No more whinning from the Israelites


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
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you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.

It is the arab muslims that choose war instead of peace shown by the numbers of violent attacks started by the arab muslims. They have had the chance to agree peace terms and refuse because deep down they are cowards, they know as soon as they sign they will be executed by their own people.
If the European Jews had not invaded Palestine, there would not been attacks on the European Jews. Just as had the Europeans not invaded the Americas there would not have Native American attacks on the Europeans.
If the European Jews had not invaded Palestine, there would not been attacks on the European Jews. Just as had the Europeans not invaded the Americas there would not have Native American attacks on the Europeans.

They did not invade they were invited, first by the Ottomans when their 3 tries at settling Palestine with arab muslims failed and then by the LoN who became the owners of the land after the surrender by the Ottomans
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded.As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days.

Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve
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you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.

Did Fatima forget what happened the last time the Arabs threatened to destroy Israel? When oh when will guys ever learn? Such a low learning curve.
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded.As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days.

Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve

When was this again, and why haven't there been anymore since. What do the terrorists have to fear from holding another election to see what the people want ?
They may seem like they are here to stay at the moment but when their over breeding starts hitting their health and they start dying of mutant diseases then we will see. Would not take much for the Palestinians to mutate a gene that would wipe them out in two generations, and no doubt the Jews would get the blame for It all
...Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded...
It is not the fact of the Election that is at-issue.

It is the choice that the Palestinians made during the course of that Election.

Choose the wrong party, or the wrong path, and you end up with smoking rubble.

Choices have consequences.

The Gazans have now had a foretaste of theirs.

The ruins of Gaza City provide all the attestation necessary to reinforce the choices/consequences premise.

...As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days...
Maybe they should have made a better pro forma show of it, in order to serve-up a defense against such accusations, eh?

Failing to do that, they give the Opposition far more ammunition, to argue that they were never interested in Peace in the first place.

...Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve
Thank you for your feedback.
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded.As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days.

Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve
We only believe in democracy when the "right" people get elected.
If the European Jews had not invaded Palestine, there would not been attacks on the European Jews. Just as had the Europeans not invaded the Americas there would not have Native American attacks on the Europeans.

Propagandist, an invasion is a military offensive. Immigration is not offensive.
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded.As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days.

Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve
When was Kondor proven wrong ?
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.
The Palestinians chose War over Peace many years ago, and confirmed that when they voted-in Hamas in 2006.

With - quite likely - no small measure of fatalistic regret - the Israelis have finally accepted the Palestinian rejection of a negotiated peace and are now once again operating in the Real World, as it pertains to Palestinian intentions.

We now appear to be moving into the End Game, in the multi-decade, multi-generational Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinian enabling of Hamas, their repeated and foolhardy refusals to honestly negotiate, their intransigence, and their stupidity, have all now come full circle.

The Palestinians seem destined to reap the bitter harvest that they have sown for themselves - they seem doomed to reap the whirlwind that their own idiocy has manufactured.

As a wise modern-day maxim has taught us: "You can't fix stupid."

Nowhere is this more true, than with respect to the Palestinians.

Nature is not kind to fools.

Nature has de-selected them.
Actually Kondie the US and Israel demanded that the Palestinians have a free and fair democratic election....which they asked for it and got it,no good crying about it was what you demanded.As for your claim about Hamas refusing to negotiate......They were a bit smarter than you,and realized that Israel/Nut and Yarhoo was never going to genuinely negotiate for peace.....which has been shown for all to see in the last couple of days.

Time to take those Rose coloured Zionist glasses off................and GET REAL with your pro Jewish stance,because you have been proven incorrect YET AGAIN..steve......what's all that "Nature has DE-SELECTED THEM" tripe you mentioned......the Palestinians are here to stay,despite your silly rhetoric............really Kondie,you are letting yourself down with all this myopic pro Zionist rubbish. 1 out of ten....steve
We only believe in democracy when the "right" people get elected.
Au contraire.

Neither Israel nor the US like the outcome, but they did not substantively intervene in the elections.

The Pals (and the subset of Gazans) had the right to democratically elect their own internal administration.


When you (the voter) know that the people you are voting for, are going to escalate the asymmetrical warfare with a vastly more powerful neighbor-adversary...

And you go ahead and vote for those people anyway...

And then those people stir-up shit, and undertake that escalation...

And then the vastly more powerful neighbor-adversary retaliates with overwhelming and disproportionate force...

You have no one to blame but yourselves, for democratically voting for people who you knew in advance were quite probably going to reduce you to smoking rubble...

As I said...

Choices have consequences...

Your average Gazan voter made his choice...


"You can't fix stupid"
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.

Did Fatima forget what happened the last time the Arabs threatened to destroy Israel? When oh when will guys ever learn? Such a low learning curve.

By the looks of it, Israel is destroying the Arabs. They never stood a chance. Now they belong to Israel and PM Bibi. Need to raise taxes in Israel, got lots of people to care for now Bibi.
you chose war instead of negotiations. If you really wanted peace you would of never voted him back in.

Did Fatima forget what happened the last time the Arabs threatened to destroy Israel? When oh when will guys ever learn? Such a low learning curve.

By the looks of it, Israel is destroying the Arabs. They never stood a chance. Now they belong to Israel and PM Bibi. Need to raise taxes in Israel, got lots of people to care for now Bibi.
Which Arabs is Israel destroying ?
chance to agree peace terms

Peace terms on Israel's terms is no agreement...
That is the way of the world.

In most conflicts, there is a Winner, and a Loser.

The Loser must either accept the Winner's terms or continue fighting.

In most cases, if the Loser decides to continue fighting, the Loser is thoroughly destroyed.

It is up to the Loser to decide whether Suicide is right for them.

It is a matter of far less import to the Winner.

Vae victus.
chance to agree peace terms

Peace terms on Israel's terms is no agreement...

Strange as no one even knows what Israel's peace terms are as they have never been tabled. The Palestinians demand pre conditions so the Israeli's put their documents away and place pre conditions of their own.

Do you know what the Israeli peace terms are, and what the starting point and acceptable terms will be. You can guess at a few of them, like mutual agreed borders, end to violence, renouncing terrorism, disarming, shared capital city, guaranteed safety of Israelis in Palestine. Just a rough guess of the general principles

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