No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

One simple question for you, Alang! Can you show me where any of the protesters hurt anyone once they were inside of the Capitol building?
As for the rest of that? It's all based on a premise that has NEVER been shown to be even slightly accurate! Those protesters weren't there to hurt people...they were there to stop the certification of an election that they believed was fraudulent. The ONLY person who was killed that day was Ashli Babbit and that death was because a Capitol Police officer decided to shoot an unarmed protester at point blank range. Ashli Babbit wasn't going to kill a member of Congress and you know damn well that's the case! Ashli Babbit loved her country. She put her life on the line for it by joining the military.
No one has demonstrated that the protestors intended to kill anyone.
They were not there to stop a Constitutional process? Couldn't they protest outside the building?
Even if they were, so what? People stop so-called constitutional processes every day. You fucking morons spout your mantra like everyone should trembler with fear at the mere mention of it.
So every Federal, State, and local government building should be open to any US citizen at any time? Does that include the Pentagon, dams and power plants, US embassies over seas, schools, etc.?
If someone trespasses on a school, should they be convicted of a major felony? Treason?
I wouldn't want just anyone to be able to walk into my local school, kid's safety trumps your right to wander where ever you want.
So if someone walks into your kids school, should he go to prison for years?
They just passed a bunch of bills showing their platform. Republicans, on the other hand, bitch about crime, but have no plan to combat crime. And we all know the reps are okay with gun crime!
then go find them and show them off. all you are doing is generic bitching with no basis in reality.
So if someone walks into your kids school, should he go to prison for years?
These guys should:
Lots of nonsense and historical rewriting (I'm sure if they had found Pelosi they would have graciously escorted her to safety) but one thing you said was true, "they were there to stop the certification of an election". What would have happened if they had succeeded?
They did stop the certification! FOR ONE DAY!!! That's your "crisis" that you seem to think was more dangerous than 9/11!

How pray tell is it "historical rewriting" to point out that none of the members of Congress were even slightly injured, let alone killed? With all due respect, Alang? You're writing a fictional tale when you start projecting what you think they might have done! They occupied the Capitol. They made their point and then they left. They didn't take hostages. They didn't attack the Police in retribution to Ashli Babbit being executed. They simply went home.
Let me guess, Billo! You actually think those 51 "intelligence chiefs" trotted out by the Biden campaign and the Main Stream Media really believed that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation ploy?

The thing I'm most interested in finding out is who it was that put THAT whole thing together! Who was the organizer of that scam? Who used that to get any stories about the Biden family's influence peddling kept out of the news in the weeks leading up to the election? The ex security chief at Twitter is now claiming that he had his doubts about the whole "Russian disinformation" story and didn't want to kill the story! So who was it at Twitter that overrode HIS doubts and went along with the Biden camp's white wash of what had taken place? Who were they contacted by?
I do not believe the laptop shows influence peddling, but you do raise a good point. Bravo!

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