No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

I did not address my post to you dumbass!

Your reply was meaningless because I never claimed you said that ALL FGM is performed by Muslims. You had no reason to respond. If that escapes your understanding, it just furthers the proof of your ignorance.
I told y'all from the beginning, and LONG before this goof-ass thread, that it's a social custom and not a religious one.

Which is one of the big reasons it's NOT "Islamic" --- because it's not "religious". As you just conceded.

The other big reason of course being that it predates Islam. By a lot. That's already well known.
Looks like what I said flew right over your head. I didn't "concede" anything. I simply stated that GM is a social practice, not a religious one, because Islam is not a religious entity either, It is a social one.

Thus, Islam and GM, closely connected, are both social, and have nothing to do with religion.

So you now concede that Islam is not a religious thing, but is a social thing, like the Genital mutilation it advocates.

Please provide the text in the Koran that requires FGM.
Didn't they teach you about jurisdiction in whatever school you attended that makes you an [alleged] expert on the Constitution?
One need not be an expert to know the illegality of supremacism.

You are so fucking confused on what the supremacy clause means. It has been explained to you by numerous posters on this thread. You still don't get it! My Shih Tzu apparently knows more than you about the Constitution.
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
You threatening me ??
LOL do you feel threatened?
Undoubtedly you did or you wouldn't have threatened me.
What exactly did I threaten to do to you? And again, just because I scare you does not mean that you scare me. I haven't been afraid of a guy r ever since I found out how easy it is to make them cry, so quit lying or are you implying that because I'm black that the only possibly thing I could have meant was violence?
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Didn't they teach you about jurisdiction in whatever school you attended that makes you an [alleged] expert on the Constitution?
One need not be an expert to know the illegality of supremacism.
A first year law student is not an expert, yet. Hell paralegals understand jurisdiction. People like me understand jurisdiction even though I've never been a paralegal or an attorney.
Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

I got to disagree with you on this. FOREIGN muslims should be much restricted, but we have homegrown muslim sects in the United States as well as freedom of religion.

If the Nation of Islam or the Nation of Gods and Earths- domestic Muslim denominations want to do their thing, I don't see a big problem
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs

Care to essplain to the class what the fuck it's doing in Colombia then?

Was Mohammed into digging tunnels?
Care to essplain how Robert Thomas, Karl Ferdinand von Graefe, Isaac Baker Brown, J. Marion Sims, A.J. Bloch, James Burt, et al came up with it?

try again----you found a small exception-----AND it is a fact that black slaves were brought to south America------wholesale African slave trade being an ARAB monopoly for more than 4000 years. FGM precedes islam IN ARABIA--which is why it is mentioned in the KORAN. Arab slavers were very big on mutilation of the genitalia of both males and females

Yeah, they're Native Americans. You lose.

And NO it's NOT in the Koran so stop lying.

I read the Koran before you were born. ----you never read it.
NATIVE AMERICANS-----so? ok ---they never had contact with people who were working on the sugar plantations etc etc ----for the past 500 years-------ok----believe that
I told y'all from the beginning, and LONG before this goof-ass thread, that it's a social custom and not a religious one.

Which is one of the big reasons it's NOT "Islamic" --- because it's not "religious". As you just conceded.

The other big reason of course being that it predates Islam. By a lot. That's already well known.
Looks like what I said flew right over your head. I didn't "concede" anything. I simply stated that GM is a social practice, not a religious one, because Islam is not a religious entity either, It is a social one.

Thus, Islam and GM, closely connected, are both social, and have nothing to do with religion.

So you now concede that Islam is not a religious thing, but is a social thing, like the Genital mutilation it advocates.

Please provide the text in the Koran that requires FGM.

wrong again LIAR-----I never claimed that FGM is mentioned in the Koran as a REQUIREMENT------it isn't-----it is mentioned as something
that IS DONE. Why do you lie?
So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

I did not address my post to you dumbass!

Your reply was meaningless because I never claimed you said that ALL FGM is performed by Muslims. You had no reason to respond. If that escapes your understanding, it just furthers the proof of your ignorance.

Ignorance of what? what you DID say was "PROVE TO ME THAT ALL FGM IS DONE BY MUSLIMS" when IN FACT ---I never so claimed------you lie like a typical islamo Nazi dog
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs

Care to essplain to the class what the fuck it's doing in Colombia then?

Was Mohammed into digging tunnels?
Care to essplain how Robert Thomas, Karl Ferdinand von Graefe, Isaac Baker Brown, J. Marion Sims, A.J. Bloch, James Burt, et al came up with it?

try again----you found a small exception-----AND it is a fact that black slaves were brought to south America------wholesale African slave trade being an ARAB monopoly for more than 4000 years. FGM precedes islam IN ARABIA--which is why it is mentioned in the KORAN. Arab slavers were very big on mutilation of the genitalia of both males and females

Yeah, they're Native Americans. You lose.

And NO it's NOT in the Koran so stop lying.

I read the Koran before you were born. ----you never read it.
NATIVE AMERICANS-----so? ok ---they never had contact with people who were working on the sugar plantations etc etc ----for the past 500 years-------ok----believe that
Mohammed did not write the Koran, he was an illiterate schizzo who heard voices. People around him were so amazed by the nutbag that they wrote whatever he said
Didn't they teach you about jurisdiction in whatever school you attended that makes you an [alleged] expert on the Constitution?
One need not be an expert to know the illegality of supremacism.

You are so fucking confused on what the supremacy clause means. It has been explained to you by numerous posters on this thread. You still don't get it! My Shih Tzu apparently knows more than you about the Constitution.
My shorthair would run circles around your shit su until it died from dizzy
So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

Ethiopia huh? The one that's predominantly Christian? You know, like Uganda and Tanzania? Yeah I left that one out.
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.

Whelp ---- it would seem your armchair mythology is melting, would it not.

wrong again EVEN IN ETHIOPIA ----the practice is COMMON AMONGST MUSLIMS, rare amongst Christians and very rare amongst jews
Still flailing. You said is was Islam & you were proven wrong over & over & Over. It is time you just STFU.
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs
More bullshit. It is concentrated in very few areas & they are not all Muslim.

Quit your fucking lying about this & trying to demonize Muslims.
Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

Ethiopia huh? The one that's predominantly Christian? You know, like Uganda and Tanzania? Yeah I left that one out.
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.

Whelp ---- it would seem your armchair mythology is melting, would it not.

wrong again EVEN IN ETHIOPIA ----the practice is COMMON AMONGST MUSLIMS, rare amongst Christians and very rare amongst jews
Still flailing. You said is was Islam & you were proven wrong over & over & Over. It is time you just STFU.

come up with ONE statement which I made that is 'proven' wrong----jerk
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs
More bullshit. It is concentrated in very few areas & they are not all Muslim.

Quit your fucking lying about this & trying to demonize Muslims.

where do you see DEMONIZING muslims?-----I am citing the facts about FGM
in the present time-------98% MUSLIM. at least. I read the real literature and
also----now and then, examine the real victims. I am not all that concerned if a
person WANTS to undergo that procedure. Lots of people do weird stuff to themselves.-----the first time I saw a STUD stuck in a patient's tongue-----I was horrified-----but it is a normal thing for lots of people
Putting an end to the abuses of Islam will have run its course when the last person is abused. Why do you defend this hate
Let me get this straight. After 1700 posts of me stomping Muslims into the dirt, you're saying that I'm "defending" them ? Huh ? o_O
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