No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?
Explain that to a child who's mother mutilated her

Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this
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A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.
Maybe tou bigoted assfucks should not be allowed to serve in office.,
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
Oh please, don't you have a whore to stone or something?
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.
Christians never stoned anyone?

So where did this come from - "he who without sin cast the first stone"

Wait, from that book your Christians tote around everywhere?
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
No, Christians Never Stoned Anyone.

Some Fake Religious people may have.

The Law of Grace has been in effect since The Resurrection of Christ, so stoning is forbidden in Christianity.

However when Christ Returns, Grace is over, and all Law Breakers, Liars, Slanderers, Murderers etc. will be punished and thrown in to HELL, including the future most favorite politician ever of The DemNazi Party The Anti-Christ.

Islam and The DemNazi Party are so 9th Century.

Yet so futuristic, as they'll be ushering in The Apocalypse.

Better invest in some asbestos underwear, Lefty.
But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.

But it is in your Bible.

"Although Islam and Muslim codes of law are often used to justify the use of stoning as a punishment for adultery, there is actually no reference to stoning in the Koran. Furthermore, there are many prominent clerics and religious scholars who openly oppose the practice of stoning and have called it "Islamically unjustifiable." For example, Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, a very prominent Shi’a cleric in Iran, issued a fatwa (a religious edict) against the practice of stoning."

Women Around the World Are Being Stoned to Death. Do You Know the Facts?

So I guess you lied. Right Woody?

Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.


Oddly enough in 1984 the computing that would record everything was beginning
Fuck The Grand Ayatollah. He is a Muslim and therefore a LIAR. All Muslims are Liars. It is commanded they lie to all Non-Muslims as part of their belief to advance Muslim Nazism at all costs. You can NEVER believe a single thing a Muslim says.

If you lived under The OLD Testament 2,000 years ago, you would need two witnesses and then have charges brought up against you before a judge before such a death sentence was passed on you. So there was due process, but the penalties once found guilty were harsh.

That is because the Old Covenant did not allow for much grace.

Islam is a Disgusting Non Religion that denies the Advent of Grace and The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ which transformed The Entire World and brought it out of The Stone Age.

You and your Islamic Brethren are still living in The Stone Age, and I could care less if you stone each other t death or not.

But none of you should be allowed to live in The US nor hold Public office.

Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.


Oddly enough in 1984 the computing that would record everything was beginning
And now it has been refined enough that if the wrong people get in to office, we are at a tipping point where a full blown 1984 scenario is no Longer Science Fiction but is a reality standing on our doorstep.
Not true because when they say they are going to refine uranium and nuke you they are telling the truth
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.


Oddly enough in 1984 the computing that would record everything was beginning
And now it has been refined enough that if the wrong people get in to office, we are at a tipping point where a full blown 1984 scenario is no Longer Science Fiction but is a reality standing on our doorstep.

Only if you do not understand computer monitoring. I have pretty much confirmed that I understand the children doing the monitoring. Long story can't tell so don't ask
That's about the only thing they tell the truth about. How much they hate us, and hate Jews, and Hate Christians, and Hate Non-Muslims, and Hate The Wrong Kind of Muslims, and Hate Women, Hate Black Dogs, Black Cats, and Hate Black People.

Their Hatred and love of Oppression is the only thing these people are truthful about.

It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.


Oddly enough in 1984 the computing that would record everything was beginning
And now it has been refined enough that if the wrong people get in to office, we are at a tipping point where a full blown 1984 scenario is no Longer Science Fiction but is a reality standing on our doorstep.

Only if you do not understand computer monitoring. I have pretty much confirmed that I understand the children doing the monitoring. Long story can't tell so don't ask
Everyone's Online Activity is being monitored, so Big Brother is Watching you.

We all have an Online Reputation Score that can be used against you to deny you a job for instance.

Mega Corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Censor and Silence people they don't like and don't agree with.

It goes on and on and it will continue to get worse.



It is wrong to hide the truth for political correctness. Hate must be destroyed
Political Correctness is Hate.

George Orwell stated it as such.

Hate is Love according to The Left.!

George Orwell was a Prophet and warned us about The Rise of The DemNazi Left and Political Correctness.

Everything a Leftist said is cloaked in Hatred and The Opposite of what they say is true.


Oddly enough in 1984 the computing that would record everything was beginning
And now it has been refined enough that if the wrong people get in to office, we are at a tipping point where a full blown 1984 scenario is no Longer Science Fiction but is a reality standing on our doorstep.

Only if you do not understand computer monitoring. I have pretty much confirmed that I understand the children doing the monitoring. Long story can't tell so don't ask
Everyone's Online Activity is being monitored, so Big Brother is Watching you.

We all have an Online Reputation Score that can be used against you to deny you a job for instance.

Mega Corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Censor and Silence people they don't like and don't agree with.

It goes on and on and it will continue to get worse.




Facebook was created by the NSA to monitor people. Every time facebook deletes a terrorist profile it is recorded as the terrorist tries to get back on. Trump supporters are terrorist to some
Where do you get that I support mutilation in any way? Where did you get any indication that I do? Are you that stupid?

I just need you to readjust your aim and target the people who do this like the WHO says! Blaming the wrong people for a problem is YOUR issue, not mine.

you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.
you got a WHO reference that says FGM outside of Africa does not exist? ------try a large medical library

Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa
Where did it say that? In fact, it says quite the opposite. You obviously can't read or are trying to score cheap points!

I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

I did not address my post to you dumbass!
I read very well------and I also know how WHO functions----I will help you to understand why the EXPLANATION provided by WHO happens to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" by today's Islamic standards. All of WHO's stats-------come from the reports of the given countries themselves. <<<< that includes prevalence of sickness, disease,
and even crime. For years SAUDI ARABIA claimed NO AIDS----
even the muslim docs laughed at that one in medical conferences.
The Soviet Union-----used to deny SCHIZOPHRENIA-----as have several
muslim countries. ------more at which to laugh. I read very well AND with a NECESSARY critical eye. -----the same eye that has peered under the skirts. Bottom line----today FGM is an issue of THE UMMAH------laudable programs aimed at getting rid of it are OUTNUMBERED by its supporters

So, you really want me to find another source to prove you wrong? I have a better idea. Find me a link showing that all FGM is performed by Musilms. No backpedaling! Put up or shut up!

Find another religion that does this

Be my guest! You seem adept at Google. You should educate yourself.

for the record----at no point did I claim that ALL FGM is performed by MUSLIMS-----in fact it is more like ONLY 98% In those places in which it HAD originated millennia ago------it still exists amongst some isolated groups---that would be EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and "heart of darkness" Africa

I did not address my post to you dumbass!

Any and all post may be answered by any member of the group. If you can't deal with reality leave
Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did

No, "Islam" didn't. Nineteen hijackers did.

Breaking News: Islam consists of slightly more than nineteen people. Could be as high as twenty.


Q How is 9/11 like FGM?
A Neither has or had a religious function.

Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did

No, "Islam" didn't. Nineteen hijackers did.

Breaking News: Islam consists of slightly more than nineteen people. Could be as high as twenty.


Q How is 9/11 like FGM?
A Neither has or had a religious function.


good point----and world war II was started by a few dozen Japanese pilots

It certainly wasn't started by "Islam".

Nor was it started by "Christianism", "Shintoistism", "Atheism" or anything else --- REGARDLESS if any, or all, of those were involved coincidentally.

Hitler was a Catholic. Shall we start a thread claiming Catholicism begets brutal genocidists?

Same with the IRA. Nobody ever called that "Christian terrorism" even though it would be the same stretch you just tried to sell. Civil War: Christians against Christians? Dooooonn't think so.
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