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No Missiles For Hezbollah

good war porn

raw video of israeli airstrike in syria

?????? 5-5-2013 ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? - YouTube
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.
Which "Syrian People" are you helping?

"Testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict suggests rebels have used the nerve agent sarin, according to a leading United Nations investigator.

"Carla del Ponte told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof'.

"However, she said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons."

BBC News - Syria crisis: UN's Del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'

The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston.

Boston? Yeah, blame the Jews for everything.
What war crimes? Israel has commited no war crimes. NONE.
Haven't committed a war crime? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong!

They launched an un-provoked attack against a sovereign nation and that has been codified in the Nuremberg Principles as a "war of aggression", the highest crime a nation can commit.

Nuremberg principles

The Nuremberg principles were a set of guidelines for determining what constitutes a war crime.

Principle VI

"The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
(a) Crimes against peace: (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;​
And the treaty in this case is Article 51 of the UN Charter which prohibits attacking another country with military force unless it is in self-defense or has the authorization of the UNSC. Israel had neither. They just "chose" to bomb Syria. And a "war of choice", is a "war of aggression", no different than the nazis going into Poland.

I love how all you fuckers just keep making excuses after excuses on why you have to attack other nations and I'm here to tell ya, people are getting sick of it! These air-strikes make people wanna wipe Israel out and that's no ones fault but Israel's.

And I don't appreciate you fuckers bombing Syria just to drag my country into a war that could lead to the end of all life on planet earth. Russia has already stated they will not allow Syria to fall out of their sphere of influence. That is the line in the sand they have drawn and Israel's own arrogance is going to get them in trouble, because Russia is out of their weight class. It would be like a middle weight (Israel) trying to fight a heavyweight (Russia). But who knows, maybe Russia won't wipe Israel out. Maybe they'll just make Israel their little bitch!

Israel is liberating the Syrian people.
et al,

The "Nuremberg principles" have long since been overtaken by events and replaced by the ICJ/ICC/ Rome Statues:

War Crimes are defined in Part II Article 8.

What war crimes? Israel has commited no war crimes. NONE.
Haven't committed a war crime? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong!

They launched an un-provoked attack against a sovereign nation and that has been codified in the Nuremberg Principles as a "war of aggression", the highest crime a nation can commit.

Nuremberg principles

The Nuremberg principles were a set of guidelines for determining what constitutes a war crime.

Principle VI

"The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
(a) Crimes against peace: (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;​
And the treaty in this case is Article 51 of the UN Charter which prohibits attacking another country with military force unless it is in self-defense or has the authorization of the UNSC. Israel had neither. They just "chose" to bomb Syria. And a "war of choice", is a "war of aggression", no different than the nazis going into Poland.

I love how all you fuckers just keep making excuses after excuses on why you have to attack other nations and I'm here to tell ya, people are getting sick of it! These air-strikes make people wanna wipe Israel out and that's no ones fault but Israel's.

And I don't appreciate you fuckers bombing Syria just to drag my country into a war that could lead to the end of all life on planet earth. Russia has already stated they will not allow Syria to fall out of their sphere of influence. That is the line in the sand they have drawn and Israel's own arrogance is going to get them in trouble, because Russia is out of their weight class. It would be like a middle weight (Israel) trying to fight a heavyweight (Russia). But who knows, maybe Russia won't wipe Israel out. Maybe they'll just make Israel their little bitch!

Israel is liberating the Syrian people.

However, it is difficult to charge Israel with a War Crime, in this case, when they were interceding against an International Crime in progress (Enforcement of an Arms Embargo and U.N. Security Council ban on weapons exports by the Islamic Republic).

Most Respectfully,
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.
Which "Syrian People" are you helping?

"Testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict suggests rebels have used the nerve agent sarin, according to a leading United Nations investigator.

"Carla del Ponte told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof'.

"However, she said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons."

BBC News - Syria crisis: UN's Del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'

The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston.

Boston? Yeah, blame the Jews for everything.
Not all Jews deserve this blame.
Some do.
Like those who covet the Litani for a northern border.
Which "Syrian People" are you helping?

"Testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict suggests rebels have used the nerve agent sarin, according to a leading United Nations investigator.

"Carla del Ponte told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof'.

"However, she said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons."

BBC News - Syria crisis: UN's Del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'

The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston.

Boston? Yeah, blame the Jews for everything.
Not all Jews deserve this blame.
Some do.
Like those who covet the Litani for a northern border.

Let's not just throw everything into a hodgepodge and blame the "rich elites". I don't know by what stretch of the imagination Boston can be blamed on Israel. The Boston bomber's uncle said that those two thugs were losers, who were not able to get settled in life, so this is how they acted out their frustrations--by becoming radicals within their religion. One of the bombers said that he wasn't able to make an American friend. Furthermore they were Chechnyan Muslims, and their country is occupied by Russia. Let's be clear about all this.
Last edited:
Chechens are primarily motivated by creating an independent Muslim state free of Russian influence within their homeland. Like many Muslims world-wide they've grown up watching images on their televisions of US and Israeli military actions that have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of their fellow Muslims.

It's possible the Boston bombers were acting out of frustration with what they see as US blind support for Israel's actions in Palestine, or the actions of the US military in Afghanistan or Iraq. It is for sure that uncle you mention was once married to the daughter of a CIA agent who spent much of his career in that part of the world.

There is also a connection between Chechnya and Syria that may not get much air time in this country:

"The Boston bombing is still in the process of investigation and could have a variety of repercussions in both the short and the long run. Many of these repercussions cannot be predicted, but some can be seen.

"One is connected with the North Caucasus jihadis' involvement in the Syrian conflict, and their relationship with the US. While several months ago the North Caucasus jihadis assumed that their participation in fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would lead to total rapprochement with Washington, they are increasingly losing belief in such a development."

Asia Times Online :: Caucasus jihadis feel Boston shocks

I only mentioned the Litani River because that has been mentioned many times as a natural northern border for the Jewish state...to complement the Jordan River (or is it the Euphrates) on the east.
good war porn

raw video of israeli airstrike in syria

?????? 5-5-2013 ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? - YouTube
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.
Which "Syrian People" are you helping?

"Testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict suggests rebels have used the nerve agent sarin, according to a leading United Nations investigator.

"Carla del Ponte told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof'.

"However, she said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons."

BBC News - Syria crisis: UN's Del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'

The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston.
Isn't Georgie Boy hilarious by saying " The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston. "
Wow, what a statement that only an extremist Muslim or a Jew hater like Georgie Boy would say. Yep, his Jewish landlord probably didn't reduce his rent as he requested, but the Jewish taxpayers along with the other taxpayers in the Los Angeles area are responsible for his having a subsidized apartment.
BBC Headline Parrots Syrian Terror Charge Against Israel | HonestReporting
Honestly, Rocco, I believe you've presented something of a false dichotomy with the choice you've offered me: I don't believe the Syrian People are anything more than pawns in this particular match. Not unlike civilians in Afghanistan or Fallujah.

I believe Empire functions more profitably when facing a balkanized opposition.
I believe Syria will be carved up in such a manner as to reduce its threat level to the US and Israel.
And frankly I wouldn't be surprised if elements of our CIA were arming and training Salafist forces in Syria today in much the same way they created al-Qa'aida during Carter's last days.

I guess this is where my belief starts:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States.

"In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence."

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It certainly looks like Georgie Boy never misses an opportunity to blame the U.S. for something or other. Never would he think, inasmuch as we have seen so many Arabs countries have uprisings recently, that perhaps the Syrians wanted to have theirs too and get rid of their leader. Meanwhile, of course, the radical Muslims are coming into the mix and they want to make Syria an Islamic country which of course is not the aim of those rebels who started this uprising. Of course leave it to Georgie Boy to claim that some in the CIA was arming and training these extremist Muslims. Tell us, Georgie Boy, is the CIA behind the extremists who are trying to take over in Morocco these days?
I wonder if you want to know who the CIA has been arming and training since Ziggy left DC?
Sibel Edmonds has some hypothesis that seem to connect a few dots:

"With the approaching Finale for Syria’s Assad the Uber-Neocon architects of US foreign policy have been hard at work. Assuming (albeit knowingly) the certainty of the soon-to-come end for Assad’s government, the neocon architects are drafting and crafting their objectives for the Post-Assad regime in Syria.

"I know the mainstream and pseudo-alternative media use the term 'Neocon' loosely and willy-nilly, but I can assure you this is not the case with my usage of 'Uber-Neocons’ here. You will see that clearly after reading the following facts.

"Yesterday I found this ‘interesting’ article in the Turkish newspaper Zaman [All Emphasis Mine]: Read more ?..."

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
Would there be a problem in your mind if the CIA is arming those Rebels who are not fanatics and just want a democracy in Syria? No doubt you would love Iran to take over because in your mixed up mind you think that Israel and the U.S. want Syria for themselves. And, of course, even you have the smarts to realize that the leaders of Iran are crazy religious fanatics.

Iran?s Plans to Take Over Syria
Did you notice the Arabs in the background praising the strike with "Allah Akbar!" Unreal.

Thanks for showing this video of Israel being the only country to help the Syrian people out, when our president is checking to see if he has balls down there.

AllahuAkbar Israel! Ha ha ha.
Which "Syrian People" are you helping?

"Testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict suggests rebels have used the nerve agent sarin, according to a leading United Nations investigator.

"Carla del Ponte told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof'.

"However, she said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons."

BBC News - Syria crisis: UN's Del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'

The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston.
Isn't Georgie Boy hilarious by saying " The Jewish state was created to ensure violence like what we see today from Lebanon to Libya to Syria to Boston. "
Wow, what a statement that only an extremist Muslim or a Jew hater like Georgie Boy would say. Yep, his Jewish landlord probably didn't reduce his rent as he requested, but the Jewish taxpayers along with the other taxpayers in the Los Angeles area are responsible for his having a subsidized apartment.
BBC Headline Parrots Syrian Terror Charge Against Israel | HonestReporting
Arms sales, oil sales, and laundering illegal drug profits are the top three money-makers on this planet, Hossie. Can you honestly tell me creating a Jewish State in the heart of Arab oil didn't spike the top two items on this list? Now, we have our heroic Marines and others making Afghanistan safe for opium growers, I'm sure Wall Street (and Pentagon) bonus pools will be even deeper this year.

Your link was a little light on details (imagine my surprise) but what airspace were those Israeli rockets fired from? That "contingency" planning Wesley Clark has written about seems to be falling into place. Divide and Conquer?
It certainly looks like Georgie Boy never misses an opportunity to blame the U.S. for something or other. Never would he think, inasmuch as we have seen so many Arabs countries have uprisings recently, that perhaps the Syrians wanted to have theirs too and get rid of their leader. Meanwhile, of course, the radical Muslims are coming into the mix and they want to make Syria an Islamic country which of course is not the aim of those rebels who started this uprising. Of course leave it to Georgie Boy to claim that some in the CIA was arming and training these extremist Muslims. Tell us, Georgie Boy, is the CIA behind the extremists who are trying to take over in Morocco these days?
I wonder if you want to know who the CIA has been arming and training since Ziggy left DC?
Sibel Edmonds has some hypothesis that seem to connect a few dots:

"With the approaching Finale for Syria’s Assad the Uber-Neocon architects of US foreign policy have been hard at work. Assuming (albeit knowingly) the certainty of the soon-to-come end for Assad’s government, the neocon architects are drafting and crafting their objectives for the Post-Assad regime in Syria.

"I know the mainstream and pseudo-alternative media use the term 'Neocon' loosely and willy-nilly, but I can assure you this is not the case with my usage of 'Uber-Neocons’ here. You will see that clearly after reading the following facts.

"Yesterday I found this ‘interesting’ article in the Turkish newspaper Zaman [All Emphasis Mine]: Read more ?..."

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
Would there be a problem in your mind if the CIA is arming those Rebels who are not fanatics and just want a democracy in Syria? No doubt you would love Iran to take over because in your mixed up mind you think that Israel and the U.S. want Syria for themselves. And, of course, even you have the smarts to realize that the leaders of Iran are crazy religious fanatics.

Iran?s Plans to Take Over Syria
Your (excellent) link:

"It is likely that Tehran will make every effort to recruit additional Shiite elements from Iraq, the Persian Gulf, and even from Pakistan. For the Islamic Republic, this is a war of survival against a radical Sunni uprising that views Iran and the Shiites as infidels to be annihilated.

"This is the real war being waged today, and it is within Islam.

"From Iran’s standpoint, if the extreme Sunnis of the al-Qaeda persuasion are not defeated in Syria, they will assert themselves in Iraq and threaten to take over the Persian Gulf, posing a real danger to Iran’s regional hegemony.

"Khamenei does not intend to give in. Hizbullah’s readiness to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with Iran against the radical Sunnis could shatter the delicate internal order upon which the Lebanese state is based and bring about a Hizbullah take-over of Lebanon in its entirety."

Are those voices in your head going.....oh nooooz Hizbollah and Iran! Time for the US and Israel to pack up all those damn aircraft carriers, nuclear powered submarines and missiles, and beat a hasty retreat to Haiti? If Iran recovers part of that 35th district after Assad carves out his enclave along the Alawite coast, and the rest of Syria decomposes into Libya, who is likely to profit most from the misery that comes next? Those in the west getting rich from arms and oil sales, maybe?

There is a real war being waged today within Islam, but it's not the main event.

Wesley Clark laid that one out ten years ago.
Chechens are primarily motivated by creating an independent Muslim state free of Russian influence within their homeland. Like many Muslims world-wide they've grown up watching images on their televisions of US and Israeli military actions that have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of their fellow Muslims.

It's possible the Boston bombers were acting out of frustration with what they see as US blind support for Israel's actions in Palestine, or the actions of the US military in Afghanistan or Iraq. It is for sure that uncle you mention was once married to the daughter of a CIA agent who spent much of his career in that part of the world.

There is also a connection between Chechnya and Syria that may not get much air time in this country:

"The Boston bombing is still in the process of investigation and could have a variety of repercussions in both the short and the long run. Many of these repercussions cannot be predicted, but some can be seen.

"One is connected with the North Caucasus jihadis' involvement in the Syrian conflict, and their relationship with the US. While several months ago the North Caucasus jihadis assumed that their participation in fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would lead to total rapprochement with Washington, they are increasingly losing belief in such a development."

Asia Times Online :: Caucasus jihadis feel Boston shocks

I only mentioned the Litani River because that has been mentioned many times as a natural northern border for the Jewish state...to complement the Jordan River (or is it the Euphrates) on the east.
Now that you have finished your blabbering about Chechens, let the viewers listen to this video, which is so on the mark. You, Georgie Boy, who can't seem to stop speaking about money, should be angry at what these two bombers and their family received. I would rather that a fellow like you had been given the opportunity that they were given.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkzNL69L_h0]Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Jihadi Mom: "Lady, You Shouldn't Be Allowed Here" Opening Stmt - 4-27-13 - YouTube[/ame]
Oh for goodness sake, calm down Princess. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. Now look, we all know you are not exactly among the brightest among us but seriously I wish you well with your reading disorder. Even the link is titled --- "Iranian Troops Attack Kurdish Camps in Iraq." Have you not ever heard of Iraq? Does that answer your question?
It's not the same thing, you dumbass!

Did you miss this part of your article?

The Iranian military offensive is targeting bases controlled by the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK), the largest and best-organized Iranian opposition group currently operating inside Iran.
So they weren't Kurdish camps; they were rebel camps in the Kurdistan province of Iraq. Even so, the border crossing was technically illegal according to international law, because Iran wasn't attacked by Kurdish forces. However, Iran was attacked repeatedly from this opposition group (terrorists). The point is, Iran's response wasn't "un--provoked aggression", like the Israeli's. They were attacked first.
et al,

The "Nuremberg principles" have long since been overtaken by events and replaced by the ICJ/ICC/ Rome Statues:

War Crimes are defined in Part II Article 8.

However, it is difficult to charge Israel with a War Crime, in this case, when they were interceding against an International Crime in progress (Enforcement of an Arms Embargo and U.N. Security Council ban on weapons exports by the Islamic Republic).

Most Respectfully,
Member states of the UN cannot act uni-laterally on their own militarily against a sovereign nation, they need UNSC approval to do that.

And there are no laws that allow wars of aggression, the Nuremberg Principles were not over-turned.
Its an act of aggression and its a war crime and Israel killed 42 Syrian soldiers and some countries are trying to get the UN to do something about it.
You're right!

Thank you for the correction.

Once again, I've proven I got the balls to admit when I'm wrong and I'm willing to wager that is the "smallest" minority group at this website. I personally, have only seen about a half-dozen people admit when they were wrong. And it's not because they were right, it's because they were pussy's.​

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