No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate

Kid? STFU! I am a 58nyear-old grandfather of three, with years of experience as a teacher and in the military. Stop spreading misinformation!

Educate yourself and stop parroting lies you were told.
Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate

Kid? STFU! I am a 58nyear-old grandfather of three, with years of experience as a teacher and in the military. Stop spreading misinformation!

Educate yourself and stop parroting lies you were told.
Ok so you are senile and defending the mutilations of young girls. Never cross my path
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
Dude there are plenty of muslims in Africa.

Wake up
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
Dude there are plenty of muslims in Africa.

Wake up
It does not make it a Muslim custom. There are non-Muslim areas of Africa that practice it. It is not practiced in Muslim countries outside of Africa.

Get a fucking brain.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjuct your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.
The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!

wrong-----in THE WORLD it is overwhelmingly a muslim thing.
There are some remote parts of Africa that still engage. The
practice is thought to have originated in EGYPT----where even today
MOST MUSLIMS do it. In general---Christians and jews from Egypt---
do not. Historically the practice SPREAD to wherever islam spread.
The PERSIANS did not engage until islam got there-----islam brought it
to India and Pakistan too. Male circumcision was not invented by jews---but today----and in the past 3000 years-----it has been virtually universally DONE by jews
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate

Kid? STFU! I am a 58 year-old grandfather of three, with years of experience as a teacher and in the military. Stop spreading misinformation!

Educate yourself and stop parroting lies you were told.
Ok so you are senile and defending the mutilations of young girls. Never cross my path

Please quote where I said that I support it!

You can't, so why don't you apologize now?
if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!
Dude there are plenty of muslims in Africa.

Wake up
It does not make it a Muslim custom. There are non-Muslim areas of Africa that practice it. It is not practiced in Muslim countries outside of Africa.

Get a fucking brain.

wrong again It is practiced EVEN IN PAKISTAN by some muslims and even in Iran by some muslims-------you need a fucking brain. It is also
practiced in the USA by some muslims
The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjuct your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate

Kid? STFU! I am a 58 year-old grandfather of three, with years of experience as a teacher and in the military. Stop spreading misinformation!

Educate yourself and stop parroting lies you were told.
Ok so you are senile and defending the mutilations of young girls. Never cross my path

Please quote where I said that I support it!

You can't, so why don't you apologize now?
You are saying that it does not happen, thus you are turning a blind eye to the hate. Thus you support the Muslim belief that girls should be mutilated
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her
That is not a Muslim thing. It is a custom in certain areas of Africa.

I wish the fuck you bigots would get better informed.

OMG OMG OMG circumcision!!!!!! OMG OMG That evil Jews!!!

wrong-----in THE WORLD it is overwhelmingly a muslim thing.
There are some remote parts of Africa that still engage. The
practice is thought to have originated in EGYPT----where even today
MOST MUSLIMS do it. In general---Christians and jews from Egypt---
do not. Historically the practice SPREAD to wherever islam spread.
The PERSIANS did not engage until islam got there-----islam brought it
to India and Pakistan too. Male circumcision was not invented by jews---but today----and in the past 3000 years-----it has been virtually universally DONE by jews

The WHO disagrees, and they want the practice stopped.

Using your logic, some Americans beat their wives. Therefore, all Americans must beat their wives because some Americans beat their wives. Do you beat your wife? I am an American and I do not beat my wife, therefore that concept is false!
Last edited:
For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!
if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!
Look pop, you are defending hate because of your ignorance
From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!
Look pop, you are defending hate because of your ignorance

Please QUOTE where I said anything of the sort, dumbass!

You are simply wrong on your facts. FGM has little or nothing to do with Islam. My linked information proved that, had you bothered to read it.
if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!
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