No Forgiveness for 1492


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The incendiary stupidity of Western elites.

Canada is currently undergoing the same orgy of antiwhite fear and loathing as the United States, although, due to the lack of blacks in Canadian history, it’s rationalized as justified by white mistreatment of Amerindians in the past. Ten churches in Alberta were set on fire on Canada Day, July 1, as part of a national nervous breakdown over “unmarked graves” at disused residential schools for Indian students.

While in the U.S. the problems of American Indians in the 21st century have largely been ignored because extroverted blacks vacuum up most of the attention, the Great Awokening in Canada focused upon “First Nations” as its sacralized victims. Public meetings in Canada now begin with ritual incantations that “We acknowledge that we are situated on traditional land of the [insert name here] people.”

This doesn’t mean that white Canadians actually intend to give their property back to the First Nations. But it will be interesting to see how they react once it is clear that this symbolism hasn’t reduced the natives’ alcoholism and anomie.

Most likely, they will resolve to make up for their forefathers taking Canada from the Indians by letting in even more Indians from India. How that will alleviate the problems of Indians from Canada is unclear, to say the least, but that’s not the point. The point is to punish whites for having the best countries.


For example, Philip Noyce’s 2002 movie Rabbit-Proof Fence is about an evil 1930s Australian civil servant (Kenneth Branagh) who puts sisters of the “Stolen Generations” in a boarding school due to racist stereotypes that their family is tubercular, alcoholic, and abusive.

Ironically, when Noyce’s adolescent leading lady returned to her family, they turned out to be alcoholic and abusive (tuberculosis having been conquered by penicillin), so the director paid to send her to…a boarding school.


It’s easy enough to understand why nonwhites like to defame whites. The fundamental crime of the white race, for which there apparently will be no forgiveness, was pulling ahead of the rest of humanity from roughly 1400 onward.

It seems like every movie trailer in recent years ends with the promise that the heroes will “change the world…forever,” but 15th-century Europeans really did. The accomplishments of Europeans in the 1400s were perhaps the greatest turning point in history.

Brunelleschi launched the Italian Renaissance by building Western Europe’s first dome in a thousand years (to aid in which he likely invented perspective). Prince Henry the Navigator began Portugal’s eight-decade-long research and development effort to sail around Africa to the Indies. Gutenberg devised the movable-type printing press. And Columbus discovered America.

These and countless other breakthroughs over the past six centuries allowed Europeans and their overseas descendants to socially construct the most valuable real estate in the world.

This immense wealth increasingly attracts the covetous eyes of the rest of the human race, who are realizing that, crazy as it sounds, they might just be able to shame whites into allowing their wonderful property to be expropriated over the sins of their ancestors.

But why are many whites going along with such a transparent scam? What’s in it for them?

Peter Nimitz recently hypothesized:

I think once you replace enough of your population, the old myths are forgotten & memorials are obliterated to demonize the old majority & justify the rise of the new rulers of a land. Wokism crystallizes during the population shift – allows the old majority to moralize their dispossession & allows them some sort of status in the new order as loyal collaborators.

I wish to see the media and politicians and educators would start a major effort to counter this anti white silliness. I wonder how they feel about Genghis Kahn and should Mongolians owe the rest us.
The Native Indian movement is powerful in Canada maybe because the mostly French settlers and the British colonial elite treated them so harshly. The Native Americans in the U.S. were paid back with tax exempt casinos designed to fleece the White Man but there ain't enough people in Canada to fill a casino.
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

They stopped doing those things when they converted to Christianity, so I feel better. Something tells me that Columbus was thinking "WTF?" when he first set foot on this continent.

"People who practice cannibalism, human sacrifice, animal worship?? That shit ain't gonna work. Get the Priest over here..."
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

Indian tribes were such a kind people towards each other. :itsok:
Many were, many were not. Where can you find a passage in the Bible where Jesus said it was okay to kill someone and take over their possessions or property. Since this is a supposed Christian's nation with a lot of Christians...
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

They stopped doing those things when they converted to Christianity, ...
You sure about that?

For the most part. They no longer have slaves or cannibalize other tribes.
You mentioned murder and rape. Pretty sure those still go on.
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

They stopped doing those things when they converted to Christianity, ...
You sure about that?

For the most part. They no longer have slaves or cannibalize other tribes.
You mentioned murder and rape. Pretty sure those still go on.

That was another poster. I mentioned "cannibalism, human sacrifice, animal worship".
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

Indian tribes were such a kind people towards each other. :itsok:
Many were, many were not. Where can you find a passage in the Bible where Jesus said it was okay to kill someone and take over their possessions or property. Since this is a supposed Christian's nation with a lot of Christians...

Give up EVERYTHING (to me, because I have a really expensive wine and whore habit) and follow me (because I guarantee you will go to heaven when you die)
..the Native Americans enslaved/wiped out/TORTURED/warred on/raped/etc long before the whites came
Does that make you feel better?

Indian tribes were such a kind people towards each other. :itsok:
Many were, many were not. Where can you find a passage in the Bible where Jesus said it was okay to kill someone and take over their possessions or property. Since this is a supposed Christian's nation with a lot of Christians...
If you could find a Christian who adhered strictly to the beliefs of Jesus in the 17-18-19- and 20th centuries he would have been nominated for sainthood. My point is that ignorant hypocrite bigots on the left who claim no concept of duty and honor or family and moral values seem quick to wave their ugly cartoon asses at Christians.

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