No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

So if someone walks into a bank and attempts to rob it but is driven out by the police, that someone should be fined $100? Got it.
All 95% of them did is walk through the capitol building. No one attempted anything close to robbing a bank.
The recent Oath Keeper trial showed that at least some there were hoping to permanently stop the certification. Had Trump done as they wanted that day might have turned out very differently. We came too close to losing our democracy for my taste.
Trump didn't though...did he? You're full of "woulda" "coulda" "shoulda's", Alang!
His managerial skills.
Dude! Hunter is a crack addict! He got drummed out of the Navy even though his freaking father was the Vice President of the United States! He has no "managerial skills"! He's traded on his father's political positions since he graduated from college!
I'm sure you felt the same way about the police during the BLM protests.

BS. I defy you to name anyone being held with charges.
Name the unarmed BLM protester that was shot by Police during the months of protests that took place, Alang!
Dude! Hunter is a crack addict! He got drummed out of the Navy even though his freaking father was the Vice President of the United States! He has no "managerial skills"! He's traded on his father's political positions since he graduated from college!
Maybe that is what he was trying to do and in that case, he got what he wanted, which is what a good manager does!

Dissecting GOP claims about Hunter Biden deals allegedly involving his father

“One of these deals involves the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had a 10 percent equity stake through his son.”

— Comer, at the news conference

The phrase “evidence suggests” is doing a lot of work here. Comer is referring to a single email — dated May 13, 2017 — whose meaning has been under dispute. In the hard-drive copy of the laptop obtained by The Washington Post, the email lacked digital information that allowed it to be verified.
The Washington Post, in its reporting, cites only materials from the laptop that the security experts were able to verify or can be confirmed elsewhere. Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, in his 2021 book “The Bidens,” said the email had been verified as authentic by “a person with independent access to Hunter’s emails.”

The 2017 email described possible ownership stakes for five partners, including Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, in a planned venture with CEFC, the Chinese company. The entity was to be called Oneida Holdings LLC.

James Gilliar, a business associate summarizing the allocation of the equity in Oneida Holdings LLC., in the email, wrote how four partners would get 20 percent each, except for Jim Biden, who would get 10 percent. He added a question: “10 held by H for the big guy?” One of the recipients of the mail, Anthony Bobulinski, has said that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden and that “H” referred to Hunter. Bobulinski was a guest of Trump at one of the 2020 presidential debates.
But Gilliar told the Wall Street Journal in 2020: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former vice president. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”

Three days after the email was sent, a draft agreement setting up Oneida was circulated. It shows each partner would receive 20 percent, including Jim Biden. No mention is made of Joe Biden. The company agreement signed on May 22, 2017, had the same allocation. Oneida was to hold 50 percent of another corporate entity called SinoHawk. Neither Gilliar nor James Biden responded to requests for comment.

The Wall Street Journal said that it had reviewed corporate records and found no role for Joe Biden. The Washington Post, in an extensive report on the CEFC dealings, also did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC. The Biden campaign at the time denied he had any role.
Comer says that this deal involved natural gas, but he appears to be referring to a different transaction, described below. There is no evidence this particular deal concerned natural gas.

Collins said Comer had not made a mistake. “Committee Republicans have evidence the Bidens’ deal with CEFC — a company closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party — was changed when the Bidens cut out their Western partners of SinoHawk to keep the business in the family,” she said. Asked to provide the evidence, she would only say it was “based on whistleblower information provided to Committee Republicans.”

In an Oct. 13 letter to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said that an FBI summary of an interview with Bobulinski revealed that the deal was intended to pay the partners for deals that had “remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President.” The venture failed but, in a separate arrangement, Hunter and Jim Biden received nearly $5 million from CEFC, Grassley noted.

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