No MLK, we'll judge by the color of their skin


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
NYC Progressive Mayor Deblasio isn't satisfied that NYC specialty High Schools: Bronx Science and Stuyvesant and others, rely on colorblind tests for admissions. No, sir! These tests are unfair because they under represent blacks and Hispanics. What? Math and science test are racist...:cuckoo: How?

In any event, DeBlasio will kick 10% of deserving students to the curb in order to make these meritocracies "more diverse"

How is this Progress?
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Several years age our city built a small high school specifically for advanced students, and admission was totally based on academic achievement. (grades)

I know a young teen who was accepted into the school. She told me during her 4 years at the school, that she never saw a fight or any form of disruptive behavior. Because all the kids there had high educational goals in order to be awarded scholarships to top universities.

Unfortunately, the city government eventually decided there wasn't enough diversity at the advanced student high school. And changed the admission criteria from grade based merit to admission based on race, and started bussing in kids from the hood.

Now the schools once top tier state academic A+ rating has fell into the toilet, and is no better than any other public high school, where daily fights in the hallways and unruly behavior in the classroom is the norm.
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seems gop is doing a good job of keeping racism alive but nice try at deflection and redirection.....using the only tools yall have left...
so Sunni Man....was this caused by the race of the newbys or by their lack of ambition and drive?
My granddaughter's middle school had an optional attendance 1/2 school day.

She went and told me that she saw only white and asian students at the school that day, and not a single black kid showed up.

She also said that not a single fight broke out that day. (usually there are several). And that for the first time she experienced what a normal school would be like.

So you tell me? --- Race or lack of ambition?? .... :cool:
i am more willing to say lack of any parental control.....i could never figure out why my friend has a 29 yr old living at home and disrespecting her....we were discussing high school for some reason...i mentioned my son never had an option....finish high school and go on with his education.....that push did cost a lot of money for the first two years of partying alas he did finish college ....she shocked me telling me her son has a g.e.d and she wonders why his job search isnt going well?

they are white catholics...
NYC Progressive Mayor Deblasio isn't satisfied that NYC specialty High Schools: Bronx Science and Stuyvesant and others, rely on colorblind tests for admissions. No, sir! These tests are unfair because they under represent blacks and Hispanics. What? Math and science test are racist...:cuckoo: How?

In any event, DeBlasio kick 10% of deserving students to the curb in order to make these meritocracies "more diverse"

How is this Progress?

This kind of idiot thinking is why we avoid public schools, yes?
seems gop is doing a good job of keeping racism alive but nice try at deflection and redirection.....using the only tools yall have left...
no-- the MSM is a HUGE enabler --it's one of their major subjects now
and blacks are obsessed with racism to the point it warps their minds
I've linked and documented the many variables/aspects on USMB threads
NYC Progressive Mayor Deblasio isn't satisfied that NYC specialty High Schools: Bronx Science and Stuyvesant and others, rely on colorblind tests for admissions. No, sir! These tests are unfair because they under represent blacks and Hispanics. What? Math and science test are racist...:cuckoo: How?

In any event, DeBlasio will kick 10% of deserving students to the curb in order to make these meritocracies "more diverse"

How is this Progress?

Mathematics is hard even for the average genius. There is a mathematical proof why the buttered side of a slice of bread always falls to the floor on the buttered side. Inner city kids know that by experience and start with that to get them interested in Math.
some years back they said the same thing about firefighter tests--the test favored whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
...finally some radio announcer asked how that could be--of course no one had an answer
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DeBlasio is on a Jihad to drive the high achievers out of NYC. His school chancellor is doing the same thing in the middle schools. Maybe he'll rename them "Muddle School"

In 10 years, after they deprived 10,000 deserving students of their education, they'll find that one student who got in on the diversity scholarship and succeeded as justification for this insane, racist program.

Maybe they should have an additional set aside for "undocumented students"
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blacks graduate at lower levels--then they cry when they don't get accepted!!!!!!
they are NOT as qualified--it's as simple as that
that the city had discriminated against black and Latino firefighter applicants by giving a written entrance exam that unfairly weeded out minoritie
Defenders of the system argued that these applicants had simply failed to measure up; the Vulcans contended that the test was irrelevant to the job. Yet the city steadfastly refused to analyze its written entrance test—a process known as validation—to see what, if anything, it actually proved about a candidate’s ability to perform well as a firefighter
Why So Few of New York's Bravest Are Black
The court ruled for white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., who said city officials violated their rights when it threw out the results of a promotions test on which few minorities scored well.
The Supreme Court yesterday restricted how far employers may go in considering race in hiring and promotion decisions, a ruling that puts workplaces across the nation on notice that efforts to combat potential discrimination against one group can amount to actual discrimination against another.
Justices Rule in Favor of White Firefighters in Racial-Bias Case
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blacks graduate at lower levels--then they cry when they don't get accepted!!!!!!
they are NOT as qualified--it's as simple as that
that the city had discriminated against black and Latino firefighter applicants by giving a written entrance exam that unfairly weeded out minoritie
Defenders of the system argued that these applicants had simply failed to measure up; the Vulcans contended that the test was irrelevant to the job. Yet the city steadfastly refused to analyze its written entrance test—a process known as validation—to see what, if anything, it actually proved about a candidate’s ability to perform well as a firefighter
Why So Few of New York's Bravest Are Black
The Supreme Court yesterday restricted how far employers may go in considering race in hiring and promotion decisions, a ruling that puts workplaces across the nation on notice that efforts to combat potential discrimination against one group can amount to actual discrimination against another.
Justices Rule in Favor of White Firefighters in Racial-Bias Case

Hammering and Bending are Black' forte. Their muscle mass is denser than White' muscle mass.
NYC Progressive Mayor Deblasio isn't satisfied that NYC specialty High Schools: Bronx Science and Stuyvesant and others, rely on colorblind tests for admissions. No, sir! These tests are unfair because they under represent blacks and Hispanics. What? Math and science test are racist...:cuckoo: How?

In any event, DeBlasio will kick 10% of deserving students to the curb in order to make these meritocracies "more diverse"

How is this Progress?
/----/ Because two by sixteen be equal ta one hundred forty fore, is marked incorrect by the White Privilege racist teachers.
This is a poverty/class issue more than a racial one. Here, where there are virtually no blacks, it is our poor kids/kids from dysfunctional homes who perform poorly in school and drop out in large numbers. Our middle class kids do fine, because they have support and expectations at home. They're all white, the "smart" kids and the "losers," but they aren't starting out from an equal place. There are programs coming into existence now to try and break that cycle with a two-gen approach of education for the parents and early childhood intervention for the kids. That is still the situation in a lot of inner city neighborhoods where black and Hispanic kids are growing up in poverty with all it's handicaps.
In the US, if you have a kid before you've got 1/4 mill $ in the bank and 100k a year income, you're stupid and irresponsible. Your race or skin color have nothing to do with it. you're a selfish, ignorant pos, condeming your own kids to poverty, cause you didn't have sense enough to get sterilized when you turned 18. You can always adopt a 3rd world kid when you're 50. theres NOTHING special about your genes, or anyone else's, either. If you just want to help a kid become a responsible adult, what does it matter whose biological kid they are? You can retire and live like a king in the third world, within 7 years of graduating high school (and have your biological kids THERE)if you do the right things here. Then you can do a proper job of raising those kids, without sponging off of the tax payer here. Public schooling is WELFARE, people, and it's a horrible thing to do to your kid, too.

It is so unfair that qualified students have to leave so that less qualified students can have their seats.


It is so unfair that a successful school will no doubt start to experience discipline problems and lower academic achievement.


It is so unfair that many teachers there will start to lose their zest for teaching.


But no one ever said that life is fair.

This country is a-changing, and there isn't anything that one can do to stop it.

Our grandchildren's grandchildren's children will look back on 2018 as those good days in a country that was once called the United States of America.

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