‘NO GUNS’: Leftist Santa Scolds Little Boy and Leaves Him in Tears After He Asks for a Nerf Gun for Christmas

Bullshit. You would never qualify for owning a firearm. Even if you did, you'd probably shoot your own dick off with it, ya lying fuck.

Listen Gramps, not only would I qualify, I am an ex LEO so I've had firearms training (got 97% in practical). I can live with that.
You're so old and fragile, I reckon pulling the trigger on a .22 would knock you off you feet you old fuck.

You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.
Maybe the kid shouldn't have asked Santa, then.
That's like saying this whole thread shouldn't have been posted (taking your logic to the full).
Yeah, maybe this child should have known what this jackass Santa was going to say.

Of course if he knew that he wouldn't be asking some loser rent-a- Santa for a Nerf Gun.

So speaking of "logic" you ought to get some.
Bullshit. You would never qualify for owning a firearm. Even if you did, you'd probably shoot your own dick off with it, ya lying fuck.

Listen Gramps, not only would I qualify, I am an ex LEO so I've had firearms training (got 97% in practical). I can live with that.
You're so old and fragile, I reckon pulling the trigger on a .22 would knock you off you feet you old fuck.

You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.

So how often did you qualify, asshole?

I don't think Meter Maids need to qualify.
Bullshit. You would never qualify for owning a firearm. Even if you did, you'd probably shoot your own dick off with it, ya lying fuck.

Listen Gramps, not only would I qualify, I am an ex LEO so I've had firearms training (got 97% in practical). I can live with that.
You're so old and fragile, I reckon pulling the trigger on a .22 would knock you off you feet you old fuck.
You sound stupid. I dont think you should be talking about guns. You simply dont know enough about the subject.
The actual mechanical aspects of firearms? Never claimed I did.
BTW, as an aside, if you voted for Trump, please, you have no right calling anybody stupid.

My proficiency with forearms has nothing to do with Trump, dickhole. I was shooting guns when you were still wearing diapers.
I wish we could find out who this kid is etc. and send him a bunch of nerf guns. My kids are pretty much out of that stage but I would send him one. The whole social distancing Santa crap is part of the reason we ain't even wasting our time taking the kids to see Santa this year. It's just not the same, the Christmas parade here was same way, kids didn't mention it so we just didn't go.
You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.
We didn't get glocks until after I left. We had Smith and Wesson revolvers and Sako rifles. Had to qualify once every 18 months.
No, I don't know the inner workings of a glock. Why would I want to know? You can? So the fuck what? You want a Kewpie Doll you old prick?
I couldn't give two shits what you know or don't know about a firearm. I have about as much interest in firearms and how they work as I do in that colostomy bag you have strapped to your wheelchair.
I wish we could find out who this kid is etc. and send him a bunch of nerf guns. My kids are pretty much out of that stage but I would send him one. The whole social distancing Santa crap is part of the reason we ain't even wasting our time taking the kids to see Santa this year. It's just not the same, the Christmas parade here was same way, kids didn't mention it so we just didn't go.

I'd be more interested in finding out who the Santa was, so I could shoot his ass unmercifully with a Nerf gun.
My proficiency with forearms has nothing to do with Trump, dickhole. I was shooting guns when you were still wearing diapers.

I think you're better with wrists myself (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)...
You were probably holding tight to your peashooter as you nodded off to la-la-land gramps.
So santa's a faggot after all. Back when he a regular guy This happened.

Santa Claus makes his way down the chimney, and is met by a lovely young woman in a robe.
She says "Santa, how about giving me a special present. I know you'd like to come into my bedroom."
Santa responds "Ho! Ho! Ho! I Gotta go. Gotta deliver all these toys to the children you know."
The lovely young thing peels off her robe, revealing a skimpy negligee. Santa looks up from his sack of gifts, and she says "I've got something special for you Santa. Can't you stay for just a little while? I know you want me. Let me make this Christmas eve unforgettable."
Santa responds "Ho! Ho! Ho! I Gotta go. Gotta deliver all these toys to the children you know."
Not to be denied, she strips off the negligee, revealing her naughty bits, and they were quite nice naughty bits, I might add. And she says "Santa, this is your last chance. This body is your gift."
Santa responds "Hey! Hey! Hey! I Gotta stay. Can't get up the chimney with my d*ck this way!"
You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.
We didn't get glocks until after I left. We had Smith and Wesson revolvers and Sako rifles. Had to qualify once every 18 months.
No, I don't know the inner workings of a glock. Why would I want to know? You can? So the fuck what? You want a Kewpie Doll you old prick?
I couldn't give two shits what you know or don't know about a firearm. I have about as much interest in firearms and how they work as I do in that colostomy bag you have strapped to your wheelchair.

Oh, I see. So you were a cowboy back in the day. You must be really old or something, Boomer.
My proficiency with forearms has nothing to do with Trump, dickhole. I was shooting guns when you were still wearing diapers.

I think you're better with wrists myself (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)...
You were probably holding tight to your peashooter as you nodded off to la-la-land gramps.

Congratulations. That was the most incoherent thing I've read today. You should get a prize or something.
You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.
We didn't get glocks until after I left. We had Smith and Wesson revolvers and Sako rifles. Had to qualify once every 18 months.
No, I don't know the inner workings of a glock. Why would I want to know? You can? So the fuck what? You want a Kewpie Doll you old prick?
I couldn't give two shits what you know or don't know about a firearm. I have about as much interest in firearms and how they work as I do in that colostomy bag you have strapped to your wheelchair.

Oh, I see. So you were a cowboy back in the day. You must be really old or something, Boomer.
No, we just had shit firearms....They brought in glocks about 2 years after I left. Apparently they loved them.
My proficiency with forearms has nothing to do with Trump, dickhole. I was shooting guns when you were still wearing diapers.

I think you're better with wrists myself (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)...
You were probably holding tight to your peashooter as you nodded off to la-la-land gramps.

Congratulations. That was the most incoherent thing I've read today. You should get a prize or something.

Maybe you should read what you wrote to me and go and correct the typo...;o)...Just sayin'....
"God is a Republican and Santa Claus is a Democrat.
God is an elderly or, at any rate, middle aged male, a stern fellow, patriarchal rather than paternal and a great believer in rules and regulations. He holds men accountable for their actions. He has little apparent concern for the material well being of the disadvantaged. He is politically connected, socially powerful and holds the mortgage on literally everything in the world. God is difficult. God is unsentimental. It is very hard to get into God's heavenly country club.
Santa Claus is another matter. He's cute. He's nonthreatening. He's always cheerful. And he loves animals. He may know who's been naughty and who's been nice, but he never does anything about it. He gives everyone everything they want without the thought of quid pro quo. He works hard for charities, and he's famously generous to the poor. Santa Claus is preferable to God in every way but one: There is no such thing as Santa Claus."

-- P.J. O'Rourke
You're full of shit. "Ex-LEO" my ass. Even if you were involved in law-enforcement, I have no confidence in your ability to keep from shooting your own dick off, as well as anyone standing within a hundred yards of you.

So how often did you qualify, asshole? Once, maybe twice a year, where you stood seven yards from a target and sprayed rounds all over the fucking paper?

Can you field-strip a Glock down to it's component parts? I can, asshole, and there wouldn't even be any extra parts left over How about a trigger job? Do you know anything about smoothing up and polishing the internal parts on a pistol? You probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, do you?

Can you reload your own ammunition? I load all I need, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, dickweed. I'd love to get your stupid ass out on a range just so I could make fun of you fumble-fucking around with some pistol you didn't know the first thing about. You might even shoot yourself in the dick, which I can assure you would very funny. But don't worry, I keep a full trauma kit in the car. So if you happen to shoot yourself in a femoral artery, I can put a combat application tourniquet on your stupid ass so you don't bleed out and die.
We didn't get glocks until after I left. We had Smith and Wesson revolvers and Sako rifles. Had to qualify once every 18 months.
No, I don't know the inner workings of a glock. Why would I want to know? You can? So the fuck what? You want a Kewpie Doll you old prick?
I couldn't give two shits what you know or don't know about a firearm. I have about as much interest in firearms and how they work as I do in that colostomy bag you have strapped to your wheelchair.

Oh, I see. So you were a cowboy back in the day. You must be really old or something, Boomer.
No, we just had shit firearms....They brought in glocks about 2 years after I left. Apparently they loved them.

Apparently they do. I love mine too. Carry it every day, wouldn't leave the house without it.

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