No matter who wins, America loses.....

Everyone, liberals and conservatives want less taxes. They just don't agree where to spend them. Liberals usually want the money for education, healthcare and social programs. Things that help people.
And most of which are unconstitutional for the Fed govt to provide. For good reason.

Those programs can be had without a central government stepping in and forcing them. Govt's only function is to do things that private people or groups CANNOT do at all (Natl defense, foreign relations, dispassionate criminal prosecutions, etc.). Govt by nature is inefficient and coercive. So its functions must be limited to things that no one else can do. (Not just to things people think it can do "better", but to things that others cannot do at all.)

[the usual lies about conservatives deleted]
When is the last time lefties ever acknowledged that they live in the greatest Country in the world? "No matter who wins America loses" is the story of their sorry lives.
In a time when this country needs sensible leaders, there are none that can provide that leadership.

Bernie Sanders is the only sensible candidate, but even he is viewed as an extremist. And there is not going to be enough sensible politicians in congress that will allow him to fix what is wrong with this country.

Hillary is so owned by superpacs and special interests, that if she becomes POTUS it will be just four more years of gridlock. Feminism will not fix anything.

And if any of the GOP candidates become POTUS, we are going to have gridlock on top of WWIII, plus the chaos of rampant bigotry.

Woe to the United States.

No matter who wins, the next four years will be the worst in this country's history.

Sanders is a loon.. and of course you're all in.
Of course they have to treat you.
No, they do not "have" to. I cited several examples. Of course, any decent doctor would work hard to treat you. But making a law that says he "has to", is the very definition of involuntary servitude... illegal and unconstitutional for reasons we all know (except for a few hysterical leftist fanatics).

I really don't see a difference between these new and old rights.
That's right. You really don't see the difference.
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When is the last time lefties ever acknowledged that they live in the greatest Country in the world? "No matter who wins America loses" is the story of their sorry lives.

They see Greece as the great worldly success story.
In a time when this country needs sensible leaders, there are none that can provide that leadership.

Bernie Sanders is the only sensible candidate, but even he is viewed as an extremist. And there is not going to be enough sensible politicians in congress that will allow him to fix what is wrong with this country.

Hillary is so owned by superpacs and special interests, that if she becomes POTUS it will be just four more years of gridlock. Feminism will not fix anything.

And if any of the GOP candidates become POTUS, we are going to have gridlock on top of WWIII, plus the chaos of rampant bigotry.

Woe to the United States.

No matter who wins, the next four years will be the worst in this country's history.
Poor baby. Have another drink.
You managed to leave out one little fact:
If Trump wins it follows the 'down-ballots' will also go REP. This means there will be a REP majority Senate and Congress.
Don't be worried ashole. There will not be ANY griplock. Unless you consider the number of fucking LIB politicians waiting in line to throw themselves off a fucking bridge! Or in line to applying for the job of 'foot fungus' cleaner at the local spa.
New to the whole Bernie Sanders thing. What has he actually said or done for people to call him extremist or in your case "Robin Hood"
A lot of people blithely cite Robin Hood, without thinking through what Robin Hood actually did.

I know, no one's really sure if he even existed. But the legends are fun to read and study, anyway.

Someone writing a movie came up with the shortie, "He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor" to try to explain what RH did. But it is pretty wide of the mark.

Irrelevant. That is the description people recognize in connection with the name, ergo the one that is most used when describing democrats and socialism.
Yes, leftists surely rely on people's ignorance of what his real behavior was. Without ignorance, no one would support the leftists. But that's hardly a reason in itself to support them.

Robin Hood took money from government treasury agents and tax collectors. And he gave it back to the people the govt had taken it from.

No wonder leftists lie about him. He was their arch-enemy. He was a conservative.
New to the whole Bernie Sanders thing. What has he actually said or done for people to call him extremist or in your case "Robin Hood"

You must have just landed in America from another country. Sanders is a Socialist. He believes in a Medicare-for-all system, free college tuition, etc. He doesn't specify how he will pay for all this.
Do ya think that maybe that's is why I said Sanders is considered an extremist? Here's a thought.....Bernie could cut the defense budget in half...that would pay for it. He could also make corporations pay for it.
Bernie could cut the defense budget in half...that would pay for it. He could also make corporations pay for it.
Yet again, the same warmed-over, long debunked leftist talking points.

When leftist fanatics have nothing viable to say, they keep woodenly repeating what they said before, hoping people won't notice that it was refuted already.
Bernie could cut the defense budget in half...that would pay for it. He could also make corporations pay for it.
Yet again, the same warmed-over, long debunked leftist talking points.

When leftist fanatics have nothing viable to say, they keep woodenly repeating what they said before, hoping people won't notice that it was refuted already.
Just like a con that says it's refuted, knowing full well it hasn't been. but that's what cowards do instead of proving it.
In a time when this country needs sensible leaders, there are none that can provide that leadership.

Bernie Sanders is the only sensible candidate, but even he is viewed as an extremist. And there is not going to be enough sensible politicians in congress that will allow him to fix what is wrong with this country.

Hillary is so owned by superpacs and special interests, that if she becomes POTUS it will be just four more years of gridlock. Feminism will not fix anything.

And if any of the GOP candidates become POTUS, we are going to have gridlock on top of WWIII, plus the chaos of rampant bigotry.

Woe to the United States.

No matter who wins, the next four years will be the worst in this country's history.

You are coming at this from the wrong angle. Bernie is the worst candidate because his plans won't work. His numbers don't come close to adding up, and as much as many of us might like the idea of a one payer healthcare system and free college, those things must be paid for, and his numbers underfund all of it. Hillary does have ties to many special interests as do most others, but that isn't a problem. The problem is getting this crazy partisanship off the table and getting Congress to work together to a certain extent. Voters have become the extremists demanding that their representatives never cross the aisle to work with those Communists or those Fascists. Everybody hates everybody, and a lot of this started with conservative interests throwing massive amounts of money into super pacs to persuade people that making the rich richer was the answer to everything, although they didn't sell it that way.

To prove a point about the partisanship, when George H Bush was a Congressman, he voted approximately 55% of the time with his party, and approximately 45% of the time against his party. This held true for most elected representatives in Congress. These Congressmen and Senators voted for their districts and many times worked together with the opposing party when it was mutually beneficial. Today, the vast majority of Congressmen and Senators vote 90% of the time with their own party. If you want to know why Washington is at a standstill, right there is your answer, and this is happening on both sides. The problem isn't completely with our elected officials as voters have demanded that their representatives not work together with those on the other side. The real partisanship is with the voters, which have forced elected officials into this situation, then voters blame gridlock as the biggest problem yet it's the voters who have actually caused the gridlock.
In a time when this country needs sensible leaders, there are none that can provide that leadership.

Bernie Sanders is the only sensible candidate, but even he is viewed as an extremist. And there is not going to be enough sensible politicians in congress that will allow him to fix what is wrong with this country.

Hillary is so owned by superpacs and special interests, that if she becomes POTUS it will be just four more years of gridlock. Feminism will not fix anything.

And if any of the GOP candidates become POTUS, we are going to have gridlock on top of WWIII, plus the chaos of rampant bigotry.

Woe to the United States.

No matter who wins, the next four years will be the worst in this country's history.

Using the word holder of arbitrary power over the public is to obvious. Lets use the word 'leader' instead because it sounds so much less dictatorial than someone who can command the public at will.
All of you people are fucking nuts. The USA is NOT a totalitarian state. We are not a police state. We are not being driven into the ground by corporations or the 1%. You people need some fucking perspective. Moreover, you need a little bit of common sense.

You do not have an absolute right to anything you like. You have a right against gov. Regulation of political speech. But it is not as absolute nor is it the same as the right to have your opinions heard by all (the latter of which is not a right).

All of these evil PACS and interest groups are like minded people joining together to influence the system. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this. This is not identical to selling influence. If a rich person wants to give a lot of money to a particular candidate then so what? What makes YOU think that this is going to do harm to you? Why do you think that YOUR voice is as important as theirs? We do not have a direct democracy. We have a representative republic. Your vote influences, and ultimately controls, the process. But there are checks to prevent mob rule when some asshole gets a lot of popular support, like Bernie Sanders. That is why, for example, we have delegates to party conventions and the electoral college. YOU cannot be trusted. The Founders knew this. It is not that we cannot trust our leaders. We cannot trust YOU.

Economic times are difficult right now and have been for the past few years. Growth is stagnant. People are hurting. Your simple little brains have got to create a bogey man upon which to heap your problems because you are too damn stupid to understand how our system works. So instead of doing something constructive you get angry, threaten to put shit heads like Hillary and Sanders in the White House, and cry about some nonexistent force that is out to get you.

At no time in our past have we been so ideologically confused. There is actually swaths of young people in this country who think that it is a good idea to try socialism. They also are brain screwed by PC culture. Why did YOU let this happen to your children? You have raised an entire generation of zombie children who helped elect Barack Obama, someone who is not even qualified, by experience or morality, to be elected as dog catcher. Now they are supporting Bernie fucking Sanders. This country is too good for either of them. It is certainly too good for you whining leftist cockroaches.

Fuck you all, every last one of you. I still love my country and I still fly my American flag every day, and I will continue to do so until my guns are pried from my cold, dead fingers.
New to the whole Bernie Sanders thing. What has he actually said or done for people to call him extremist or in your case "Robin Hood"

You must have just landed in America from another country. Sanders is a Socialist. He believes in a Medicare-for-all system, free college tuition, etc. He doesn't specify how he will pay for all this.
Do ya think that maybe that's is why I said Sanders is considered an extremist? Here's a thought.....Bernie could cut the defense budget in half...that would pay for it. He could also make corporations pay for it.

Congress and corporations could tell him to pound sand.
Everyone, liberals and conservatives want less taxes. They just don't agree where to spend them. Liberals usually want the money for education, healthcare and social programs. Things that help people.
And most of which are unconstitutional for the Fed govt to provide. For good reason.

Those programs can be had without a central government stepping in and forcing them. Govt's only function is to do things that private people or groups CANNOT do at all (Natl defense, foreign relations, dispassionate criminal prosecutions, etc.). Govt by nature is inefficient and coercive. So its functions must be limited to things that no one else can do. (Not just to things people think it can do "better", but to things that others cannot do at all.)

[the usual lies about conservatives deleted]
Are you suggesting government funding for healthcare and education is unconstitutional? If America took away all the funding away from both of these the country would destroy itself within 10 years. That is not speculation. Sure these programs can be achieved without a central government stepping in and forcing them but only the rich would be able to reap the benefits. The poor would just then kill the rich.
Of course they have to treat you.
No, they do not "have" to. I cited several examples. Of course, any decent doctor would work hard to treat you. But making a law that says he "has to", is the very definition of involuntary servitude... illegal and unconstitutional for reasons we all know (except for a few hysterical leftist fanatics).
Cited several examples? Where? A doctor's job is to treat people. Are you suggesting there are doctor's that don't on a whim. Sounds like you are being deceptive and are only giving half the story or you are outright lying. If a doctor is not treating people then he would loose his practice and he would no longer be a doctor. Your whole premise is ridiculous. It's like a judge stating I'm not going to court today. I am no longer going to do my job and if someone tells me I have to then I will say that it's involuntary servitude and it's illegal and unconstitutional for reasons we all know. If someone isn't going to do their job they can be replaced. It's called unemployment.

I really don't see a difference between these new and old rights.
That's right. You really don't see the difference.
Yet you are unable to show a difference except for some speculated nonsense no one has asked for.

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