No Justice For Ashli??

"Federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt -- The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses, examined physical evidence from the scene and reviewed the autopsy results. “Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the department said in a statement."

This sets a very dangerous precedent....It basically gives officers a blank check to gun down people, unarmed people, good people.....and the officer face no consequences for his or her actions...Because of this decision, cops can essentially gun you down just because you didn't obey an order they gave -- they can gun you down then claim they feared for their safety while dehumanizing you as some violent person or a member of some angry mob... even tho that person is unarmed and was posing no threat.

Now to be fair, it's perfectly OK for certain types of unarmed people to be gunned down for not obeying cops or maybe using inappropriate language towards cops that could cause them to fear for their safety; but it's different when you are actually fighting against a tyrannical government who stole an election and your only recourse is to storm the Capitol to voice your grievances, cosplay in Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate apparel, joke about executing the VP and perhaps scare congress members into overturning the election for you and stuff...
Babbitt was a terrorist lawfully killed while committing an act of terrorism.
It clears up one thing, she was shot in the shoulder. I do not believe she was terrorist.
They were all terrorists, 1/6 was a domestic terrorist attack on America's democracy.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
And what about those behind her when she got pulled thru the broken window?
Watch the video that CNN has been hiding...the steps were full of cops in riot gear...they could have handled this without shooting an unarmed woman...but that being said Ashli and her family and the American people need and deserve a better accounting of that incident than we have I said if she were black with a BLM t-shirt she would be alive today...
Where are all the brave?...not in the news media....not in the GOP....not in the DOJ....we are surrounded by cowards....home of the brave my ass....
You sound like you’re fixing to form a lunch mob.
Lunch mob?...where are you taking about the Olive garden?...
While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?

WE ARE TOLD, that these are highly trained officers of the law. IF that is true, are they taught that the first thing they do if someone breaks a window is to shoot to kill?

Are they not equipped with tear gas? Tasers? Rubber bullets?

A man is ACCIDENTALLY shot in an altercation after a legitimate traffic stop and the left justifies looting, riots, and arson. Got it.

A woman is shot, intentionally, for no justifiable reason and the left justifies the death by saying, well, she was white and she was a terrorist.

Regardless of what side of the political aisle you are on if you DO NOT BELIEVE that this should have been decided by a jury and we should all have known all the facts, YOU are the problem in America.
"The first thing they did"? They were retreating and retreating all thru the building before this point doing their duty to protect members of Congress. It's amazing how many here are so disappointed that members of Congress weren't caught and hurt/killed.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
And what about those behind her when she got pulled thru the broken window?
Watch the video that CNN has been hiding...the steps were full of cops in riot gear...they could have handled this without shooting an unarmed woman...but that being said Ashli and her family and the American people need and deserve a better accounting of that incident than we have I said if she were black with a BLM t-shirt she would be alive today...
Yeha they's just waitin till after that cop shot her.... it's plain. yup.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
And what about those behind her when she got pulled thru the broken window?
Watch the video that CNN has been hiding...the steps were full of cops in riot gear...they could have handled this without shooting an unarmed woman...but that being said Ashli and her family and the American people need and deserve a better accounting of that incident than we have I said if she were black with a BLM t-shirt she would be alive today...
"has been hiding"....:heehee:
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
And what about those behind her when she got pulled thru the broken window?
Watch the video that CNN has been hiding...the steps were full of cops in riot gear...they could have handled this without shooting an unarmed woman...but that being said Ashli and her family and the American people need and deserve a better accounting of that incident than we have I said if she were black with a BLM t-shirt she would be alive today...
"has been hiding"....:heehee:
They have yet to run the full video that shows what really happened...even libs have called them out for that....
hey maybe she had a fire extinguisher in her pocket....oh that story was bullshit too from CNN...
Where are all the brave?...not in the news media....not in the GOP....not in the DOJ....we are surrounded by cowards....home of the brave my ass....
You sound like you’re fixing to form a lunch mob.
Lunch mob?...where are you taking about the Olive garden?...
While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?

WE ARE TOLD, that these are highly trained officers of the law. IF that is true, are they taught that the first thing they do if someone breaks a window is to shoot to kill?

Are they not equipped with tear gas? Tasers? Rubber bullets?

A man is ACCIDENTALLY shot in an altercation after a legitimate traffic stop and the left justifies looting, riots, and arson. Got it.

A woman is shot, intentionally, for no justifiable reason and the left justifies the death by saying, well, she was white and she was a terrorist.

Regardless of what side of the political aisle you are on if you DO NOT BELIEVE that this should have been decided by a jury and we should all have known all the facts, YOU are the problem in America.
"The first thing they did"? They were retreating and retreating all thru the building before this point doing their duty to protect members of Congress. It's amazing how many here are so disappointed that members of Congress weren't caught and hurt/killed.
I am gobsmacked that anyone would attempt to defend people breaking down locked doors and attacking police. And then they accuse others of supporting riots about alleged police abuse, when no one in any responsible position ever says violence is justified.

And then someone like Rambo tries to make breaking down doors to get a the cops something like Selma and the Pettis Bridge.
The only reason why this officer is getting protected is because if the DOJ went after him for breaking orders and failing to fire a warning shot, it would open the door for other questions which would call into question how the whole event was presented by the media.
Warning shot?

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a summary reversal Monday in favor of a New Mexico police officer who gave no warning before he shot and killed a gun-wielding man.

Opting to vacate the underlying opinion without a hearing, the court said White did not violate clearly established law in using deadly force without warning Samuel to drop his weapon.
Pull her down and arrest her
And while they were doing that they would have been overwhelmed by the Mob following her.

That's exactly what happened outside the Capitol. As cops tried to deal with the few people they were going to arrest the Mob got behind them and breached their perimeter.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
And what about those behind her when she got pulled thru the broken window?
Watch the video that CNN has been hiding...the steps were full of cops in riot gear...they could have handled this without shooting an unarmed woman...but that being said Ashli and her family and the American people need and deserve a better accounting of that incident than we have I said if she were black with a BLM t-shirt she would be alive today...
"has been hiding"....:heehee:
They have yet to run the full video that shows what really happened...even libs have called them out for that....
hey maybe she had a fire extinguisher in her pocket....oh that story was bullshit too from CNN...
How do you know they have not run the full video?
They were there to get Congress to investigate the fraud. Why are you always leaving that out?
They should've chosen a better time and place to do that.
That's what all those FAILED court cases were about....those who rioted at the Capitol don't like our American form of government.....
They were there to get Congress to investigate the fraud. Why are you always leaving that out?
They should've chosen a better time and place to do that.
That's what all those FAILED court cases were about....those who rioted at the Capitol don't like our American form of government.....
Any congress critter had the ability to object to any state's certification, after which congress would have voted on accepting it. After Trump's riot, the congress critters stopped objecting.
IF anything the far-left here has said justifies the murder of this woman, a jury would say the same thing plus we would all know the facts.

Why are they afraid of the facts? Why do they have a double standard?
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She prenented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.

She was a member of a mob that was threatening members of Congress and Mike Pence. She reached the final perimeter of defense and tried to crawl through a broken window.
Cost her life.

Blame Trumps lies
Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all. If she was such a threat, why then did the officers on Ashli's side of the door do nothing to stop her? Why then were barricades removed outside of the capital and protesters led to the building?

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer. And anyone in Minnesota who threatens authority figures should be murdered as well. What a steep double standard!
"Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all."

Well that's a lie. The fact that she attempted to breach the police barricade just feet away from the House chamber where some lawmakers were still hiding. Not only did the police not know she was unarmed, she was just one member of a violent mob trying to break into to the House chamber. Had she been allowed to enter, the rest of the mob would have followed. At which point, police would have had to open fire and shoot many of them. Instead, they shot one traitor and the rest scattered like cockroaches. That cop is a hero who saved lives. Biden should give hive a Medal of Freedom.

Look at you shilling for the cops' "right" to gun down unarmed protesters. Fucking fascist.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
There were cops on the other side of the door. For their own safety, they had to abandon their position as the insurgents were threatening them.


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