No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

Who is the Big Guy?
Do you have any content linking it to Pres Biden?
Can you show that any money actually was transferred?

These are things that will be asked in court
xiden is the big guy. others in the email chain have come forward and admitted that. that’s direct evidence…not parody
Who is the Big Guy?
Do you have any content linking it to Pres Biden?
Can you show that any money actually was transferred?

These are things that will be asked in court
Tony Bobulinski has stated repeatedly that Joe is The Big Guy, Winger! He's one of the guys that would know!

I'd love to hear you tell us who YOU think "The Big Guy" is if it isn't Joe! Who do you think they were putting aside 10% of those deals for?
Joe Biden said he wasn't involved in his son's business dealings. He said he never spoke to Hunter about them. He said that he never met any of Hunter's business partners.

All of those things are bald faced lies.

You have no evidence of any actual dealings from the President

The President constantly does photo-ops
Tony Bobulinski has stated repeatedly that Joe is The Big Guy, Winger! He's one of the guys that would know!

I'd love to hear you tell us who YOU think "The Big Guy" is if it isn't Joe! Who do you think they were putting aside 10% of those deals for?

There is a difference between telling Tucker Carlson what he wants to hear and testifying under oath

Haven’t seen Bobulinsky testify under oath.
It's an established fact the Russians tampered with the 2016 election. Even Mike Pence said they did it.
Manafort and Flynn needed pardons so they wouldn't go to jail for their Russian shenanigan's.
That's meaningless, turd. It was done purely to make the Mueller investigation look legitimate. The original claim was the Trump "colluded" with the Russians. There isn't a shred of evidence to support it.
I'd love to hear you tell us who YOU think "The Big Guy" is if it isn't Joe! Who do you think they were putting aside 10% of those deals for?

To many people “The Big Guy” refers to God
Many people set aside 10 percent of their income to God
It is called tithing

Prove me wrong
You have no evidence of any actual dealings from the President

The President constantly does photo-ops
Why would he be playing golf with them if he never met them? Only a brain dead prog could be stupid enough to believe Biden's story.
To many people “The Big Guy” refers to God
Many people set aside 10 percent of their income to God
It is called tithing

Prove me wrong
Should be simple for you to prove then, Winger! If they were "tithing" 10% of million dollar deals to the church then there would be records of those donations and they'd be used as a tax write off! Care to show any of those?
Joe Biden said he wasn't involved in his son's business dealings. He said he never spoke to Hunter about them. He said that he never met any of Hunter's business partners.

All of those things are bald faced lies.

Then it is up to you to prove ANY personal involvement or money transfers to the VP or ANY unexplained income by Biden

You can’t
xiden is the big guy. others in the email chain have come forward and admitted that. that’s direct evidence…not parody

They have?
To whom?

Saying it to Hannity or Carlson is not the same as testifying under oath

THAT would be direct evidence
Should be simple for you to prove then, Winger! If they were "tithing" 10% of million dollar deals to the church then there would be records of those donations and they'd be used as a tax write off! Care to show any of those?

Now you are getting it Skippy

Transfering that much money leaves a trail. You have NO EVIDENCE of money being transferred to anyone.

Just a vague reference of 10 percent for the Big Guy

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