No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Hitler was a Catholic. Shall we start a thread claiming Catholicism begets brutal genocidists?
No, that's dumb. More appropriate to this discussion would be to start a thread that catholic genociders can find evil passages in the bible that very clearly support what they are doing/did. And then discuss why this happens more or less at some times and in some places.

Hitler had some very fertile ground for his genocidal aims...and he found it in the churches.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

FUCK YOU, Cult of Ignorance troll.

What cultures practice FGM?
Ancient nomadic ones largely in central Africa but spread worldwide. It follows a geographic pattern, not a religious one.

For instance it's common in West Africa in Guinea, Sierra Leone and western Mali, but then tapers off as you go east in Mali.

Go north from there and it's not found in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria or Libya. Yet all these countries are predominantly Muslim. Continue east and you find it again in Egypt, where it's practiced by BOTH Muslims AND Coptic Christians. Jump past the Red Sea into Saudi Arabia and it doesn't exist anymore. Then go south and you find it widespread in Tanzania and Uganda, where Christianism predominates.

Why is that Dumbass? Because the ancient cultural tradition spread of FGM took a different path than the spread of Islam did, DUMBASS. That's because they're Two Different Things.

Is there any Christian prescription for FGM? No? Then perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class what the fuck it's doing in Uganda. Perhaps you'd also care to essplain why the Coptic Christians are doing it. When you get done that, perhaps you'd like to do a report on how the Emberá people, an indigenous Native American tribe in what is now Colombia, still do it to this day, having had no contact with either Islam OR Christianism.

Let's see what the Bible says about it.


That was quick. Now let's check the Quran:

" .........................

Well, that's a match. Wanna see it again?

But say, speaking of geography, let's bring it home, shall we?

>> Gynaecologists in 19th-century Europe and the United States removed the clitoris to treat insanity and masturbation.[160] A British doctor, Robert Thomas, suggested clitoridectomy as a cure for nymphomania in 1813.[161][162] The first reported clitoridectomy in the West, described in The Lancet in 1825, was performed in 1822 in Berlin by Karl Ferdinand von Graefe on a 15-year-old girl who was masturbating excessively.[161][163]

Isaac Baker Brown, an English gynaecologist, president of the Medical Society of London and co-founder in 1845 of St. Mary's Hospital, believed that masturbation, or "unnatural irritation" of the clitoris, caused hysteria, spinal irritation, fits, idiocy, mania and death.[163][164] He therefore "set to work to remove the clitoris whenever he had the opportunity of doing so", according to his obituary.[165] Brown performed several clitoridectomies between 1859 and 1866.[164] In the United States, J. Marion Sims followed Brown's work and in 1862 slit the neck of a woman's uterus and amputated her clitoris, "for the relief of the nervous or hysterical condition as recommended by Baker Brown".[166] When Brown published his views in On the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, Epilepsy, Catalepsy, and Hysteria in Females (1866), doctors in London accused him of quackery and expelled him from the Obstetrical Society.[167][164][168]

Later in the 19th century, A. J. Bloch, a surgeon in New Orleans, removed the clitoris of a two-year-old girl who was reportedly masturbating.[169]According to a 1985 paper in the Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, clitoridectomy was performed in the United States into the 1960s to treat hysteria, erotomania and lesbianism.[170] From the mid-1950s, James Burt, a gynaecologist in Dayton, Ohio, performed non-standard repairs of episiotomies after childbirth, adding more stitches to make the vaginal opening smaller. From 1966 until 1989, he performed "love surgery" by cutting women's pubococcygeus muscle, repositioning the vagina and urethra, and removing the clitoral hood, thereby making their genital area more appropriate, in his view, for intercourse in the missionary position.[171] "Women are structurally inadequate for intercourse," he wrote; he said he would turn them into "horny little mice".[172] In the 1960s and 1970s he performed these procedures without consent while repairing episiotomies and performing hysterectomies and other surgery; he said he had performed a variation of them on 4,000 women by 1975.[171] Following complaints, he was required in 1989 to stop practicing medicine in the United States.[173] << -- Wiki​

As recently as 1989, Dipshit. Thirty years ago. A decade after Gloria Steinem brought it to the Western world's attention in Ms Magazine.

Care to go look up the religions of Robert Thomas, Karl Ferdinand von Graefe, Isaac Baker Brown, J. Marion Sims, A.J. Bloch, James Burt, et al? You know, to see if they were secret "Muslims" out to spread their vile religion via mutilations?

You've already been told this, Dipwad. FGM has nothing to do with ANY religion; it has EVERYTHING to do with patriarchy, with men so scared shitless of women that they want to cut them up. It's a product of Ignorance, and all your brand of ignorance does is prolong it, so again to return to the original point, FUCK YOU. And the shitbag of ignorance you rode in on.
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The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!

I am very educated------it is a MUSLIM PROBLEM ------examples of FGM
in persons other than muslims in the 21st century are rare and distant and
virtually trivial.. It occurs in very backward populations, RARELY in Africa. ---
the practice orginated in Africa (probably Egypt) and any continued practice
thereof is a VESTIGE. The practice was SPREAD to Asia and thruout
Africa and even to the USA by ISLAM AND ONLY ISLAM. Contrary to the
claims of some muslims, IT IS MENTIONED IN THE KORAN

CLEARLY you're not ------- and no it isn't.

And btw it's not at all "rarely in Africa", it's the opposite, depending on which PART of Africa. It's rare in NORTH Africa, not at all rare in CENTRAL Africa, then rare again in SOUTH Africa.. Which takes us right back to your blind ignorance.


Oh and you might want to essplain to the class how come, if it's "Islamic", it's considered barbarism in Mecca. Not sure I can think of a place more Islamic than Mecca, can you? And yet you've got more FGM going on in Colombia than in Saudi Arabia.

This is the same lame bullshit Composition Fallacy turd you tried to float with the 9/11 malarkey. Grow up.
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Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?

And we've done this over and over and over on this site's pages, yet the Cult of Ignorance knuckledraggers persist in trying to sell this mythology, presumably because it's easier than thinking. By now they know damn well they're full of shit, and they apparently don't have enough self-respect to care.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate
How about religions that allow spousal rape?
From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
Dude there are plenty of muslims in Africa.

Wake up
It does not make it a Muslim custom. There are non-Muslim areas of Africa that practice it. It is not practiced in Muslim countries outside of Africa.

Get a fucking brain.

wrong again It is practiced EVEN IN PAKISTAN by some muslims and even in Iran by some muslims-------you need a fucking brain. It is also
practiced in the USA by some muslims
Nope I am not wrong.

Muslims in the US that came here from those areas of Africa.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
What an unAmerican dumb ass.
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
Dude there are plenty of muslims in Africa.

Wake up

Yep, all over, say, Morocco. And Tunisia. And Libya. And Algeria.
Yet they're not engaged in this shit. Nor is Saudi Arabia. And it's STILL your job to either (a) explain that inconsistency, or (b) admit to the world that you're FULL OF SHIT.

Until then, continue to FUCK YOU. And have a ---- have the day you deserve.
Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa
I believe you said it was party of the Islam religion. That is wrong.
Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

Ethiopia huh? The one that's predominantly Christian? You know, like Uganda and Tanzania? Yeah I left that one out.
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.

Whelp ---- it would seem your armchair mythology is melting, would it not.
Yep, all over, say, Morocco. And Tunisia. And Libya. And Algeria.
Every religion has differing sects with differing, stupid beliefs.


You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.

Nobody claimed "some sect of" Islam does this while others don't. They claimed "ISLAM COLLECTIVELY". And I disproved it, and the WHO disproved it, and Anthropology already disproved it. Besides which, Morocco,.Tunisia, LIbya, Algeria and Saudi Arabia don't have their own "sect". Get the fuck outta here.
The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!

I am very educated------it is a MUSLIM PROBLEM ------examples of FGM
in persons other than muslims in the 21st century are rare and distant and
virtually trivial.. It occurs in very backward populations, RARELY in Africa. ---
the practice orginated in Africa (probably Egypt) and any continued practice
thereof is a VESTIGE. The practice was SPREAD to Asia and thruout
Africa and even to the USA by ISLAM AND ONLY ISLAM. Contrary to the
claims of some muslims, IT IS MENTIONED IN THE KORAN

CLEARLY you're not ------- and no it isn't.

And btw it's not at all "rarely in Africa", it's the opposite, depending on which PART of Africa. It's rare in NORTH Africa, not at all rare in CENTRAL Africa, then rare again in SOUTH Africa.. Which takes us right back to your blind ignorance.


Oh and you might want to essplain to the class how come, if it's "Islamic", it's considered barbarism in Mecca. Not sure I can think of a place more Islamic than Mecca, can you? And yet you've got more FGM going on in Colombia than in Saudi Arabia.

This is the same lame bullshit Composition Fallacy turd you tried to float with the 9/11 malarkey. Grow up.

you focused on GEOGRAPHY------TODAY that geography ---no matter where in the world is OVERWHELMINGLY----not just where muslims live------but MUSLIMS. Muslims do it-----Christians ---rarely ----no matter where in the world. you are Gerrymandering
I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

Ethiopia huh? The one that's predominantly Christian? You know, like Uganda and Tanzania? Yeah I left that one out.
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.

Whelp ---- it would seem your armchair mythology is melting, would it not.

wrong again EVEN IN ETHIOPIA ----the practice is COMMON AMONGST MUSLIMS, rare amongst Christians and very rare amongst jews
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa
I believe you said it was party of the Islam religion. That is wrong.

She said it was ENTIRELY Islamic.

Roll tape.
the practice orginated in Africa (probably Egypt) and any continued practice
thereof is a VESTIGE. The practice was SPREAD to Asia and thruout
Africa and even to the USA by ISLAM AND ONLY ISLAM.

This was the same plop where she claimed to be "highly educated" and that FGM is mentioned in the Koran, both of which are sanctimonious bullshit.

So there's her own words as evidence, and now she's trying to weasel out of them. Ignorance thinks it can get away with that.

She is correct about the origins, but then contradicts herself.
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I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs
I did mention Egypt, where both Muslims and Coptic Christians do it.
You haven't "explained" jack shit. All you did was toss a red herring on the fire.
Hmm,no,I quite neatly explained why two different areas can have differemt practices, despite sharing a religion. I notice Morocco having to crack down on FGM, as it creeps into their society on the back of Shafi'i Islam.

By the way, that's a particular sect of Islam, in case you aren't keeping up. It teaches FGM as mandatory. It is ravishing southeast asia as we speak. But hey,all we need is you to go there and tell all the people who proudly say that they arent doing it for Allah that they are all lying, and are not actually doing it for Allah. Problem solved! Make sure to also throw a hissy fit and yell at the people telling you they say they do it for Allah. Just for good measure.


historically----in the past 1000 years-----FGM got around the world WITH ISLAM -----not with Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism or -----the Aztecs

Care to essplain to the class what the fuck it's doing in Colombia then?

Was Mohammed into digging tunnels?
Care to essplain how Robert Thomas, Karl Ferdinand von Graefe, Isaac Baker Brown, J. Marion Sims, A.J. Bloch, James Burt, et al came up with it?
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!

I am very educated------it is a MUSLIM PROBLEM ------examples of FGM
in persons other than muslims in the 21st century are rare and distant and
virtually trivial.. It occurs in very backward populations, RARELY in Africa. ---
the practice orginated in Africa (probably Egypt) and any continued practice
thereof is a VESTIGE. The practice was SPREAD to Asia and thruout
Africa and even to the USA by ISLAM AND ONLY ISLAM. Contrary to the
claims of some muslims, IT IS MENTIONED IN THE KORAN

CLEARLY you're not ------- and no it isn't.

And btw it's not at all "rarely in Africa", it's the opposite, depending on which PART of Africa. It's rare in NORTH Africa, not at all rare in CENTRAL Africa, then rare again in SOUTH Africa.. Which takes us right back to your blind ignorance.


Oh and you might want to essplain to the class how come, if it's "Islamic", it's considered barbarism in Mecca. Not sure I can think of a place more Islamic than Mecca, can you? And yet you've got more FGM going on in Colombia than in Saudi Arabia.

This is the same lame bullshit Composition Fallacy turd you tried to float with the 9/11 malarkey. Grow up.

you focused on GEOGRAPHY------TODAY that geography ---no matter where in the world is OVERWHELMINGLY----not just where muslims live------but MUSLIMS. Muslims do it-----Christians ---rarely ----no matter where in the world. you are Gerrymandering

I do not think that word means what your ignorance thinks it means.
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