No Missiles For Hezbollah

georgephillip; et al,

It is not about "competition."

What's the matter...can't handle a little competition?

It is about the character of the conflict and the metal behind the behavior of the people. It demonstrates what your cause is and what you really think the role of the people is.

Hezbollah, Iran, the Assad Government and the Shia Ba'athist Party on one side; supported by the Palestinian and Lebanese People.

--- Versus ---

The Syrian People and the Right to Self-Determination and Democratic Rule

It is about what you believe in. What do you believe in?

Most Respectfully,
Honestly, Rocco, I believe you've presented something of a false dichotomy with the choice you've offered me: I don't believe the Syrian People are anything more than pawns in this particular match. Not unlike civilians in Afghanistan or Fallujah.

I believe Empire functions more profitably when facing a balkanized opposition.
I believe Syria will be carved up in such a manner as to reduce its threat level to the US and Israel.
And frankly I wouldn't be surprised if elements of our CIA were arming and training Salafist forces in Syria today in much the same way they created al-Qa'aida during Carter's last days.

I guess this is where my belief starts:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States.

"In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence."

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup the analogy fails.
That's the equivalent of a little 2 year old kid sticking his fingers in his ears and closing his eyes, because he doesn't like the big people telling him what he can't do.

No need to list Hezbollah attacks when they are well known.
Not to you, or you'd be able to name at least 3 examples off the top of your head. But you can't name any! It's not because they're well known, it's because you don't know of any and you're just trying to bluff your way through a debate.

Yes, Israel has every right and will strike Hezbollah and Syrian munitions sites.
Then state it! State the right. Where is that right codified?

Drone strikes are technological phenomenon, just like missiles, not political ideologies, loinboy.
They're used to invoke political terror on a population they're flying over. People can't go out of their homes, go the local market or simply be asleep in their bed, without knowing that at any time, they could get hit with a missle and their life is over. Constantly having to live under those conditions 24/7, can give people the same symptoms of PSTD.

So how's that not terrorism?

Hezbollah and Hamas are Dead Organizations walking, kind of zomblie like, but head shots take care of the problem.
So you think you can kill anyone you fuckin' feel like killing?

Is that the "right" you were referring to earlier?

Israel will remain, and the Arabs will have to abide.
That door swings both ways.

What do the Israeli's abide by?

No other solution can occur, ever.
There's more solutions than that.

How about Israel comply with international law or show some concern for human rights?

That would solve some problems.
loinboy, history has decided this is how it is. The Arabs cannot change what is or going to be.

Every people, including the Jews, have the right to kill anyone who threatens their existence as a people and a nation.

The Arabs had their chance for a Palestine, fucked it up royally then and every time since, and will continue to do so because History and Fate have made it so.

You will have to abide.
When Russia moved missiles into Cuba, did the US president threaten to nuke Cuba? Maybe you aren't too familiar with the concept of not waiting until your sworn enemy gets its hands on WMDs. But then again, nobody in the US govt is asking your permission to target places in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and neither are the Israelis.

You can scream and holler all you want, terrorist ass licker. Nobody's weeping for that genocidal mass murdering regime in Syria, not even Arabs. Except you bad ass Internet anti Semites. Ha ha ha.
That's because those missles had nuclear warheads and were targeted at this country just 90 miles away.

There are no missles targeted at Israel and they are the only country in the ME with WMD's.

Those are two completely different situations.
loinboy, history has decided this is how it is. The Arabs cannot change what is or going to be.

Every people, including the Jews, have the right to kill anyone who threatens their existence as a people and a nation.

The Arabs had their chance for a Palestine, fucked it up royally then and every time since, and will continue to do so because History and Fate have made it so.

You will have to abide.
You can only use deadly force when you yourself are threatened with deadly force. Israel was not threatened, yet they attacked anyway. And since their attack was un-provoked, Syria has every legal right in the world to respond militarily. Which, would result in getting their ass kicked. So if I was Syria, I'd ask Russia to bomb Israel. They're too big of a dog for Israel to handle. Russia can bitch-slap Israel and there's not a god-damn thing the Israeli's could do about it. And if by chance, the Israeli's wanted to push the issue, Russia does have the capability of wiping them out.
Why should the Arabs police their own when the Americans and Jews will fight their battles for them?...
Israeli raids in Syria highlight Arab conundrum
May 5,`13 -- Five weeks ago, the head of the Arab League capped a summit in Qatar with an impassioned appeal to strengthen the rebel fighters trying to bring down Syrian President Bashar Assad. On Sunday, he denounced Israeli's airstrike into Assad's territory as a dangerous threat to regional stability.
The contrast reflects a fundamental conundrum for Arab leaders. Nearly all Arab states have sided with the rebel forces seeking to topple Assad and inflict a blow to his main ally, Iran. And Sunday's attack by Israeli warplanes in Syria - the second in three days - was the type of punishing response many Arab leaders have urged from the West against Assad after more than two years of civil war. The fact the fighter jets came from Israel, however, exposes the complications and regional crosscurrents that make Syria the Arab Spring's most intricate puzzle.

While Israel and much of the Arab world share suspicions about Iran, including worries over its nuclear ambitions and expanding military, the perception that they are allied against Assad - even indirectly - is strongly knocked down by many Arab leaders. The airstrikes also highlight one of the critical side issues of the Syrian conflict: the Iranian-backed Shiite militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli warplanes apparently targeted a shipment of highly accurate, Iranian-made Fateh-110 guided missiles believed to be bound for Hezbollah.

Toppling Assad would cut the arms pipeline that runs from Shiite giant Iran to Hezbollah. But Hezbollah remains deeply popular on the Arab street for its battles with Israel, including a war in 2006 in which Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets into Israel. No Arab leader wants to be perceived as giving a green light for Israeli attacks. Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby warned of serious repercussions from the Israeli attacks and called on the U.N. Security Council to "immediately move to stop the Israeli aggressions on Syria." Elaraby described the Israeli airstrikes as a "grave violation of the sovereignty of an Arab state that will further complicate the issue in Syria and expose the region's security and stability to the most serious threats and consequences."

Also Sunday, Elaraby held talks with Mouaz al-Khatib, who recently resigned as chief of the Syrian National Coalition of opposition forces, to discuss the Israeli raids and other issues. At an Arab League summit in late March, Elaraby backed a declaration by host Qatar that gave member states "the right" to back the Syrian opposition. Qatar and other wealthy Gulf Arab have become leading backers of Syria's opposition in a dual bid to expand their influence while crippling Iran. Official Gulf reaction to the Israeli attacks was limited to straightforward reports with little commentary. Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi condemned Israel's airstrikes, calling them a violation of international law and warning they complicate the civil war in that country.


See also:

A look at the missile reportedly targeted in Syria
May 5,`13 - Israel has carried out airstrikes against Syria twice in the past three days, targeting what officials say are shipments of highly accurate, Iranian-made guided missiles known as Fateh-110s believed to be on their way to Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group. Here are some details about the missile:

The Fateh-110, or "Conqueror" in Farsi, is a short-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and first put into service in 2002. The Islamic Republic unveiled an upgraded version last year that improved the weapon's accuracy and increased its range to 300 kilometers (185 miles). Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said at the time that the solid-fueled missile could strike with precision, making it the most accurate weapon of its kind in Iran's arsenal.


Israel worries the missiles could be transferred to Lebanon's Hezbollah, providing a major boost to the Shiite militant group's arsenal. The Fateh-110 is more accurate than anything Hezbollah is currently known to possess. Israel and Hezbollah fought a month-long war in mid-2006 that ended in a stalemate. The missile would put almost all of Israel in range, and its precision guidance system poses a threat to Israeli infrastructure and military installations.



A look at reasons for Israeli airstrikes in Syria
May 5,`13 -- A look at the reasons for and possible implications of the escalation of Israel's involvement in Syria's civil war.

Israel has said repeatedly it does not want to get dragged into Syria's civil war but has also warned that it will not allow so-called "game-changing" sophisticated weapons to flow across the border to Lebanon's Hezbollah, an Islamic militant group allied with the Syrian regime. Israeli defense officials believe Iran has stepped up shipments of weapons to Hezbollah through Syria, including accurate longer-range Iranian missiles, as President Bashar Assad's position weakens. This could help explain the back-to-back Israeli strikes on Friday and Sunday on alleged Hezbollah-bound weapons in Syria. Before this week, Israel aircraft had struck Syria only once, in January. Analyst Paul Salem of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut says Israel may simply be sending a stern warning to deter such weapons smuggling. Salem says Israel also appears to be increasingly concerned about Iranian and Hezbollah forces fighting alongside Assad's troops, close to Israel's borders.


White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Sunday that "Israelis are justifiably concerned about the threat posed by Hezbollah obtaining advanced weapons systems, including some long-range missiles." President Barack Obama said the U.S. coordinates closely with Israel, implying that Washington was not taken by surprise by the Israeli strikes. The U.S. has long resisted getting involved in the conflict amid concerns that foreign weapons could end up in the hands of al-Qaida-linked groups or other extremists fighting with the rebels. However, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said recently that Washington is reviewing its opposition to arming the opposition.

The Israeli strikes illustrate that Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have drawn different red lines in Syria's conflict. Israel's main concern is that Hezbollah could obtain advanced weapons. Obama has warned that the use of chemical weapons by the regime could have "enormous consequences." There have been some indications of chemical weapons use, but Obama has said he needs more definitive proof before making a decision about how to respond.


Israel, which commands the region's most powerful military, appears to be taking a calculated risk that Syria, Hezbollah or Iran won't retaliate for its air raids. If the trio were to do so, it would mean opening up a new front at a time when it is fighting for the Assad regime's survival. Hezbollah also risks losing its position as the dominant military and political power in Lebanon, something it painstakingly rebuilt after the 2006 war, if Israel were dragged in to the conflict.

The initial Syrian response to Israel's airstrike early Sunday appeared relatively muted. Syria's government called the attacks a "flagrant violation of international law" and warned it has the right "to defend its people by all available means." Still, Israeli officials have signaled Israel will not stop blocking weapons shipments to Hezbollah, raising the possibility of more Israeli airstrikes and a further escalation. Salman Shaikh of the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar says the Assad regime, Hezbollah and Iran increasingly view the Syria conflict as a zero-sum game.

It's a little hard to imagine what the Arabs could do about Assad.
Last month (?) when Bibi and Erdogan reconciled there was speculation it would be Turkish boots on the ground in Syria when the time came; however, the Russians probably weren't too keen about that. It may be that events in Boston and Chechnya have given Putin a good reason to stand down on Syria and clean house in the Caucasus.

I thought perhaps the missiles Israel destroyed were for air defense, but apparently that was not the case. Should Hezbollah acquire the means to knock down IDF overflights occasionally, that would complicate things for the US and Israel. I listened for about an hour today to three Syrian "experts" and all predicted this conflict was far from over. War is (still) a Racket.
loinboy, history has decided this is how it is. The Arabs cannot change what is or going to be.

Every people, including the Jews, have the right to kill anyone who threatens their existence as a people and a nation.

The Arabs had their chance for a Palestine, fucked it up royally then and every time since, and will continue to do so because History and Fate have made it so.

You will have to abide.
You can only use deadly force when you yourself are threatened with deadly force. Israel was not threatened, yet they attacked anyway. And since their attack was un-provoked, Syria has every legal right in the world to respond militarily. Which, would result in getting their ass kicked. So if I was Syria, I'd ask Russia to bomb Israel. They're too big of a dog for Israel to handle. Russia can bitch-slap Israel and there's not a god-damn thing the Israeli's could do about it. And if by chance, the Israeli's wanted to push the issue, Russia does have the capability of wiping them out.

Russia won't do it. They are quietly talking to the Israelis as we get ready for bed time tonight.
georgephillip; et al,

Don't confuse academic achievement (as in Dr Brzezinski, PhD) with brilliance or genius; or someone with an unusually accurate insight into the world, the hidden workings and mysterious mechanisms. History has unmistakably shown us that the Whiz Kids have been wrong more times then they have been right.

It is not about "competition."

What's the matter...can't handle a little competition?

It is about the character of the conflict and the metal behind the behavior of the people. It demonstrates what your cause is and what you really think the role of the people is.

Hezbollah, Iran, the Assad Government and the Shia Ba'athist Party on one side; supported by the Palestinian and Lebanese People.

--- Versus ---

The Syrian People and the Right to Self-Determination and Democratic Rule

It is about what you believe in. What do you believe in?

Most Respectfully,
Honestly, Rocco, I believe you've presented something of a false dichotomy with the choice you've offered me: I don't believe the Syrian People are anything more than pawns in this particular match. Not unlike civilians in Afghanistan or Fallujah.

I believe Empire functions more profitably when facing a balkanized opposition.
I believe Syria will be carved up in such a manner as to reduce its threat level to the US and Israel.
And frankly I wouldn't be surprised if elements of our CIA were arming and training Salafist forces in Syria today in much the same way they created al-Qa'aida during Carter's last days.

I guess this is where my belief starts:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States.

"In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence."

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Grand Chess Board is an amazing read (now a decade out of date); yet, it only gives us insight into the wisdom of the Post-War II 20th Century Thinker with the unswerving belief that America will have the industrial might, production capacity, and economic strength to maintain and sustain its influence as a political-military hegemony. Already, the 20th Century - two-dimensional chess board has altered reality to become a three-dimensional board into the 21st Century; ushering in a whole new set of rules and strategic obstacles. And while there were some that were busy calculating the impact of the growing threat furthered by asymmetric strategies, fourth-generation warfare, with proxy warriors and non-state actors in play; the US was unable to meet the challenge as the new Century dawned upon us.

It is not really a false choice. On the battlefield, you support one side or the other. The people of Syria will not care your politics and your politics will not save you from their criticism should you use some divisive political subterfuge to justify outright support against them. The choice is very real, the honor is very real, and the consequences will be very real.

There is no real grand strategy for the US in the future of Eurasia. That is a mere fantasy and dream - like smoke in the wind. The US has no handle, no leverage, or acuity to demand, command, or influence the powers that control that domain. All that was sold off when America became a service base economy - unable to produce even the simplest of communications devices; let alone the complex mechanisms that dominate the global economies of the world and that - which would secure any lasting military superiority given the magnitude of the emerging threats.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
"On the battlefield, you support one side or the other."
Do you happen to know how many factions the Syrian opposition is currently composed of?
Once Assad carves out his coastal enclave, won't Syria degenerate into Libya?
If so, doesn't that work to the advantage of the US and Israel?
When Russia moved missiles into Cuba, did the US president threaten to nuke Cuba? Maybe you aren't too familiar with the concept of not waiting until your sworn enemy gets its hands on WMDs. But then again, nobody in the US govt is asking your permission to target places in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and neither are the Israelis.

You can scream and holler all you want, terrorist ass licker. Nobody's weeping for that genocidal mass murdering regime in Syria, not even Arabs. Except you bad ass Internet anti Semites. Ha ha ha.
That's because those missles had nuclear warheads and were targeted at this country just 90 miles away.

There are no missles targeted at Israel and they are the only country in the ME with WMD's.

Those are two completely different situations.
Duh, are you dense or what? Syria was sending those missiles to Hezbollah who are situated in Southern Lebanon, which is very short distance to major Israeli cities.

No, the Israelis aren't going to wait for a bunch of terrorist animals to get the missiles, and then try to target it. By then they will be carefully hidden. Of course that's exactly what you were hoping for.

Hissy fit?
loinboy, history has decided this is how it is. The Arabs cannot change what is or going to be.

Every people, including the Jews, have the right to kill anyone who threatens their existence as a people and a nation.

The Arabs had their chance for a Palestine, fucked it up royally then and every time since, and will continue to do so because History and Fate have made it so.

You will have to abide.
You can only use deadly force when you yourself are threatened with deadly force. Israel was not threatened, yet they attacked anyway. And since their attack was un-provoked, Syria has every legal right in the world to respond militarily. Which, would result in getting their ass kicked. So if I was Syria, I'd ask Russia to bomb Israel. They're too big of a dog for Israel to handle. Russia can bitch-slap Israel and there's not a god-damn thing the Israeli's could do about it. And if by chance, the Israeli's wanted to push the issue, Russia does have the capability of wiping them out.

Russia won't do it. They are quietly talking to the Israelis as we get ready for bed time tonight.
Jake this guy keeps wetting in pants praying for the Russians to attack Israel over Syria. Ha ha ha. Shows how little he actually knows.

good war porn

raw video of israeli airstrike in syria

[ame=]?????? 5-5-2013 ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? - YouTube[/ame]
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.

good war porn

raw video of israeli airstrike in syria

[ame=]?????? 5-5-2013 ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? - YouTube[/ame]
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.
georgephillip; et al,

It is not about "competition."

What's the matter...can't handle a little competition?

It is about the character of the conflict and the metal behind the behavior of the people. It demonstrates what your cause is and what you really think the role of the people is.

Hezbollah, Iran, the Assad Government and the Shia Ba'athist Party on one side; supported by the Palestinian and Lebanese People.

--- Versus ---

The Syrian People and the Right to Self-Determination and Democratic Rule

It is about what you believe in. What do you believe in?

Most Respectfully,
Honestly, Rocco, I believe you've presented something of a false dichotomy with the choice you've offered me: I don't believe the Syrian People are anything more than pawns in this particular match. Not unlike civilians in Afghanistan or Fallujah.

I believe Empire functions more profitably when facing a balkanized opposition.
I believe Syria will be carved up in such a manner as to reduce its threat level to the US and Israel.
And frankly I wouldn't be surprised if elements of our CIA were arming and training Salafist forces in Syria today in much the same way they created al-Qa'aida during Carter's last days.

I guess this is where my belief starts:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States.

"In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence."

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It certainly looks like Georgie Boy never misses an opportunity to blame the U.S. for something or other. Never would he think, inasmuch as we have seen so many Arabs countries have uprisings recently, that perhaps the Syrians wanted to have theirs too and get rid of their leader. Meanwhile, of course, the radical Muslims are coming into the mix and they want to make Syria an Islamic country which of course is not the aim of those rebels who started this uprising. Of course leave it to Georgie Boy to claim that some in the CIA was arming and training these extremist Muslims. Tell us, Georgie Boy, is the CIA behind the extremists who are trying to take over in Morocco these days?
When Russia moved missiles into Cuba, did the US president threaten to nuke Cuba? Maybe you aren't too familiar with the concept of not waiting until your sworn enemy gets its hands on WMDs. But then again, nobody in the US govt is asking your permission to target places in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and neither are the Israelis.

You can scream and holler all you want, terrorist ass licker. Nobody's weeping for that genocidal mass murdering regime in Syria, not even Arabs. Except you bad ass Internet anti Semites. Ha ha ha.
That's because those missles had nuclear warheads and were targeted at this country just 90 miles away.

There are no missles targeted at Israel and they are the only country in the ME with WMD's.

Those are two completely different situations.
Read this before you swallow your foot.

Hezbollah says can kill tens of thousands of Israelis | Reuters
The attack was illegal and immoral.

Syria did not attack Israel, therefore, Israel had no right to attack Syria.

You fuckers don't deserve a country!

You're a bunch of war-mongering assholes, who enjoy beating up on your neighbors.

But Syria has killed 100,000 of its own people in 2 years.
As long as it is the Muslims killing other Muslims and the Jews are not involved, the anti-Semites close their eyes. Another 100,000 could be killed, and their eyes will still be tightly shut. You really think the anti-Semites actually care about the Arabs

good war porn

raw video of israeli airstrike in syria

[ame=]?????? 5-5-2013 ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? - YouTube[/ame]
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.


yeah i did notice that

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