and covered up meetings with the Russians. All of which happened during a time period when Russia was actively trying to manipulate our election. Perhaps Trumps lies were simply for optics and no law breaking occurred. But do you really think that we shouldn't ask questions and investigate what exactly they were trying to cover up?

If they were just honest and transparent from the start I believe this thing would have been long over by now.
The Watergate break-in didn't take down Nixon - it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!

So they create a fake scandal and hoped for a coverup.
Then they created a fake coverup with the Comey firing.
Now it's simply "the truth doesn't's the anger our fake news has generated that really matters...".

M I Write???:oops-28:
The Watergate break-in didn't take down Nixon - it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!

true, and Clinton was impeached for perjury. What's your point?

Trump is not trying to stop the investigation, he wants it done so the media and the dems will look like the lying fools that they are.
As the evidence keeps building....

Now Jared Kushner is building secret communications channels with the Russians

Tick, tick, tick

Only a matter of time
If they were just honest and transparent from the start...


This coming from the supporter of the LEAST Transparent President EVUH, despite his vows to the contrary...
Is that really your response? "Since you supported Obama who lied then it's totally fine for Trump too lie?"

First off, I don't make excuses for anybody's lies, including obama. Second that doesn't even address my previous statement. It doesn't matter what obama did, we were talking about the Russia investigation and I made the point that all the lies and cover ups from trump and his crew escalated the issue
If they were just honest and transparent from the start...
Bwuhahahaha! This coming from the supporter of the LEAST Transparent President EVUH, despite his vows to the contrary...
Is that really your response? "
Yes, yes it is. Snowflake hypocrites trying to lash out at Trump because he beat Hillary, forgetting that their own party / politicians / criminals / liars have 'been there, done that' - better than anyone before or since - is funny as hell.
If they were just honest and transparent from the start...
Bwuhahahaha! This coming from the supporter of the LEAST Transparent President EVUH, despite his vows to the contrary...
Is that really your response? "
Yes, yes it is. Snowflake hypocrites trying to lash out at Trump because he beat Hillary, forgetting that their own party / politicians / criminals / liars have 'been there, done that' - better than anyone before or since - is funny as hell.
Well it was a piss poor response that didn't address the issue at hand. Stop trying to deflect if you want your arguements taken seriously
Well it was a piss poor response that didn't address the issue at hand. Stop trying to deflect if you want your arguements taken seriously
No, snowflake - it continues to prove leftists are hypocritical, lying, game-playing POSes who try to play 'gottcha' by accusing of others of what they have done / do. When caught doing so no one can take YOU / snowflakes seriously.
Well it was a piss poor response that didn't address the issue at hand. Stop trying to deflect if you want your arguements taken seriously
No, snowflake - it continues to prove leftists are hypocritical, lying, game-playing POSes who try to play 'gottcha' by accusing of others of what they have done / do. When caught doing so no one can take YOU / snowflakes seriously.
I'm not taking your bait and changing the discussion to a comparison of Obama and Trump. That's your tactic when you need to deflect. It's transparent and immature.
As the evidence keeps building....

Now Jared Kushner is building secret communications channels with the Russians

Tick, tick, tick

Only a matter of time

don't hold your breath, winger. you will turn blue and die.
What did I lie about in my last statement? You say there is no evidence that Russia interfered? Are you on crack? Post one quote/statement of ANYBODY besides Trump, who has access to the classified intelligence, who denies that Russian interference. ANYBODY.
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you're just corrupt and dishonest. I say there is no evidence and you respond that people believe it happened, not that there is evidence. You use the word, interfere, instead of stating what you allege they did because there in no evidence the Russian government did anything illegal. What this all comes down to is that Obama's CIA director targeted the Trump campaign with false allegations for political reasons.
I just have faith in our intelligence agencies. Plus there is the FACT that you and I do not have access to classified intel so we can only trust our elected representatives and our institutions. You can't name ONE person who has access to intel that denies Russian interference in our election. That should tell you something. How you don't get it is pretty baffling.

Try again... Name ONE person... Quote him/her
Again, you just can't put up a post without telling another lie. What do you mean by interference? It means you have no idea what the Russians are alleged to have done. You use the term, interference, to promote the rumors and to avoid dealing with the facts.
That twice you've failed to answer a simple question. Wanna go for strike three?
I answered your question. Interference is a weasel word you use because you cannot find anything the Russian government did that was illegal in connection with the election.

REALLY--We consider cyber attacks against this country to be the 21st Century Act of War. Hacking into a public or private computer in this country is a FELONY. There's a lot of people in prison over it today.

It was just 1-1/2 years ago that Russians hacked into the PENTAGON--and it was moving through the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails so fast they had to shut it down for 2 weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russians are continually going after Utility infracstructure--especially around U.S. Military bases and other installations. It is a continual battle with them over cyber attacks.
FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

I hope you're not so stupid to deny the intelligence from the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland security and 14 other intelligence agencies who cite that Russia hacked into the DNC database's to help Trump win the election.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is therefore TREASON.

You can scroll back up to post # 161 on this thread to see all the evidence of this right now.

You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you're just corrupt and dishonest. I say there is no evidence and you respond that people believe it happened, not that there is evidence. You use the word, interfere, instead of stating what you allege they did because there in no evidence the Russian government did anything illegal. What this all comes down to is that Obama's CIA director targeted the Trump campaign with false allegations for political reasons.
I just have faith in our intelligence agencies. Plus there is the FACT that you and I do not have access to classified intel so we can only trust our elected representatives and our institutions. You can't name ONE person who has access to intel that denies Russian interference in our election. That should tell you something. How you don't get it is pretty baffling.

Try again... Name ONE person... Quote him/her
Again, you just can't put up a post without telling another lie. What do you mean by interference? It means you have no idea what the Russians are alleged to have done. You use the term, interference, to promote the rumors and to avoid dealing with the facts.
That twice you've failed to answer a simple question. Wanna go for strike three?
I answered your question. Interference is a weasel word you use because you cannot find anything the Russian government did that was illegal in connection with the election.

REALLY--We consider cyber attacks against this country to be the 21st Century Act of War. Hacking into a public or private computer in this country is a FELONY. There's a lot of people in prison over it today.

It was just 1-1/2 years ago that Russians hacked into the PENTAGON--and it was moving through the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails so fast they had to shut it down for 2 weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russians are continually going after Utility infracstructure--especially around U.S. Military bases and other installations. It is a continual battle with them over cyber attacks.
FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

I hope you're not so stupid to deny the intelligence from the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland security and 14 other intelligence agencies who cite that Russia hacked into the DNC database's to help Trump win the election.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is therefore TREASON.

You can scroll back up to post # 161 on this thread to see all the evidence of this right now.

Are you so naïve that you don't realize that the USA is doing the exact same things in Russia and every other country?
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you're just corrupt and dishonest. I say there is no evidence and you respond that people believe it happened, not that there is evidence. You use the word, interfere, instead of stating what you allege they did because there in no evidence the Russian government did anything illegal. What this all comes down to is that Obama's CIA director targeted the Trump campaign with false allegations for political reasons.
I just have faith in our intelligence agencies. Plus there is the FACT that you and I do not have access to classified intel so we can only trust our elected representatives and our institutions. You can't name ONE person who has access to intel that denies Russian interference in our election. That should tell you something. How you don't get it is pretty baffling.

Try again... Name ONE person... Quote him/her
Again, you just can't put up a post without telling another lie. What do you mean by interference? It means you have no idea what the Russians are alleged to have done. You use the term, interference, to promote the rumors and to avoid dealing with the facts.
That twice you've failed to answer a simple question. Wanna go for strike three?
I answered your question. Interference is a weasel word you use because you cannot find anything the Russian government did that was illegal in connection with the election.

REALLY--We consider cyber attacks against this country to be the 21st Century Act of War. Hacking into a public or private computer in this country is a FELONY. There's a lot of people in prison over it today.

It was just 1-1/2 years ago that Russians hacked into the PENTAGON--and it was moving through the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails so fast they had to shut it down for 2 weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russians are continually going after Utility infracstructure--especially around U.S. Military bases and other installations. It is a continual battle with them over cyber attacks.
FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

I hope you're not so stupid to deny the intelligence from the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland security and 14 other intelligence agencies who cite that Russia hacked into the DNC database's to help Trump win the election.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is therefore TREASON.

You can scroll back up to post # 161 on this thread to see all the evidence of this right now.
The Russians are constantly trying to hack our government facilities and we are constantly trying to hack theirs, but none of this has anything to do with the election. So far, there is no direct evidence that the Russian government hacked the DNC server - indeed, since the DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the server that was allegedly hacked, the FBI has no first hand knowledge that the hack even occurred - and we know from testimony from Feinstein, Manchin and Waters that the FBI has no evidence of any collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. Interference, as it is being used here, seems to amount to no more than the Russian media expressing its dislike of Clinton, just as the British media and government expressed its dislike of Trump.

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