No Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID

The original Nazis were also deeply impressed by Planned Parenthood founder Margret Samger and her ideas about eugenics

Way to go Brandon

IKR! FDR's Tuskegee Experiments and Planned Parenthood Eugenics deeply influenced the Nazis
Denying a lung-transplant to a man who refuses to quit common sense. Has nothing to do with your Nazi-fetish.

Refusing to install a rare and precious new heart into an individual who refuses to abide by medical requirements for success......has nothing to do with your

Yeah denying you a brain transplant because yours is not being used seems to be on point as well

It's fucking Nazi-esque denial over the Covid Vax for a disease with a less than 1% mortality rate.

You Nazis are doing EVERYTHING you can to spark a real shooting Civil War
Nope, wrong again. Humans, regardless of our technology, are still bound by the natural life cycle of all living things. Who ever said all that is natural is good. Nature is an two headed beast that will eat your babies when you're not looking and you if you're not careful. It's good for the lion to eat. No so much for the gazelle.
How come Gazelles have not developed the ability to make spearheads and hunt Lions as a group? Still waiting for a Gazelle to develop a computer they can use to strategerize their warfare against their foe.
I dont see where they were recommended until now

and even now you merely assume rather know
It is you who ASSumes and then presumes to know something you obviously don’t. A competent person would of course check such things before ASSerting such nonsense.

From nearly twenty years ago. I bet there’s guidance with the recommendations even earlier.

So they are requiring a "vaccine" that isn't that effective to begin with, has heart conditions as a known side effect, has fading effectiveness, and they will kill the immune response anyway before the procedure so whatever effectiveness was there will be gone anyway.
So they are requiring a "vaccine" that isn't that effective to begin with, has heart conditions as a known side effect, has fading effectiveness, and they will kill the immune response anyway before the procedure so whatever effectiveness was there will be gone anyway.
Perhaps it’s your knowledge and understanding of the science and medicine that is faulty and not the judgement of transplant surgeons.
Just sayin’ :dunno:
How come Gazelles have not developed the ability to make spearheads and hunt Lions as a group? Still waiting for a Gazelle to develop a computer they can use to strategerize their warfare against their foe.
Even if they had evolved and developed little Gazelle computers to compute the trajectories of their lion seeking artillery, they would still be part of the natural world like all the other animals.
It takes about 10 seconds to get the vaccine.

The guy is too stubborn for his own good.
Hang on, America allegedly, is the Land of the Free, is it not? I'm a Brit and you guys keep bashing on how Americans are free. Is that right or are you full of shit? What's the score?
What is the vaccination rate of the elderly?

58% percent of EVERYBODY is vaccinated, but not everybody is at the same risk of severe COVID. Those at highest risk actually tend to be the most vaccinated, so when you correct for this factor, the efficacy of the vaccine is much greater.

I would agree with you if your faction weren't demanding that school children, teens and college students get vaxxed. But you are, so....
There are 22 people on the vent in Beaumont hospital who are considered "Unvaccinated"(62.9%). Read the chart.

13 ARE vaccinated. What good is the "vaccine" if it does NOT limit transmission and only offers a very slight advantage to keeping you out of the ICU and off a vent--maybe for a short time?
You don't want to let it go, do you poster Mac?
You think discounting and trivializing the 6 million shot/starved/and gassed Jews works for your argument.

Partner, here's my advice: Make your argument. But use a different allegory.

You are coming across as someone who doesn't know history, is insensitive to the tragedy of millions dying in a genocide, and is brain-dead to what is acceptable in a society that contains members of families who were gruesomely slaughtered at he hands of those who you now fetish over.

Give it up. Find a different way to present and articulate an argument. It demeans this forum for you to trivialize Nazi atrocities.


It is fair to compare this scandal and coverup to the Holocaust on magnitude, but not, perhaps, on intention. That is, perhaps the powers that be did not INTEND to do catastrophic damage to many, many billions of humans around the world, but when the damage was made clear, they covered it up.

This is what we're dealing with here.
They aren't doing that, you are. Your gaslighting is weak and amateurish and would not work on a nine-year-old.




....strikes again. That's all you do here. No facts, no discourse. Just insults. Boring and a waste of bandwidth tbh
I would agree with you if your faction weren't demanding that school children, teens and college students get vaxxed. But you are, so....
What is being demanded in terms of vaccination isn’t relevant to the statistics.

Im getting really tired of all the self-acclaimed experts around here.
What is being demanded in terms of vaccination isn’t relevant to the statistics.

Im getting really tired of all the self-acclaimed experts around here.



Never have I experienced such a brainless propagandized campaign as this one. And NOW you want to invoke "statistics"? Right.


Where were the "statistics" in any of this Moral Outrage?


Never have I experienced such a brainless propagandized campaign as this one. And NOW you want to invoke "statistics"? Right.


Where were the "statistics" in any of this Moral Outrage?
So you’re triggered by the use of statistics.

And I’m the brainless one?

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