No government required

they are not moral enough and have not enough Faith, to faithfully execute their Own, Doctrine of the Republicans.
Comical from the side trying to make the case that stealing and plundering what doesn't belong to them is "moral". :laugh:
lol. You all don't have enough morals to faithfully execute your own Doctrine of the Faithful Republicans.
Comical from the side trying to make the case that stealing and plundering what doesn't belong to them is "moral". :laugh:
The Power to Tax is delegated by the People.
See son, taxes are used to run the government (pay the salaries of public employees who are performing a service in return for said salary). What service is the welfare queen providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the illegal alien providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the food stamp recipient providing to U.S. citizens?

Every desperate false narrative you thrown out there, I have taken and turned upside down. I've exposed the flaws in it, the lack of logic in it, and the lies in it. Class dismissed.
Taxation is a Power delegated to Congress; it is not a Right.
Just curious danielpalos - have you noticed that when I prove you are wrong, you change the subject? Everyone else here notices.
dude; i even have rebuttals for your right wing fantasy, not just our rational arguments.
So answer the question. Stop dodging. Give one of your alleged “rebuttals”.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax,
Exactly. Tax. Not redistribute wealth. No such power is given.

You are so ignorant of the U.S. Constitution that you believe that Congress can do anything as long as they say “’s a tax”.

By your “logic” (and man am I using that term loosely here), we can execute all Dumbocrats. We just shoot all of you in the head and call it a “life tax”. We are taxing your life in the name of “equality”. There are too many idiots. We need less so that educated people like myself equal, in number, idiots such as you.

So you do agree that as long as we are in power, we can vote to creat a “life tax” and take your life, right? Come’s for “equality”.
Venezuela is the pure socialist utopia you claim to want - doing what socialism always does. Collapsing society with idiotic and failed left-wing policy. Thanks for playing. You may go now.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about understanding forms of Government.

Venezuela is a federal presidential republic.[1] The chief executive is the President of Venezuela who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly.--

It Must be, lousy right wing management. poor little left-wing dolt. Just like other uneducated progressives, you think socialism is a political system like a republic. :itsok:

No sweetie. Socialism is an economic system. So a nation can be a republic politically and socialist economically (just like the U.S. is a republic politically and capitalist economically).

I’m sorry I didn’t spell that out for you in my previous post. I tend to forget just how dumb you lefties really are.
We also have a federal republic. FDR was left wing, not right wing.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax,
Exactly. Tax. Not redistribute wealth. No such power is given.

You are so ignorant of the U.S. Constitution that you believe that Congress can do anything as long as they say “’s a tax”.

By your “logic” (and man am I using that term loosely here), we can execute all Dumbocrats. We just shoot all of you in the head and call it a “life tax”. We are taxing your life in the name of “equality”. There are too many idiots. We need less so that educated people like myself equal, in number, idiots such as you.

So you do agree that as long as we are in power, we can vote to creat a “life tax” and take your life, right? Come’s for “equality”.
To solve the problems of our republic; keep whining about problems, right wingers.
Venezuela is the pure socialist utopia you claim to want - doing what socialism always does. Collapsing society with idiotic and failed left-wing policy. Thanks for playing. You may go now.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about understanding forms of Government.

Venezuela is a federal presidential republic.[1] The chief executive is the President of Venezuela who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly.--

It Must be, lousy right wing management. poor little left-wing dolt. Just like other uneducated progressives, you think socialism is a political system like a republic. :itsok:

No sweetie. Socialism is an economic system. So a nation can be a republic politically and socialist economically (just like the U.S. is a republic politically and capitalist economically).

I’m sorry I didn’t spell that out for you in my previous post. I tend to forget just how dumb you lefties really are.
We also have a federal republic. FDR was left wing, not right wing.
Yep. But that doesn’t change the fact that you tried to claim Venezuela “wasn’t” socialist because they were a “republic”. You attempted to deny their economic system by pointing to their political system.

That’s just a special kind of stupid. :laugh:
Venezuela is the pure socialist utopia you claim to want - doing what socialism always does. Collapsing society with idiotic and failed left-wing policy. Thanks for playing. You may go now.
lol. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about understanding forms of Government.

Venezuela is a federal presidential republic.[1] The chief executive is the President of Venezuela who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly.--

It Must be, lousy right wing management. poor little left-wing dolt. Just like other uneducated progressives, you think socialism is a political system like a republic. :itsok:

No sweetie. Socialism is an economic system. So a nation can be a republic politically and socialist economically (just like the U.S. is a republic politically and capitalist economically).

I’m sorry I didn’t spell that out for you in my previous post. I tend to forget just how dumb you lefties really are.
We also have a federal republic. FDR was left wing, not right wing.
Yep. But that doesn’t change the fact that you tried to claim Venezuela “wasn’t” socialist because they were a “republic”. You attempted to deny their economic system by pointing to their political system.

That’s just a special kind of stupid. :laugh:
Our US federal republic is just as socialist as their federal republic.
no problems? let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; y'all don't want to pay for them, anyway.
I’m all for ending the drug war. But, sorry, we’re not ending the war on terror or crime.
no problems? let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; y'all don't want to pay for them, anyway.
I’m all for ending the drug war. But, sorry, we’re not ending the war on terror or crime.
no more tax cut economics; wartime Tax Rates.
Well if you want “war time tax rates”, you better vote to cut taxe significantly. We’re way above all rates - including “war time”.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans
Oh, look, Mumsie... it's a Paulite... or a Libertarian... one of them-thar such critters... isn't it a funny little creatchure, Mumsie?
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans
Oh, look, Mumsie... it's a Paulite... or a Libertarian... one of them-thar such critters... isn't it a funny little creatchure, Mumsie?

Oh look...a left-wing lunatic panicking in the face of facts. And, wrong on both accounts.
Our US federal republic is just as socialist as their federal republic. it’s not. At all. You’re wrong every time you post.
FDR proved otherwise; management makes the difference.
FDR didn’t implement full socialism. He shredded the U.S. Constitution and sprinkled in a dose of socialism. Also, it takes more than 4 years for socialism to collapse a nation.
Our form of socialism is Limited by our Constitution.
no problems? let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; y'all don't want to pay for them, anyway.
I’m all for ending the drug war. But, sorry, we’re not ending the war on terror or crime.
no more tax cut economics; wartime Tax Rates.
Well if you want “war time tax rates”, you better vote to cut taxe significantly. We’re way above all rates - including “war time”.
only in right wing fantasy. our aircraft carriers are "falling apart".

Infrastructure and maintenance require Spending, not Tax Cuts. The right wing doesn't consider Spending a Tax Cut economics issue.

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