'No fun' Toronto bans tobogganing at 45 hills across city, says councillor unhappy with move


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The center of Ontarios vast police state. Imagine being a kid in Ontario today? Even worse if poor as the predators will enforce their caste system too.

They banned a great hill that I once visited as a kid. It is steep and legendary. The police state doesn't want you being too free though.

Toronto has banned tobogganing at 45 hills across the city due to safety concerns and one councillor says he's not happy with the move because there are more important issues that should be drawing the attention of city staff.

Coun. Brad Bradford, who represents Beaches-East York, said on Friday that residents can manage the physical risk of tobogganing. He said the ban shows that Toronto is becoming a "no fun city" that doesn't respond to the needs of families.

"This is just nonsense," said Bradford. "It's the no fun city when you start seeing them cracking down on tobogganing, especially in a place that has decades of experience and a tradition of tobogganing.

One of the hills where tobogganing is banned is East Lynn Park on Danforth Avenue near Woodbine Avenue.
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When I was a kid were were smart enough to avoid the areas with trees. Last year not to far from where I live some kid died from head injuries while sledding.
Fascism is all the rage in your country now. I saw that reporter get arrested for a fake bump... wow.

Castro's little bastard is just killing it. He seems to be taking it out on his subjects after his wife decided she likes men and dumped him.

I feel sorry for you.
Just this morning I recall she-hoser Dragonlady saying they can "make their own decisions" up in Hoserland. :laughing0301:
When I was a kid were were smart enough to avoid the areas with trees. Last year not to far from where I live some kid died from head injuries while sledding.
We were reckless as kids. I am afraid of heights now after climbing a building quickly like a monkey but watching my friend fall (he broke his ankle). It was insane as before that time I would play tag on school buses, I climbed the top of schools multiple times, I am talking probably 4-5 floors high. Top of trees in rapid time. After that incident, my mind and body feared heights.

I could have died dozens of times. Humans innovate and progress via risk. Some risks are more stupid than others, part of being a kid I suppose.
Fascism is all the rage in your country now. I saw that reporter get arrested for a fake bump... wow.

Castro's little bastard is just killing it. He seems to be taking it out on his subjects after his wife decided she likes men and dumped him.

I feel sorry for you.
A fake bump is bad enough. How about "fake crimes" and "fake criminals" manufactured by Ontario police. Or worse, "fake health care", or the potential for framing "subjects".

Ontario is to America what East Berlin was to West Berlin. Trust me...
We were reckless as kids. I am afraid of heights now after climbing a building quickly like a monkey but watching my friend fall. It was insane as before that time we would play tag on school buses, I climbed the top of schools multiple times, I am talking probably 4-5 floors high. Top of trees in rapid time.

I could have died dozens of times. Humans innovate and progress via risk. Some risks are more stupid than others, part of being a kid I suppose.
Society is different now. As soon as something tragic happens, lawyers and insurance companies get involved.
A fake bump is bad enough. How about "fake crimes" and "fake criminals" manufactured by Ontario police. Or worse, "fake health care", or the potential for framing "subjects".

Ontario is to America what East Berlin was to West Berlin. Trust me...
The optics are really bad from my angle. Is there any chance of dumping Castro's little bastard and returning to a civilized, free society?
Society is different now. As soon as something tragic happens, lawyers and insurance companies get involved.
There needs to be limits though. Just as insurance companies can use the "Act of G-d" provision. Sometimes kids take crazy risks.

I recall one time a cop pulled up to the school and told us to get down. He was stern but not too crazy. I think he was probably impressed that kids as young as we were could climb to that height. They didn't leave many ways up and getting up to the very top was risky.

There was a busy road there so I imagine someone called them after seeing tiny people walking on that massive roof. Without question, if we fell, we were finished.
The center of Ontarios vast police state. Imagine being a kid in Ontario today? Even worse if poor as the predators will enforce their caste system too.

They banned a great hill that I once visited as a kid. It is steep and legendary. The police state doesn't want you being too free though.

Toronto has banned tobogganing at 45 hills across the city due to safety concerns and one councillor says he's not happy with the move because there are more important issues that should be drawing the attention of city staff.

Coun. Brad Bradford, who represents Beaches-East York, said on Friday that residents can manage the physical risk of tobogganing. He said the ban shows that Toronto is becoming a "no fun city" that doesn't respond to the needs of families.

"This is just nonsense," said Bradford. "It's the no fun city when you start seeing them cracking down on tobogganing, especially in a place that has decades of experience and a tradition of tobogganing.

One of the hills where tobogganing is banned is East Lynn Park on Danforth Avenue near Woodbine Avenue.
The legal system is so screwed up here in the USA and apparently also in Canada. All they have to do is post prominent notices at the top of the hill: DANGER! Obstacles exist in this area that can cause severe injury or death when using toboggans, tubes, discs, or any other means to descend the hill. Proceed at your own risk as city, provincial, national officials or any other entities cannot and will not take responsibility for any damages.

THAT is what liberty looks like.
In Canada, the government pays the medical expenses for everyone who is injured. That gives them a right to manage their own risks.

The docs they have under contract are too busy to handle the broken bones, since they are occupied with all of the dickectomies they are doing.
How about "fake crimes" and "fake criminals" manufactured by Ontario police. Or worse, "fake health care", or the potential for framing "subjects".

Ontario is to America what East Berlin was to West Berlin. Trust me...
Oh boy, here he goes again!

The government had two secret agents in front of him and behind him in the hospital lineup this time!
The center of Ontarios vast police state. Imagine being a kid in Ontario today? Even worse if poor as the predators will enforce their caste system too.

They banned a great hill that I once visited as a kid. It is steep and legendary. The police state doesn't want you being too free though.

Toronto has banned tobogganing at 45 hills across the city due to safety concerns and one councillor says he's not happy with the move because there are more important issues that should be drawing the attention of city staff.

Coun. Brad Bradford, who represents Beaches-East York, said on Friday that residents can manage the physical risk of tobogganing. He said the ban shows that Toronto is becoming a "no fun city" that doesn't respond to the needs of families.

"This is just nonsense," said Bradford. "It's the no fun city when you start seeing them cracking down on tobogganing, especially in a place that has decades of experience and a tradition of tobogganing.

One of the hills where tobogganing is banned is East Lynn Park on Danforth Avenue near Woodbine Avenue.
Dumb move by the nanny state.
It is the same down here. The hill I use to sled on as a child is closed for such purposes. A couple of lawsuits and it's ruined for everyone.

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