No Mr President, both sides were not equal

so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

Until BLM is in your town,at your door. You aren't allowed to speak anymore. You are a slave.

BLM wants segregation?

BLM wants dead jews?

BLM lynches white people for looking at their women?

shut up.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".

Not likely you can stand up at all. I understand you are to stupid to get it, 3rd grade was a long time ago for you, but everyone has a right to say what they like and to peaceably assemble. You don't have a right to NOT be offended.
The other side was American Patriots

If they are the same people as the assholes at Durham, they are a bunch of commie revolutionaries. A.K.A. anything BUT American Patriots.
American Patriots are willing to risk their lives to fight for liberty and Freedom

Protesting against hate groups is PATRIOTIC
Then a the kkk would be patriots if the beat down blm protesters? Blk is a racist organization also, they are the same.
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

You mean like the left's dictating who speaks and doesn't, what monuments exist and don't, and what portions of the Constitution are valid? That kind of freedom and liberty?
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

People who fight for freedom and liberty. Because they will obey the rule of law
Was the Boston know...the one honored by today's Teaparty......following the law?
Were those killed in the Boston Massacre following the law?
Firing on the British at Lexington and Concord followed the law?

Patriotism has to push the boundaries
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?
--------------------------------------------------------- so go ahead , keep fighting plus i like the conversation and the dividing lines that your fighting is producing . Its a clear line that everyone can see including President Trump and the ACLU RWinger !! --- ACLU fires back at Gov. McAuliffe after comments on violence at Charlottesville rally ---
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".

Not likely you can stand up at all. I understand you are to stupid to get it, 3rd grade was a long time ago for you, but everyone has a right to say what they like and to peaceably assemble. You don't have a right to NOT be offended.

ya, i know rightwingnut pondscum like saying that. and if it makes white supremacist pieces of garbage feel better about being losers, it doesn't affect my life one bit.

and I'm pretty sure my taxes pay for your food.
During my lifetime, it was the official policy of this country to kill NAZIs. I think it was a good idea at the time, and not a bad idea today. Perhaps we can start with the guy who killed that woman.

Really? Your saying official us policy has been to kill all american citizens who profess to be Nazis and to due so without due process?

And who determines what a Nazi is? Because you leftists have a tendency to define Nazi as anyone who doesn't support your agenda. Which is ironic because this aspect of your agenda is very fascist

You seem to have added a lot of words to my post that I did not put there. Perhaps you found them somewhere, and added them so that they would not go to waste?

Perhaps you shouldn't lie or advocate killing your fellow citizens because they believe something you find repulsive.

I'm fairly sure if we used that standard for everyone you would be a target as well
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

You mean like the left's dictating who speaks and doesn't, what monuments exist and don't, and what portions of the Constitution are valid? That kind of freedom and liberty?
The left WROTE the Constitution
Protesting the speech of others is well within your Constitutional rights
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".

As is standing up to you and your kind.

yes, how horrible the constitutional guarantee of equality is....

you're disgusting.

Well you fight that guarantee enough. Why you think its bad who knows
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?
--------------------------------------------------------- so go ahead , keep fighting the like the conversation and the dividing lines that your fighting is producing . Its a clear line that everyone can see including President Trump RWinger !!
If there is a dividing line between freedom and liberty and the Nazis

I welcome it
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots
Imo you fall into Trump's trap. AND it is an intentional trap. The White Nationalists Goal is a separate-white only state. It may or may not include Jews - I don't know, and don't care. It seeks an apartheid state. I think that's enough to know to determine white nationalists, and their Supporters LiKE TRUMP need to be called out as racists.

The reason they feel justified in seeking apartheid is they believe that no matter how much a majority white state compromises to alleviate perceived (I assume real and false) denial of equal rights, the non-whites will want more. There is the symbolism of the REL statute. And frankly if the issue was just REL the person/soldier/patriot, I'd say people should just get the fuck over it, and leave the frigging thing alone. Nobody really pays attention to it besides the birds.

But the REASON people want the statue down is that it was NOT erected just after the civil war. It was erected in the 1920s at the height of Jim Crow and when UVa was segregated. The KLAN attended the dedication in UNIFORM.

Even so, I'd say the people wanting the statue down could find more productive things to do. But it's a free country. Unlike the White Nationalists, they're not telling me to get the fuck out.
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

Until BLM is in your town,at your door. You aren't allowed to speak anymore. You are a slave.

i have a better idea.... come to NYC and spew your white supremacist garbage.

I'm sure people will be more than happy to straighten you out.
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

Until BLM is in your town,at your door. You aren't allowed to speak anymore. You are a slave.

BLM wants segregation?

BLM wants dead jews?

BLM lynches white people for looking at their women?

shut up.

1. Yes. I'm hoping you dispute that, but yes, they want segregation as well as preferential treatment based on race.

2. OOOOH yeah do they ever! I REALLY hope you dare me to rub your face I'm that one.

3. I hope they are okay with me looking at their woman as I have three adult kids with one of their woman.

You shut up and take your fat ass to the kitchen and make your best half a sammich. It's all you have the capacity to manage.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

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