No, Mr. Gingrich ...

I've heard three times from three different democrats in the last four days that they are embarrassed with this side show....Can we all finally agree that the health of the nation is not a concern for elected democrats?....that the welfare of legal citizens or the economy is not their concern?....that they will crap all over a good man or woman to get what they want?.....

We are still at war thanks to a worthless democrat president and look at the senate....disgusting as and women are dying on foreign soil and the government can't even come together long enough to do their sworn duty and seat a SC judge....what will they do when war and peace are on the table?....
Nah, Newt, they're a rabid pack of hyenas

That is an insult to rabid packs of hyenas everywhere. The democrats are nothing but radical Leftist gutter snipe now dragging the rest of the nation and the once most revered and untarnished supreme judicial process right down into the gutter with them. The very process their coffin buddy John McCain once said to paraphrase was a pick solely in the hands of the President and their duty to respect.

Dear John, wherever you are now, you dumb ass, didn't you ever notice that only ever worked ONE WAY?

The Left have taken Trump's outspokenness and sometimes crassness and uncouthness to the 5th power and used it as an excuse now to out-Trump Trump by a light-year and then some. The Democrats are the new Barnum and Bailey of the USA. This is an out-of-control party which has literally gone BERSERK because they cannot stand the idea of or handle being OUT OF POWER, that if THEY CANNOT STEER THE SHIP, THEY WILL BE SURE TO CRASH IT AGAINST THE ROCKS RATHER THAN LET ANYONE ELSE AT THE CONTROLS.

The DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the new Neo-fascists of the 21st Century. It's gotta be THEIR way or no way. Oh, just wait till the next time a Dem tries to nominate another Justice to the highest court! :eusa_naughty:
You mean this Gingrich? That's funny, and a little sad.

Is there even 1 Republican who has the decency to end the travesty of putting a person who probably has sexually assaulted a woman. on the Supreme Court. I always laugh at Republicans who want to blame Democrats for Kavanaugh's probable sexual assault on Dr Ford.

Newt Gingrich cheated on his wife and has a severe lack of morals on other subjects.
I've heard three times from three different democrats in the last four days that they are embarrassed with this side show....Can we all finally agree that the health of the nation is not a concern for elected democrats?....that the welfare of legal citizens or the economy is not their concern?....that they will crap all over a good man or woman to get what they want?.....

We are still at war thanks to a worthless democrat president and look at the senate....disgusting as and women are dying on foreign soil and the government can't even come together long enough to do their sworn duty and seat a SC judge....what will they do when war and peace are on the table?....

It is always the Democrats huh? The Republicans don't give a damn about the health of this nation. They are ramming through a nominee and treating Dr Ford as a speed bump that has to be run over. They are complaining about the poor white man when white men hold all the power. I saw the committee vote today. On the Republican side, you had a bunch of white men. On the Democrat side, 5 white guys, 2 women and a black man. At least some diversity. Dr Ford was largely calm and polite. Kavanaugh was yelling, partisan and sniping at people who dared to hold him accountable. The 2 women who cornered Flake were 100% right in what they said.

Is there even 1 Republican who has the decency to end the travesty of putting a person who probably has sexually assaulted a woman. on the Supreme Court. I always laugh at Republicans who want to blame Democrats for Kavanaugh's probable sexual assault on Dr Ford.

Newt Gingrich cheated on his wife and has a severe lack of morals on other subjects.

WE THE PEOPLE don't convict or indict someone without proof. In fact we say that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Your "...who probably sexually assaulted a woman" statement against Kavanaugh presuming guilt contrasts starkly to the Bill Clinton's crimes against Juanita, Paula, Kathleen, Monica, and Leslie. Whose crimes were excused by the dems even though his behavior over many years proves he was a sexual predator.
These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton

So with the facts as of now, that Kav has ZERO proven misdeeds and the dems want to bar the man for life, while excusing Bubba for far worse actions, you can understand why the GOP is calling bullshit to the slimy smears by Ms Ford. I hope the FBI considers her charges deliberate lies and she spends time in stir like Martha Stewart.
I've heard three times from three different democrats in the last four days that they are embarrassed with this side show....Can we all finally agree that the health of the nation is not a concern for elected democrats?....that the welfare of legal citizens or the economy is not their concern?....that they will crap all over a good man or woman to get what they want?.....

We are still at war thanks to a worthless democrat president and look at the senate....disgusting as and women are dying on foreign soil and the government can't even come together long enough to do their sworn duty and seat a SC judge....what will they do when war and peace are on the table?....

It is always the Democrats huh? The Republicans don't give a damn about the health of this nation. They are ramming through a nominee and treating Dr Ford as a speed bump that has to be run over. They are complaining about the poor white man when white men hold all the power. I saw the committee vote today. On the Republican side, you had a bunch of white men. On the Democrat side, 5 white guys, 2 women and a black man. At least some diversity. Dr Ford was largely calm and polite. Kavanaugh was yelling, partisan and sniping at people who dared to hold him accountable. The 2 women who cornered Flake were 100% right in what they said.

Ford isn't even a speed bump. She's a confused liar, whose "witnesses" contradict her. WTF do you have against "white men"? THE PEOPLE elect their representatives, your whining about race or gender shows that you must have a liking for TOKENS. Otherwise you'd respect the choice of the people. For example, I can't understand how anyone could vote for an idiot like Maxine Waters Maxine Waters - Wikipedia (crooked and low IQ).
"Diversity" happens automatically when voters elect representatives from diverse regions, it is not a goal or a requirement, it is a result.

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