"No Justice No Peace" Chants Contradict Media BS of "Peaceful Protests"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
While the leftist media and leftist politicians (including Barrack Obama) ludicrously lie to the American people, that the rioting mobs all over the country are engaging in "peaceful protest", the not at all peaceful rioters, looters, harassers, arsonists, etc, are continually hollering the chants "No Justice, No Peace."

Well, it's pretty absurd to try to describe mobs yelling those words as in any way being "peaceful", isn't it ?
Even longtime agitation specialist Al Sharpton, has said >> "Put your ear down to the casket, and I’ll be saying ‘no justice, no peace’ as they lower me all the way down. "

EARTH TO BLACK LIVES MATTER et al crazies: You don't get to be called "peaceful", even if you are not acting violently, when you holding a sign that says NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.




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While the leftist media and leftist politicians (including Barrack Obama) ludicrously lie to the American people, that the rioting mobs all over the country are engaging in "peaceful protest", the not at all peaceful rioters, looters, harassers, arsonists, etc, are continually hollering the chants "No Justice, No Peace."

Well, it's pretty absurd to try to describe mobs yelling those words as in any way being "peaceful", isn't it ?
Even longtime agitation specialist Al Sharpton, has said >> "Put your ear down to the casket, and I’ll be saying ‘no justice, no peace’ as they lower me all the way down. "

EARTH TO BLACK LIVES MATTER et al crazies: You don't get to be called "peaceful", even if you are not acting violently, when you holding a sign that says NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.

Amazing how so many kids barely starting in life have so negative a view of police. Maybe they should worry about going out and getting a job? Who is supporting, feeding and housing all these people while they protest for a living day and night?
Here are some words that describe Black Lives Matter and other MOB loons, while they are blabbering "No Justice No Peace"

No peace = hate.........war............fighting..........discord..........unrest..........disharmony..........distress.....
And with Al Sharpton's claim to go to his grave yammering "No Justice No Peace", he is firmly in the camp of the violent mobs, and nothing close to anything capable of being described by the word "PEACE"
While the leftist media and leftist politicians (including Barrack Obama) ludicrously lie to the American people, that the rioting mobs all over the country are engaging in "peaceful protest", the not at all peaceful rioters, looters, harassers, arsonists, etc, are continually hollering the chants "No Justice, No Peace."

Well, it's pretty absurd to try to describe mobs yelling those words as in any way being "peaceful", isn't it ?
Even longtime agitation specialist Al Sharpton, has said >> "Put your ear down to the casket, and I’ll be saying ‘no justice, no peace’ as they lower me all the way down. "

EARTH TO BLACK LIVES MATTER et al crazies: You don't get to be called "peaceful", even if you are not acting violently, when you holding a sign that says NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.

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A semantic argument, how droll. The President's call for "Law and Order" leaves out Justice, and many times violates the Law. Trump has exacerbated the violence by his words and deeds; we all saw how the peaceful protest in DC was quelled by Trump&Co., when gas and rubber bullets cleared the way for trump to make a political statement.
A semantic argument, how droll. The President's call for "Law and Order" leaves out Justice, and many times violates the Law. Trump has exacerbated the violence by his words and deeds; we all saw how the peaceful protest in DC was quelled by Trump&Co., when gas and rubber bullets cleared the way for trump to make a political statement.
1. HOW does the President's call for "Law and Order" "many times violates the Law" ?

2. HOW has Trump "exacerbated the violence by his words and deeds" ?

3. Rubber bullets cost (taxpayer) money. Maybe we should sue the violent rioting mobs who caused those rubber bullets to be expended. The US Park Police say they never used tear gas, but only released smoke canisters. I think tear gas would have been the better choice.

As for the so often laughable claim about "peaceful protesting", it's not peaceful when a mob violates a govt set curfew. It's not "peaceful" when protestors refuse to disburse after they have already been given time to protest and have done just that.
It's not "peaceful" when some protesters smashed windows at a nearby office building, according to various reporters.

It's not "peaceful" when water bottles are thrown at US Park Police (US Park Police confirmed). A number of national monuments around the city were vandalized during the Saturday night protests, the National Parks Service confirmed. That's also not "peaceful."

Even ultra-leftist DC mayor Muriel Bowser condemned the destruction of monuments and property by the RIOTERS. After outbreaks of destruction and violence during the protests, Bowser said Monday that while “we applaud the American spirit of protest,” the city will not “allow the continued destruction of our hometown by people who are coming here to protest or by D.C. residents.”
Bowser also fielded questions on the start of Sunday’s curfew at 11 p.m., and she said that they knew there were people who were “hellbent on destruction” no matter what time the curfew started.

Among the stores damaged during Sunday’s protests were a looted liquor store in Foggy Bottom, a Giant Food store in Shaw and a Sephora in Gallery Place. In Friendship Heights and Tenleytown, many stores were boarded up Monday, including a Target — which was hit — and a Rodman’s specialty store on Wisconsin Avenue.

D.C. police said they made 88 arrests Sunday night and into the early hours of Monday. It sure wasn't for the laughable, ludicrous claims of "peaceful protest".

Secret Service agents had rushed Trump to a White House bunker on Friday night, as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades.

And all this reporting from a member of the liberal (typically anti-Trump news media >>

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