No more cheating in Pennsylvania

Imagine being such a fascist prick you’re bragging about taking away people’s votes.

I want to take away the right to vote from someone who is not competent to do so correctly.

It's not that hard.

There's a reason that children do not get to vote.

It all hits the fan in 6 days.

We're happy that you are terrified.

I want to take away the right to vote from someone who is not competent to do so correctly.

It's not that hard.

There's a reason that children do not get to vote.
Pricks like you gloated about preventing blacks people from voting.

Because they didn’t do it correctly.
I never said you did, moron.

But you are here gloating over taking away votes of other people.

That’s because you’re afraid of letting people vote.


The nice nurse will be along with your meds soon, and then everything will start to make sense and you'll be able to communicate clearly again.
Well, I'd even support you right to say things like that.

Oh, look. Here comes nursie.
I know what I wrote.

You misread it. It’s okay. Happens all the time. I’m not mad.

But I am mad that people like you are gloating over the idea that people’s votes won’t count due to a meaningless error. That’s disgusting.
If dems vote in a stroke victim, i imagine its going to piss off a lot of people.

You guys are pissed 100% of the time so...who cares.

But you won't claim cheating took place though...right?

Let me will reserve the right to claim voter fraud was the reason you lost--NO MATTER WHAT. Right?
The Democrat creed = If you aren't cheating then you aren't trying.
I know what I wrote.

You misread it. It’s okay. Happens all the time. I’m not mad.

But I am mad that people like you are gloating over the idea that people’s votes won’t count due to a meaningless error. That’s disgusting.

And I'm happy to know that you think any part of the electoral process is meaningless. It confirms what we've long known about you and your kind.
And I'm happy to know that you think any part of the electoral process is meaningless. It confirms what we've long known about you and your kind.
I did ask about the meaningfulness of the date on the envelope but people gave answers about different issues or just ignored it.

Yes, there certainly can be meaningless parts of the electoral process. There’s nothing preventing such rules.

Your gloating over the prospected of getting rid of people’s votes. That tell us what we know about your kind. Win at any costs, even if it means disregarding what makes this country great.
I did ask about the meaningfulness of the date on the envelope but people gave answers about different issues or just ignored it.

Yes, there certainly can be meaningless parts of the electoral process. There’s nothing preventing such rules.

Your gloating over the prospected of getting rid of people’s votes. That tell us what we know about your kind. Win at any costs, even if it means disregarding what makes this country great.

OK. You win.

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