No government required

Here is the original “super dupe” in post #558 of another thread admitting we have more socialism now in the U.S. than any point in our illustrious history:
That will be a surprise to every successful developed country... Super dupe. "We are all socialists now"-- Finland prime minister when ACA passed...
And here is the original “super dupe” in post #269 of this thread admitting that we’ve seen “the worst upward mobility” ever:
More Poverty all the time... Thanks GOP. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever after 35 years of your failure and tax rates.
This is the astounding stupidity of the lazy, greedy, modern day left-winger. They celebrate their “progress” in spreading socialism while crying about how we’re seeing more poverty and income inequality as a result of that socialism.

It doesn’t take a professor to figure this one out. :lmao:
We have had a GOP give away to the Rich for 35 years, dumbass. And the biggest BS propaganda machine ever 2.
And I admitted no such thing. God you are full of s***, super dupe.
Worst upward mobility and inequality ever after 35 years of your failure and tax rates.
Worst “upward mobility” after 35 years of radical left-wing ideology. You people preach and teach to your follows that they are “victims” and that they don’t have to work. And then you scratch your heads and wonder why you lack “upward mobility”.
It is GOP policy of giveaway to the rich, not Democratic policy that never gets passed, you ridiculous moron.
Socialism strives for equality; and merely Taxing the rich into Heaven, is the moral means to achieve a moral end.
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no morals, right wingers?
Exactly. No morals from you disgusting (greedy) progressives who believe that it has somehow become "moral" to steal from others. You're disgusting and an embarrassment to humanity.
Socialism strives for equality; and merely Taxing the rich into Heaven, is the moral means to achieve a moral end.
Socialism strives for poverty and oppression. There is nothing “moral” about stealing. Nothing. The Bible says as much.
lousy command of the language? we call it a Tax.
Lousy command of the English language? Yes. Yes, you absolutely have a lousy command of the English language. In fact, you have no command of it. I have pointed that out over and over and over here on USMB.

See son, taxes are used to run the government (pay the salaries of public employees who are performing a service in return for said salary). What service is the welfare queen providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the illegal alien providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the food stamp recipient providing to U.S. citizens?

Every desperate false narrative you thrown out there, I have taken and turned upside down. I've exposed the flaws in it, the lack of logic in it, and the lies in it. Class dismissed.
Socialism strives for equality
But we're not "equal" Daniel. I'm much smarter than you are. I work much harder than you do. I'm even better looking than you. We're simply not equal.

The only "equality" that was intended to exist was in the eyes of the law. We're all equal in having to abide by the law and in our rights. Outside of that, there is no "equality" my little snowflake mooch. Stop trying to produce a false narrative to justify your desire to plunder and steal.
Socialism strives for poverty and oppression. There is nothing “moral” about stealing. Nothing. The Bible says as much.
lousy command of the language? we call it a Tax.
Lousy command of the English language? Yes. Yes, you absolutely have a lousy command of the English language. In fact, you have no command of it. I have pointed that out over and over and over here on USMB.

See son, taxes are used to run the government (pay the salaries of public employees who are performing a service in return for said salary). What service is the welfare queen providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the illegal alien providing to U.S. citizens? What service is the food stamp recipient providing to U.S. citizens?

Every desperate false narrative you thrown out there, I have taken and turned upside down. I've exposed the flaws in it, the lack of logic in it, and the lies in it. Class dismissed.
Natural rights, right wingers; we know you don't care about them.

Tax cut economics don't pay for your Discretionary, "wartime spending".
Socialism strives for equality;
Great! Demand that everyone put in the exact same 18 hours per day in the office and produce the exact same results, and then you will have the "equality" your dumb-ass claims to desire!
equal protection of the law, is a form of equality and equal rights.
Yep! And has absolutely nothing to do with income (which is what socialism is about). Thanks for playing snowflake. You may go now.
Socialism strives for equality
But we're not "equal" Daniel. I'm much smarter than you are. I work much harder than you do. I'm even better looking than you. We're simply not equal.

The only "equality" that was intended to exist was in the eyes of the law. We're all equal in having to abide by the law and in our rights. Outside of that, there is no "equality" my little snowflake mooch. Stop trying to produce a false narrative to justify your desire to plunder and steal.
before the law.
Socialism strives for equality
But we're not "equal" Daniel. I'm much smarter than you are. I work much harder than you do. I'm even better looking than you. We're simply not equal.

The only "equality" that was intended to exist was in the eyes of the law. We're all equal in having to abide by the law and in our rights. Outside of that, there is no "equality" my little snowflake mooch. Stop trying to produce a false narrative to justify your desire to plunder and steal.
before the law.
Yep. Before the law. Not in income. You've taken a big step today, Daniel. Next week we'll work on basic English. Class dismissed.
Socialism strives for equality;
Great! Demand that everyone put in the exact same 18 hours per day in the office and produce the exact same results, and then you will have the "equality" your dumb-ass claims to desire!
equal protection of the law, is a form of equality and equal rights.
Yep! And has absolutely nothing to do with income (which is what socialism is about). Thanks for playing snowflake. You may go now.
only in right wing fantasy. socialism merely uses capitalism for all of its capital worth, by fixing goalposts for amoral capitalists.
Socialism strives for equality; and merely Taxing the rich into Heaven, is the moral means to achieve a moral end.
Socialism strives for equality
But we're not "equal" Daniel. I'm much smarter than you are. I work much harder than you do. I'm even better looking than you. We're simply not equal.

The only "equality" that was intended to exist was in the eyes of the law. We're all equal in having to abide by the law and in our rights. Outside of that, there is no "equality" my little snowflake mooch. Stop trying to produce a false narrative to justify your desire to plunder and steal.
before the law.
Yep. Before the law. Not in income. You've taken a big step today, Daniel. Next week we'll work on basic English. Class dismissed.
equal protection of the law for recourse to an basic income via unemployment compensation for being, naturally unemployed by capitalism's, not socialism's, natural rate of unemployment.
Socialism strives for equality;
Yeah...just look at all of that "equality"! :lmao:
A video recently surfaced of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, once democratically elected but now clinging to power through brute force and fraud elections, eating at one of the most expensive restaurants in the world.
Meanwhile, people who used to be middle class are dying from malnutrition. Doctors, lawyers, and teachers are actually turning to prostitution to survive. All because of the "wonders" of socialism! All because of assholes like Daniel, who wanted to mooch off of society rather than holding a job and being responsible for themselves.

Some Are More Equal Than Others in Socialist Venezuela

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