No longer funny. Biden's 'mental capacity' in doubt


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Inside Your Head
I'd rather have Biden than Obama.

And around election time, the vp always gets hammered.
Either this is yet another damn good reason not to vote for Obama, or it's a complete set up to give Obama an excuse to choose another running mate. Could Biden be out there acting like he's having a breakdown to save himself the humiliation of being dropped? It's never easy to lose your position, but leaving due to nervous breakdown might be preferrable to leaving because you simply got booted for bad job performance. I suspect Obama wants to lose Biden.

Biden is the smarter of the two.

And Bo, the dog, could mop the floor with both of them.
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Obama will throw him under the bus, no doubt. Biden will "decide" he wants to sp;end more time with his family. This is not a hard one to call.
What a prick, and a new low in politics.
I do however believe in forgivness if it is determined that Biden is indeed mentally ill.

This could have been a planted remark in order to make it look like Obama has a reason to ask him to step down in order to energize the base by having Hillary run as VP.
This is quite serious and is no longer a laughing matter.

The questions surrounding this blithering idiot - one heartbeat away from POTUS - is an important reason not to re-elect Obama this fall.

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow tonight that Vice President Biden may be unfit for office. Here’s the transcript:

Giuliani Wonders Whether Biden Has ‘Mental Capacity’ for Presidency - By Robert Costa - The Corner - National Review Online

It has always been in Doubt, and it never seems to matter. Democrats can get away with a lot.
Seriously, did he come up with the "They're going to put y'all back in chains" comment, or was he prompted to do so...because that is seriously FITH.

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