No Mr President, both sides were not equal

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

You are confused Moon Bat. Trump was right.

One side were American patriots protesting the removal of an American hero's statue joined by some extremists and the on the other side you had extreme Alt Left filth determined to create violence at a peaceful permitted rally protected under the Constitution..

The patriots had a permit to stage a valid protest. The filthy ass Moon Bats, some of which were paid Soros operatives, were there only to created violence. You know about Alt Left violence don't you? It is like the Black Lives Matter rioting and looting and attacking police or the Pink Pussy Hat Wearing rioting because that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch didn't win or the gunning down of Congressmen at a baseball practice.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".

As is standing up to you and your kind.

yes, how horrible the constitutional guarantee of equality is....

you're disgusting.

Why? Because I call 'em like I see them ya racist jerk?
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.

When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

Until BLM is in your town,at your door. You aren't allowed to speak anymore. You are a slave.

BLM wants segregation?

BLM wants dead jews?

BLM lynches white people for looking at their women?

shut up.

BLM kills cops.

Famous BLM chant:

"What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Right now!"​
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

It's how democrats do it.

why does it make you feel better to lie persistently?

is it because you have no response other than being a bigot to defending white supremacists?

You are the only one telling lies cow. 1. And 2. Back it up. You won't because you can't.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

Actually there were communists of the other "wrong" side during Wiemar, who probably would have purged germany of "undesirables"
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

And that guy is going to jail. if they find out he had help, others will go to jail.

On the other hand Anti-fa showed up the with explicit purpose of stopping the rally via violence.

aren't you all the wackadoodles who believe in jury nullification?

or is that only in defense of rightwingnuttery?

Why would a jury nullify his conviction?

We have to worry about it more for the cop hating idiot who tore down that statue.

if you don't understand that, i can't help you. it would be a waste of energy, anyway since it's not like you give a damn.

what i will point out is that the o/p correctly said that people protesting Nazis, white supremacists and kkk scum are not "the same" as the Nazis, white supremacists and kkk scum.

so if y'all aren't white supremacists or enablers then why is this thread going on and on with y'all arguing against the basic premise of the thread.

you go think about that while the erstwhile president composes another poop tweet.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

You are confused Moon Bat. Trump was right.

One side were American patriots protesting the removal of an American hero's statue joined by some extremists and the on the other side you had extreme Alt Left filth determined to create violence at a peaceful permitted rally protected under the Constitution..

The patriots had a permit to stage a valid protest. The filthy ass Moon Bats, some of which were paid Soros operatives, were there only to created violence. You know about Alt Left violence don't you? It is like the Black Lives Matter rioting and looting and attacking police or the Pink Pussy Hat Wearing rioting because that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch didn't win or the gunning down of Congressmen at a baseball practice.

Have you watched videos? They were all chanting anti Jewish/nazi chants. Those aren't patriots.
so called nazis were legally permitted , everything else is simply OPINION Gentlemen and others .
Was it Terry McAweful who gave out the permit for the KKK to exercise their 1st amendment? Maybe we need to investigate the "WHO" before we talk about the "WHY".
Who really gives a fuck about permits when you are fighting for freedom and liberty?

People who fight for freedom and liberty. Because they will obey the rule of law
Was the Boston know...the one honored by today's Teaparty......following the law?
Were those killed in the Boston Massacre following the law?
Firing on the British at Lexington and Concord followed the law?

Patriotism has to push the boundaries
The quit your crying when you get your head busted open.
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.

When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.

what is the saying "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".

anyone who isn't on the side of protesting the Nazis is supporting them.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Your total deflection is noted, and we can discuss killing babies sometime, as soon you you learn the difference between a baby and a fetus. But, in the meantime, take your case to the Supreme Court. They make decisions about fetuses, not me.
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.

When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

So, you'd just assault someone because you don't agree with them... so, how are you any better?

Secondly, I doubt you'd punch anyone internet tough-guy.

I figure you to be this guy:

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

Actually there were communists of the other "wrong" side during Wiemar, who probably would have purged germany of "undesirables"
American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

And that guy is going to jail. if they find out he had help, others will go to jail.

On the other hand Anti-fa showed up the with explicit purpose of stopping the rally via violence.

aren't you all the wackadoodles who believe in jury nullification?

or is that only in defense of rightwingnuttery?

Why would a jury nullify his conviction?

We have to worry about it more for the cop hating idiot who tore down that statue.

if you don't understand that, i can't help you. it would be a waste of energy, anyway since it's not like you give a damn.

what i will point out is that the o/p correctly said that people protesting Nazis, white supremacists and kkk scum are not "the same" as the Nazis, white supremacists and kkk scum.

so if y'all aren't white supremacists or enablers then why is this thread going on and on with y'all arguing against the basic premise of the thread.

you go think about that while the erstwhile president composes another poop tweet.

No jury is going to nullify a guy running people down in a car and killing one of them. If libertarians support jury nullification its for idiotic things like bringing a gun across state lines when you are a law abiding citizen, or being arrested for peacefully protesting something.

If they resort to violence to suppress a view they don't like, they are the same.
i am not blaming the victims.

but the skirt was a bit too short. and they were out on the street and not in the kitchen.

but i am not blaming the victims.

if they had not been on the street, the car would not have been damaged.

both sides are to blame.

Yeah if we just accepted Nazi's and racist beliefs, there would be no violence. How dare people stand up against bigotry and racism. Shame on you for blaming the victim.
damn, i wrote twice that i am not blaming the victims. this should supersede me blaming the victims. i learned this here on USMB!

it is from the same school of thought that says that if you start a statement with "i am not a racist", then anything racist following is not racist.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".

I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.

You hate the left? Then why are you always on their side?
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.

When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.
American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

True, but one side killed a person. It is clear which side was more violent.

it's not about victims... it's about right and wrong.

if this were Germany under the 3rd reich, you would know, hbistorically, there was no "both sides".

there is right and there is wrong.

and standing up to wrong is not "both sides".
Protesting is one thing. Beating them with baseball bats is another.
I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.

what is the saying "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".

anyone who isn't on the side of protesting the Nazis is supporting them.

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