No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

To many people “The Big Guy” refers to God
Many people set aside 10 percent of their income to God
It is called tithing

Prove me wrong
are you suggesting xiden did that will wirh cut of the deals?

maybe he did…it’s not really relevant
And bitching about it the whole time. :cuckoo:
Think about that, Nostra! Hunter Biden is taking in millions even though he's a worthless crack addict that got drummed out of the Navy...yet he's complaining that he has to give 10% of that to his father who let's be honest...IS THE ONLY REASON HUNTER GOT ONE DIME OF THAT MONEY! That's the kind of worthless sack of shit Hunter Biden is!
And we are back to the beginning.
Nothing on that laptop directly links to VP Biden
Biden has released his finances for decades, nothing remotely showing unexplained income.

What else you going to investigate?
You moron. Criminals don’t report their illegal income on their taxes.
It was while he was the sitting Vice President, Care! How do you not know this?

The email about the 10% was written in 2017, after he was out of office....if it does pertain to him.

So, what could Biden do, while Trump was in office to give anyone illegal favor, of the goverment, if it was referring to him?

what would make this illegal or even out of the norm n today's global business world?

there has to be more than just this...10% to the big guy in 2017?

A person who had independent access to Hunter Biden’s emails confirmed he did receive a 2015 email from a Ukrainian businessman thanking him for the chance to meet Joe Biden. The same goes for a 2017 email in which a proposed equity breakdown of a venture with Chinese energy executives includes the line, “10 held by H for the big guy?” (This person recalled seeing both emails, but was not in a position to compare the leaked emails word-for-word to the originals.)

The email about the 10% was written in 2017, after he was out of office....if it does pertain to him.

So, what could Biden do, while Trump was in office to give anyone illegal favor, of the goverment, if it was referring to him?

what would make this illegal or even out of the norm n today's glass gal business world?

there has to be more than just this...10% to the big guy in 2017?

A person who had independent access to Hunter Biden’s emails confirmed he did receive a 2015 email from a Ukrainian businessman thanking him for the chance to meet Joe Biden. The same goes for a 2017 email in which a proposed equity breakdown of a venture with Chinese energy executives includes the line, “10 held by H for the big guy?” (This person recalled seeing both emails, but was not in a position to compare the leaked emails word-for-word to the originals.)
Well then, The Big Guy should be anxious to testify and clear it all up.

Oh BTW, what year was it Biden told America he knew nothing about the Crackhead’s businesses? 2020 sound about right?

You just called Pedo Joe a lying sack of shit.

Winger thinks people are going to have a problem testifying under oath. He's right but it's not the people he thinks! Hunter Biden is going to take the 5th over and over again because if he doesn't he's going to have to throw his dad under the bus.
They will refuse to testify under oath on advice of their lawyers who do not want them to incriminate themselves
They will refuse to testify under oath on advice of their lawyers who do not want them to incriminate themselves
i have no doubt that xiden’s doj will harass the witnesses

but they have already come forward, they are brave and honorable people
I think investigating how politician's relatives use their politician relative to advance themselves is something to investigate, and even strengthen the laws on, so that it would break specific laws on it, instead of just ethics standards.

going about it in a vindictive, one sided political manner, does nothing to give confidence to all of the Americans who would like to see change on both sides of the aisle....
I don't trust this supposed investigation of Hunter Biden at all.

Remember the Democrats don't like fact-based outcomes. They like narrative-based outcomes.

The narrative they will likely push in 2024 is that "we fairly investigated Trump and we also fairly investigated the Bidens. It turned out that the Biden's are perfectly innocent victims of a smear campaign and Russian disinformation, while Trump . . . "

Honestly, I don't know how to finish that, because I can't remember off the top of my head what specifically they claim to be investigating Trump for this time. Doesn't matter, I guess. By 2024, it will surely be some different accusations.

Whatever it is, they will assure us that Trump is guilty, while citing some technicality for not pushing for an indictment.
i have no doubt that xiden’s doj will harass the witnesses

but they have already come forward, they are brave and honorable people

They are spouting their claims on Fox News
They refuse to testify under oath

If they do, they would be admitting they tried to bribe a Vice President
With all due respect, Alang? If "The Big Guy" was getting of cut of the money that Hunter was getting for selling access to his father...then his goose is cooked. I'd like to think that Joe Biden would have been smarter than that...but from all accounts...he wasn't! Another example of what Barack Obama was talking about when he warned people not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!
Big 'If' and Joe doesn't have a history or reputation for corruption, even the GOP agreed:
An election-year investigation by Senate Republicans into corruption allegations against Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter, involving Ukraine found no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the former vice president, closing out an inquiry its leaders had hoped would tarnish the Democratic presidential nominee.​
The investigation found that Hunter Biden had “cashed in” on his father’s name to close lucrative business deals around the world. It also concluded that his work for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company then mired in a corruption scandal, while the former vice president was directing American policy toward Kyiv had given the appearance of a conflict of interest and alarmed some State Department officials.​
But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.​
Read the report on Hunter Biden and Burisma from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Senate Finance Committee.​
The homeland security panel’s Republican chairman, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, had made little secret of his political ambitions for his report, boasting for weeks that his findings would demonstrate Mr. Biden’s “unfitness for office.” Instead, the result delivered on Wednesday appeared to be little more than a rehashing six weeks before Election Day of unproven allegations that echo an active Russian disinformation campaign and have been pushed by Mr. Trump.​
In the days before its release, Mr. Johnson conceded in an interview that there would be no “massive smoking guns,” saying that there was “a misconception on the part of the public that there would be.”​
They will refuse to testify under oath on advice of their lawyers who do not want them to incriminate themselves
That is always the best advice for a lawyer to give their client. Always best for the lawyer that is. I've never heard of a lawyer getting sued for telling his client to take the fifth.

I think there are limited times in which it is better for the person to talk than not to talk. Such as a public figure who will be under the shadow of an unanswered accusation for years. But for the lawyers, it will always be "keep your mouth shut."

It's pretty hard to ignore advice that you are paying tens of thousands of dollars for.
They are spouting their claims on Fox News
They refuse to testify under oath

If they do, they would be admitting they tried to bribe a Vice President
they havent refused…stop lying

what are you talking about?
No way you can know that unless you have personally seen original documents, interviewed all the parties involved, and have access to the Treasury S.A.R's...IOW, you're talking out of your ass.
Expecting more proof than some vague “Big Guy” reference is not talking out your ass
You mean the income that Hunter complained about having to pay to his father? The expenses that Hunter picked up at Joe's shore house? That money was never claimed as income by Joe Biden which means he never paid taxes on it just like Hunter didn't pay taxes on all of his income.

What income would that be?
Biden expended substantial money to help his son recover from his addiction
Paying that money back is not income

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