No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
You threatening me ??
LOL do you feel threatened?
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
I'll ask you again before I report this post, are you threatening me ????
Why are you asking me? If you feel threatened by me go ahead and report it. I'm certainly not going to ask you for your permission before I take actions.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.

Islam is just not another religion. The political is emphasized more than the spiritual. Over 60% of the Islamic Koran and Hadith is about how to treat non-Muslims. And it is cruel and deadly. The open ended commands to dominate by any means possible
Every religion has a political wing or aspect to it.

Don't think so.

What's the "political wing" of Taoism?

How about Bahai?
Any religion we recognize as being a huge religion, does have a political side or wing to it. Not sure what that is that you just used.

You said "every religion"; now you want to change that to "any religion we recognize as being a huge religion"?

Taoism has probably well over a billion practitioners. I'm not aware of any "political wing" though.
And you did, and there's no "threat" there.
Care to interpret it old wise one ?

There's nothing to 'interpret'. You seem to be the one plugging in content that isn't there.

What does the word "something" mean, specifically?

What does the word "them" mean?
Ok Bill Clinton, so what does the word is mean ?

I'm not the one inferring meanings that aren't there. I asked you.
Why are you still talking for the poster in question ??

OK look, I'm not here to play childish games with twenty questions. Ciao.
Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.

Islam is just not another religion. The political is emphasized more than the spiritual. Over 60% of the Islamic Koran and Hadith is about how to treat non-Muslims. And it is cruel and deadly. The open ended commands to dominate by any means possible
Every religion has a political wing or aspect to it.
Nothing like world domination before there is peace that I know of.
The posters non-response tells me that it was a threat. So this is where we are in this thread eh ?? Resorting to threats and such ?? Interesting.
I'm not allowed to leave the site to have dinner? <rolling eyes>

I'm going to try to be as nice about this as I can but I can't make any guarantees.

You and a bunch of other posters are OPENLY hostile to Muslims as evidence by your derogatory comments. The same goes for African Americans. Then you try to justify the things you believe and say by cloaking your comments as being necessary to ensure the safety of Americans from terrorists although some of you admit that in your minds Muslims and terrorists are the same, a person cannot be American and adhere to the Muslim faith and these are some of the nicer things said on the topic.

Then you have protectionist touting his idiotic legal theories that any first year law student would be embarassed to have attributed to them. It is very telling however that you all didn't take me indicating that in my opinion you & protectionist need to be reported to the government since you all seem to be working in concert to deprive Muslims of their Constitutional rights but only thought it a threat when I indicated that I have the ability to personally do so.

All this shit that you all are trying to do to others can be done to you as well. If you didn't know that before, well then now you do and if that makes you feel threatened then maybe you should of thought of that before you started this hate campaign.

And just to clarify, I said "people like you" not "you" although you have now moved closer to the "you" category.

It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman

I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.

Islam is just not another religion. The political is emphasized more than the spiritual. Over 60% of the Islamic Koran and Hadith is about how to treat non-Muslims. And it is cruel and deadly. The open ended commands to dominate by any means possible. That includes sanctioned terror. Rape is used as a weapon and is sanctioned.

What other religion demands domination? And you better include the source. Put up or shut up.
Why are you obsessing over something that was written over 1400 years ago?
Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did

No, "Islam" didn't. Nineteen hijackers did.

Breaking News: Islam consists of slightly more than nineteen people. Could be as high as twenty.


Q How is 9/11 like FGM?
A Neither has or had a religious function.

Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did

No, "Islam" didn't. Nineteen hijackers did.

Breaking News: Islam consists of slightly more than nineteen people. Could be as high as twenty.


Q How is 9/11 like FGM?
A Neither has or had a religious function.


good point----and world war II was started by a few dozen Japanese pilots
islam is 1000% political ideology. Libs who defend it are so stupid. Islam hates women, gays etc. They do ONE thing right and its only because they want to out populate us- no abortion. The left loves them so much because their hate for true Christians is so strong because we call them out on their Godless lifestyle. Islam hates Hollywood too you leftist idiots.
lib idiots. Islam is a false religion made by a sex pervert. They worship a moon god that doesnt exist lmao.
22719588, member: 69274"]
The posters non-response tells me that it was a threat. So this is where we are in this thread eh ?? Resorting to threats and such ?? Interesting.
I'm not allowed to leave the site to have dinner? <rolling eyes>

I'm going to try to be as nice about this as I can but I can't make any guarantees.

You and a bunch of other posters are OPENLY hostile to Muslims as evidence by your derogatory comments. The same goes for African Americans. Then you try to justify the things you believe and say by cloaking your comments as being necessary to ensure the safety of Americans from terrorists although some of you admit that in your minds Muslims and terrorists are the same, a person cannot be American and adhere to the Muslim faith and these are some of the nicer things said on the topic.

Then you have protectionist touting his idiotic legal theories that any first year law student would be embarassed to have attributed to them. It is very telling however that you all didn't take me indicating that in my opinion you & protectionist need to be reported to the government since you all seem to be working in concert to deprive Muslims of their Constitutional rights but only thought it a threat when I indicated that I have the ability to personally do so.

All this shit that you all are trying to do to others can be done to you as well. If you didn't know that before, well then now you do and if that makes you feel threatened then maybe you should of thought of that before you started this hate campaign.

And just to clarify, I said "people like you" not "you" although you have now moved closer to the "you" category.[/QUOTE]

I do not understand the lines "" & protectionist need to be reported to the government since you all seem to be working in concert to deprive Muslims of their Constitutional rights but only thought it a threat when I indicated that I have the ability to personally do so....... " (Maryam.....) Maryam----just what
constitutional right do you consider that anyone on this board or in the USA is trying to deny muslims? what do you mean by " .... I have the ability to personally do so..."?

as to the accusation ".. you and a bunch of other posters seem openly hostile to muslims.."
SO???? Is being verbally hostile to muslims disallowed?
lib idiots. Islam is a false religion made by a sex pervert. They worship a moon god that doesnt exist lmao.

a general question. Does anyone out there support a law against the statement of
ninja007??? It seems to me that there is a little program afoot in various
countries rendering negative comments on islam -----sorta criminal
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard

That's not what you said, dumbass! You even quoted yourself!
The female is mutilated, point of fact, so get used to it Muslim means hate

Muslims do not all perform genital mutilation. Many other cultures do also.

The point was you said they cut their vaginas. They do not, so that makes you a dumbass!

Muslims also mutilate Americans

ISIS releases another video of beheading


So do Americans of other faiths, or lack thereof!

Why do you choose to defend morons who cut their own wives noses off?

Why do you hate women?

Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard
Again, on full display, your ignorance of female sexuality as well as human anatomy. As far as your ignorance of Islam well it's pretty much on par with the rest of the racist & bigots here.

My parents brought us up to be kind to others, to not make fun of those who are disabled or to refer to people as retards. I see your parents were negligent in your upbringing. This is the result, an uneducated, ignorant, bigoted & racist individual who can't even discern when they are in the company of their betters.
Did your parents teach you to do this

100 percent Muslim

I'm here posting on U.S. Message Board so you know that I obviously have not killed myself or anyone else in a plane crash. But that's not something my parents needed to teach me not to do lol.

Your parents on the other hand, well let's just say left a lot to be desired when they thought about what type of human being they were raising their child to be.

My Father went up the beach on Okinawa and my father in law fought on Leyte in the Philippines.

Tell us more about what your parents taught you about respecting women?

You are a fake, always were and always will be
Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.

There is no movement to stamp this out in the USA, shit the Amish rip all the young girls teeth out so they can't leave for a real man

It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women
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