No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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The posters non-response tells me that it was a threat. So this is where we are in this thread eh ?? Resorting to threats and such ?? Interesting.

You're actually sitting here proposing that non-posts constitute "a threat"??? :wtf:

Sooooooooooooo everyone who hasn't posted here in the last ten minutes is "threatening" you?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing
I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??


Once AGAIN it's an ANCIENT --- as in thousands of years old --- sociocultural tradition that has been practiced on every continent at some time. Including in the West where doctors were doing it for what they called "nymphomania" or "hysteria". It has NOTHING to do with any religion. It has EVERYTHING to do with men being scared shitless of women's power. And it predates Islam, it predates Christianity, it predates Judaism, it predates Buddhism, it predates ANY religion that happens to occur in the same place coincidentally. There is NO WAY Islam invented it any more than it invented eating.
How did this topic devolve into this ??

I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??


Once AGAIN it's an ANCIENT --- as in thousands of years old --- sociocultural tradition that has been practiced on every continent at some time. Including in the West where doctors were doing it for what they called "nymphomania" or "hysteria". It has NOTHING to do with any religion. It has EVERYTHING to do with men being scared shitless of women's power. And it predates Islam, it predates Christianity, it predates Judaism, it predates Buddhism, it predates ANY religion that happens to occur in the same place coincidentally. There is NO WAY Islam invented it any more than it invented eating.
How did this topic devolve into this ??

Because people here are defending hate and mutilation
We didn't attack Iraq over 9/11. It was about 18 months after 9/11 that we invaded Iraq.
Iraq had nothing to do with anything. Like Vietnam. I am of the firm belief that the Bush family, and oil, and the fact they even helped sneak out rich members of the house of Saud out of the US hours after the 9/11 attack speaks for itself. I doubt to many people were helping the Japanese aristocracy sneak around after Pearl Harbor. Because that's were allegiances are, with money, not nations anymore. Well, fuck that.

They did not sneak rich members of the house of Saud out of the country. Are you a 9/11 Truther? Take it to the Conspiracy Theory thread where it belongs! Your delusions can be addressed there.
Holey crap-ola. Um yes, Bush helped sneak out members of the Royal Saudi family after 9/11. I am like, most of the attackers were Saudis the religion itself was spawned in Saudi this is a no brainer. All of this. We had less evidence the Japanese attacked us on 12/07/1941.I am no genius, and its pretty damned obvious. So my question is: why are you defending...THEM?

Why are you lying? That is a much better question!
Really? I am going to put you on iggy unless you apologize or admit the obvious. I am not going to hold my breath.

Why is that you cannot handle the truth? Why do you make up bullshit to justify your positions? Are you that intellectually weak?

You placing me on ignore will not stop me from pointing out your lies. Go right ahead!
Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?
The posters non-response tells me that it was a threat. So this is where we are in this thread eh ?? Resorting to threats and such ?? Interesting.

You're actually sitting here proposing that non-posts constitute "a threat"??? :wtf:

Sooooooooooooo everyone who hasn't posted here in the last ten minutes is "threatening" you?
You are not this thick, dude. Just not possible.
I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie
When the good do not care, evil succeeds
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Muhammad in a Blanket!

Fry Him Like Bacon!
Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!

I am very educated------it is a MUSLIM PROBLEM ------examples of FGM
in persons other than muslims in the 21st century are rare and distant and
virtually trivial.. It occurs in very backward populations, RARELY in Africa. ---
the practice orginated in Africa (probably Egypt) and any continued practice
thereof is a VESTIGE. The practice was SPREAD to Asia and thruout
Africa and even to the USA by ISLAM AND ONLY ISLAM. Contrary to the
claims of some muslims, IT IS MENTIONED IN THE KORAN
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.

if we are talking about female genital mutilation------NOPE----it is TODAY
virtually 100% Islamic-------not that I care. To say that TODAY it has nothing to
do with the religion called ISLAM is an idiotic lie

From the World Health Organization:
  • FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are clean and beautiful after removal of body parts that are considered unclean, unfeminine or male.
  • Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.
  • Religious leaders take varying positions with regard to FGM: some promote it, some consider it irrelevant to religion, and others contribute to its elimination.
  • Local structures of power and authority, such as community leaders, religious leaders, circumcisers, and even some medical personnel can contribute to upholding the practice.
  • In most societies, where FGM is practised, it is considered a cultural tradition, which is often used as an argument for its continuation.
  • In some societies, recent adoption of the practice is linked to copying the traditions of neighbouring groups. Sometimes it has started as part of a wider religious or traditional revival movement.
Female genital mutilation

Did you notice Islam is never mentioned?
Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??

The mutilations are the religious beliefs...………………..Islam is hate to women

For about the 10th time, genital mutilation is NOT Muslim. It occurs in many other cultures.
What cultures mutilate their wives noses by removing them so they have to hide behind a burka

Answer the Muslim culture

Why are you defending female mutilations?

Do you hate women?

Educate yourself. This is NOT a Muslim-only problem!
Tell us kid what other religion allows a husband to cut off his wife's nose.......

Why are you defending hate
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
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