I got this today and of course you should know it.

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
A lot of hearts get broke should an inmate be executed. But isn't this also true when the Inmate broke no law at all? Read his story.

Dear Patriot,

Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE!

One year ago, January 6 Peaceful Protester Kevin Seefried was sentenced to three years in federal prison.

Did he attack the U.S. Capitol Police? No.

Did he break windows? No.

Kevin was sentenced to three years in prison because he carried a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

The NBC News headline says it all:

“Man who carried a Confederate Flag in the Capitol on Jan. 6 is sentenced to 3 years.”

You’ll notice there isn’t one word there about the crimes he allegedly committed … just the flag.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, incredibly a Trump appointee, blasted Ken’s carrying of the flag as "shocking" and "outrageous." Just goes to show that all of the establishment judges on the DC Federal Court are compromised, if not corrupt!

Kevin carried the flag only as a symbol of protest, not to support racism or slavery. And the Confederate Flag is not such a symbol in any event, but instead Southern pride!

But that didn’t save him … neither did his forced public apology.

What’s worse, the federal prosecutor wanted Kevin to serve 70 months – 5 years and 10 months – in prison for his “crimes!”

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs who’ve rioted, burned down businesses, beaten, and terrorized everyday Americans haven’t even been ARRESTED!

This is outrageous!

To be frank, I feel a growing sense of urgency about January 6 patriots. They need a legal breakthrough SOON.

And you’re the key to making these pivotal fights as effective as possible.
My husband had that flag tattooed on his right arm. He carried it wherever he went.
What went wrong for America is the way the history is told, it is by just the Republicans for the most part over time. When Democrats got to it, they started ripping up statues. I was in VA years back (Clinton then was president) and purchased the Confederate Battle flag to have some history. I also have a certified US flag I purchased at Pearl Harbor and both flags are in perfect condition. We should not shy away from owning history.
A lot of hearts get broke should an inmate be executed. But isn't this also true when the Inmate broke no law at all? Read his story.

Dear Patriot,

Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE!

One year ago, January 6 Peaceful Protester Kevin Seefried was sentenced to three years in federal prison.

Did he attack the U.S. Capitol Police? No.

Did he break windows? No.

Kevin was sentenced to three years in prison because he carried a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

The NBC News headline says it all:

“Man who carried a Confederate Flag in the Capitol on Jan. 6 is sentenced to 3 years.”

You’ll notice there isn’t one word there about the crimes he allegedly committed … just the flag.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, incredibly a Trump appointee, blasted Ken’s carrying of the flag as "shocking" and "outrageous." Just goes to show that all of the establishment judges on the DC Federal Court are compromised, if not corrupt!

Kevin carried the flag only as a symbol of protest, not to support racism or slavery. And the Confederate Flag is not such a symbol in any event, but instead Southern pride!

But that didn’t save him … neither did his forced public apology.

What’s worse, the federal prosecutor wanted Kevin to serve 70 months – 5 years and 10 months – in prison for his “crimes!”

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs who’ve rioted, burned down businesses, beaten, and terrorized everyday Americans haven’t even been ARRESTED!

This is outrageous!

To be frank, I feel a growing sense of urgency about January 6 patriots. They need a legal breakthrough SOON.

And you’re the key to making these pivotal fights as effective as possible.
It is outrageous.

GITMO is set up for people like this. He should be there.
A lot of hearts get broke should an inmate be executed. But isn't this also true when the Inmate broke no law at all? Read his story.

Dear Patriot,

Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE!

One year ago, January 6 Peaceful Protester Kevin Seefried was sentenced to three years in federal prison.

Did he attack the U.S. Capitol Police? No.

Did he break windows? No.

Kevin was sentenced to three years in prison because he carried a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

The NBC News headline says it all:

“Man who carried a Confederate Flag in the Capitol on Jan. 6 is sentenced to 3 years.”

You’ll notice there isn’t one word there about the crimes he allegedly committed … just the flag.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, incredibly a Trump appointee, blasted Ken’s carrying of the flag as "shocking" and "outrageous." Just goes to show that all of the establishment judges on the DC Federal Court are compromised, if not corrupt!

Kevin carried the flag only as a symbol of protest, not to support racism or slavery. And the Confederate Flag is not such a symbol in any event, but instead Southern pride!

But that didn’t save him … neither did his forced public apology.

What’s worse, the federal prosecutor wanted Kevin to serve 70 months – 5 years and 10 months – in prison for his “crimes!”

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs who’ve rioted, burned down businesses, beaten, and terrorized everyday Americans haven’t even been ARRESTED!

This is outrageous!

To be frank, I feel a growing sense of urgency about January 6 patriots. They need a legal breakthrough SOON.

And you’re the key to making these pivotal fights as effective as possible.
The Biden DOJ is not interested in justice and it is probably futile at this point to expend time and effort to free the J6 prisoners that committed no crime other than being on premises. Some arrested weren't even there.

What we can do is put our time and energy into getting Donald Trump re-elected for the good of America and Americans. And if he does not pardon every one of the J6 participants whose only crime was being there I don't know how much I could continue to support him. And he should commute the sentences of those who did commit crimes but of such minor nature that in normal circumstances the penalty would have been maybe a fine.

And of course we expect him to fix the border problem and send the migrants home as much as is possible for the President to do on his own authority. If we do not give him a MAGA friendly GOP majority there will be only so much he can do. with the economy. We very much need to make the Trump tax reform permanent as it expires at the end of 2025, and it is highly unlikely the Democrats will do that.
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The Biden DOJ is not interested in justice and it is probably futile at this point to expend time and effort to free the J6 prisoners that committed no crime other than being on premises. Some arrested weren't even there.

What we can do is put our time and energy into getting Donald Trump re-elected for the good of America and Americans. And if he does not pardon every one of the J6 participants whose only crime was being there I don't know how much I could continue to support him. And he should commute the sentences of those who did commit crimes but of such minor nature that in normal circumstances the penalty would have been maybe a fine.

And of course we expect him to fix the border problem and send the migrants home as much as is possible for the President to do on his own authority. If we do not give him a MAGA friendly GOP authority there will be only so much he can do. with the economy. We very much need to make the Trump tax reform permanent as it expires at the end of 2025, and it is highly unlikely the Democrats will do that.
You supported him when he said he said he committed sexual assault. You'll support him no matter what.
The Biden DOJ is not interested in justice and it is probably futile at this point to expend time and effort to free the J6 prisoners that committed no crime other than being on premises. Some arrested weren't even there.

What we can do is put our time and energy into getting Donald Trump re-elected for the good of America and Americans. And if he does not pardon every one of the J6 participants whose only crime was being there I don't know how much I could continue to support him. And he should commute the sentences of those who did commit crimes but of such minor nature that in normal circumstances the penalty would have been maybe a fine.

And of course we expect him to fix the border problem and send the migrants home as much as is possible for the President to do on his own authority. If we do not give him a MAGA friendly GOP authority there will be only so much he can do. with the economy. We very much need to make the Trump tax reform permanent as it expires at the end of 2025, and it is highly unlikely the Democrats will do that.
I am trying to think how to improve your post. I simply marveled at the honesty and fair thinking you display. When Democrats approved the death of Ashli Babbitt, I was certain those came here from Russia.
You supported him when he said he said he committed sexual assault. You'll support him no matter what.
Assault never includes models allowing. Trump stated the women involved welcomed him. We know it because we learned of this by Trump bragging on a bus. Somebody recorded Trump bragging. We saw a female come pick up Trump when he left the Bus. She was so happy she hugged him.
Assault never includes models allowing. Trump stated the women involved welcomed him. We know it because we learned of this by Trump bragging on a bus. Somebody recorded Trump bragging. We saw a female come pick up Trump when he left the Bus. She was so happy she hugged him.

My God, you're disgusting. The female didn't hear Trump bragging about assaulting women.
Snopes reported a story that had said he was a registered Democrat in Delaware and a Biden supporter and yell he was arrested.

Is Alleged Capitol Rioter Kevin Seefried a 'Registered Democrat and Biden Supporter'?

Seefried and his 23-year-old son Hunter were charged with the following three offenses each and probably what most were charged with as a minimum.

  • Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority
  • Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds
  • Depredation of government property.
brought his son along for the ride , great dad

Still the above is what he was charged with basically being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

captured on video breaking into the Capitol through a broken window; that Hunter Seefried had cleared glass from that semi-broken window in order to clear a path for entry; and that once inside, Seefried brandished a Confederate flag through the halls of the Capitol.

Question to ask has Trump donated any money for the cause or to help defend any of his supporters who came to support him.
he is a billionaire last I heard.
My God, you're disgusting. The female didn't hear Trump bragging about assaulting women.
Trump did not claim he assaulted them. He says they welcomed being involved with men.
A lot of hearts get broke should an inmate be executed. But isn't this also true when the Inmate broke no law at all? Read his story.

Dear Patriot,

Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE!

One year ago, January 6 Peaceful Protester Kevin Seefried was sentenced to three years in federal prison.

Did he attack the U.S. Capitol Police? No.

Did he break windows? No.

Kevin was sentenced to three years in prison because he carried a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

The NBC News headline says it all:

“Man who carried a Confederate Flag in the Capitol on Jan. 6 is sentenced to 3 years.”

You’ll notice there isn’t one word there about the crimes he allegedly committed … just the flag.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, incredibly a Trump appointee, blasted Ken’s carrying of the flag as "shocking" and "outrageous." Just goes to show that all of the establishment judges on the DC Federal Court are compromised, if not corrupt!

Kevin carried the flag only as a symbol of protest, not to support racism or slavery. And the Confederate Flag is not such a symbol in any event, but instead Southern pride!

But that didn’t save him … neither did his forced public apology.

What’s worse, the federal prosecutor wanted Kevin to serve 70 months – 5 years and 10 months – in prison for his “crimes!”

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs who’ve rioted, burned down businesses, beaten, and terrorized everyday Americans haven’t even been ARRESTED!

This is outrageous!

To be frank, I feel a growing sense of urgency about January 6 patriots. They need a legal breakthrough SOON.

And you’re the key to making these pivotal fights as effective as possible.
They should have shoved that flag up his ass.

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