No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

They have?
To whom?

Saying it to Hannity or Carlson is not the same as testifying under oath

THAT would be direct evidence
he hasn’t had the chance yet…the dembots have been covering for xiden’s crimes

no worries, the american people have spoken they fire nancy the investigations are coming
Hence the investigations dummy....

And we are back to the beginning.
Nothing on that laptop directly links to VP Biden
Biden has released his finances for decades, nothing remotely showing unexplained income.

What else you going to investigate?
Now you are getting it Skippy

Transfering that much money leaves a trail. You have NO EVIDENCE of money being transferred to anyone.

Just a vague reference of 10 percent for the Big Guy
what is vague about xiden getting 10 percent? seems pretty clear to me
what is vague about xiden getting 10 percent? seems pretty clear to me
Does it say VP Biden?
Any evidence of Biden routinely being called “The Big Guy”?
Any evidence of the VP being included in that email chain?
Any evidence of 10 percent actually being transferred?

You know, things that will stand up in court
And we are back to the beginning.
Nothing on that laptop directly links to VP Biden
Biden has released his finances for decades, nothing remotely showing unexplained income.

What else you going to investigate?
No way you can know that unless you have personally seen original documents, interviewed all the parties involved, and have access to the Treasury S.A.R's...IOW, you're talking out of your ass.
It's an established fact the Russians tampered with the 2016 election. Even Mike Pence said they did it.
Manafort and Flynn needed pardons so they wouldn't go to jail for their Russian shenanigan's.
Manafort‘s charges had nothing to do with Russia, Stupid.

Flynn was railroaded for doing the exact same thing people in his position in an incoming admin do on a regular basis.

You have nothing but Dimtard talking point lies.
They do?
How many relate to President Biden?

Show some and we can talk
How am I supposed to have those, you idiot....You're argument is weak...You're trying to say unless I have all the information, or even MORE than Congress then I can't make the argument....Look, Oversight, and Judicial are both going to open investigations, and hearings, and they DO have these things....As for your demands? shove em up your ass...
Does it say VP Biden?
Any evidence of Biden routinely being called “The Big Guy”?
Any evidence of the VP being included in that email chain?
Any evidence of 10 percent actually being transferred?

You know, things that will stand up in court
Yep. Direct testimony of the Crachkead‘s business partner.
Does it say VP Biden?
Any evidence of Biden routinely being called “The Big Guy”?
Any evidence of the VP being included in that email chain?
Any evidence of 10 percent actually being transferred?

You know, things that will stand up in court
nah it says big guy that’s his nickname…lots of criminals use nicknames…Al Capone went by Scarface..Xiden goes by “Big Guy”

yes there is evidence, witnesses that have come forward and stated that. this isn’t parody, this is reality p
Now you are getting it Skippy

Transfering that much money leaves a trail. You have NO EVIDENCE of money being transferred to anyone.

Just a vague reference of 10 percent for the Big Guy
We have 150 transactions that were red flagged by various banks, Winger! Transactions that the Biden Administration changed the disclosure rules so they couldn't be made public. Those transactions will not be hidden when Jim Jordan comes knocking with House subpoenas!
And we are back to the beginning.
Nothing on that laptop directly links to VP Biden
Biden has released his finances for decades, nothing remotely showing unexplained income.

What else you going to investigate?
You mean the income that Hunter complained about having to pay to his father? The expenses that Hunter picked up at Joe's shore house? That money was never claimed as income by Joe Biden which means he never paid taxes on it just like Hunter didn't pay taxes on all of his income.

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