No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
How do you reconcile the fact that you are citing the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land which it is, while simultaneously ignoring or downplaying the role of the First Amendment which is also the supreme law of the land, irrespective of your agreement with it, because it is a part of the U.S. Contsitution which is the supreme law of the land.

Can you answer just this part? And just FYI the First Amendment is not a separate document, it's part of the Bill of Rights.
I'm not downplaying the 1st Amendment. It's an awesome document. Without it, we wouldn't be here exercising this freedom of speech. Thank goodness for our fabulous founding fathers, James Madison, who wrote the 1st Amendment, and Thomas Jefferson who inspired it.

So you guys wanna talk 1st Amendment ? OK. But the only relationship that Islam has to the 1st amendment, is that it is probably the least agreeable creed to the 1st Amendment of any in America. When a Danish newspaper, Jylands Posten, published an unflattering picture of the so-called prophet Mohammed, in 2005, the cartoon picture set off Muslim riots all over the world, resulting in the killing of civilians, burning of cars, massive looting, and violent invasion of embassies. Looks like the Muslim crowd isn't too sympathetic to the 1st Amendment, and its idea.

Neither was the New York Times, the LA Times, and other prominent publications that refused to print the Danish cartoon. The white flag of surrender (while ignoring the 1st Amendment) hung from these previously stalwart defenders of the Constitutional right to free speech. It was a testament to the fact that Muslim bullying works.

When Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders produced his film Fitna, which connected acts of violence by Muslims to violent passages of the Koran, the world's most powerful Islamic organization the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) went into high gear to stop all speech critical of Islam, and Muslims. The Sect. General of the OIC, Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu, called for restrictions on freedom of speech, saying >> "I don't think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy."

Iran and Pakistan lodged formal complaints with the EU, about the film Non-Muslims joined in the censorship campaign. UN Sect general Ban Ki-moon repeated the OIC's argument that free speech does not apply in words offensive to Muslims. Jorge Sampiano, another high UN official urged Muslims to avoid pointing out the evils that Muslim "extremists" were committing (exactly the OIC's campaign, which was quickly embraced by the UN).

After much conferring on the subject of freedom of expression regarding Islam, the UN's Human Rights Council banned criticism of Islam during UNHRC meetings. No more talk about execution of women by stoning, female genital mutilation, and child marriage, as sanctioned by Islamic law. Thus, an international body ostensibly dedicated to promoting human rights, voluntarily renounced any study of one of the leading sources of international human rights violations.

As far back as 1989, a British-India journalist Salman Rushdie published a book that the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeni deemed "blasphemous" to Islam. Khomeni issued a fatwa to murder Rushdie because of his book. The fatwa has never been rescinded, and Rushie is still alive. After decade in hiding, he's lucky. One of his translators was murdered, and several others attacked.

When the US filmmaker Tom Clancy produced a movie Sum of All Fears, the Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) pressured paramount Pictures to alter the adaptation of the film, to change from Muslim terrorists to neo-Nazis. Paramount fearing a campaign of intimidation, typical of CAIR's style, caved and changed the script. Apparently, the Aryan Nation doesn't have the clout of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Want more examples of Islam's repudiation of the 1st Amendment ? There are dozens, if not hundreds of them. >> talk show host Micheal Graham of WMAL-AM radio, Thomas Klocek of Depaul University, Stephen Coughlin of the Pentagon all were fired from their jobs for expressing views critical of Islam. All the result of Muslim intimidation and coercion.

By the same token, others in the media have been vilified, by the Muslim Islamization train, such as Paul Harvey, Cal Thomas, ex Virginia representative Virgil Goode, Terrorism expert writer Daniel Pipes, book writers Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, P. David Gaubatz, et al. This list could go on and on. The writers of the TV show 24, are also on this list. There is no greater enemy of the 1st Amendment in America than Islam, and the lack of freedoms - speech, religious, and the press, in Islamic countries more than testifies to that. Try building a Christian church in Saudi Arabia and watch what happens. You might get arrested just for wearing a cross necklace.
There should be no one in this United States that would be fearful of speaking out against anyone that would actually attack or kill American's in their own nation. If it gets to that point, then this nation is done, and the enemy (any enemy) has finally won.
Except you can't identify any of those people, you can only identify the group that they belong to and then attempt to assign the same nefarious intentions to the entire group. How would you like to be judged in that manner.
Do what ???????? So you are saying that no one could identify the Boston Bombers by way of our security forces and MSM telling us who they were ?? No one is judging those who are innocent regardless of who they are, but our government had been given the Intel tools and training to recognize a threat, and so they are charged under the Constitution, and by the government to provide for the welfare of the citizenry.

Derilection of their duties causes the very conversation's we are having to occur upon these web sites that we are using here.
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
You threatening me ??
No, it was Saudi Arabia that attacked us on 9/11. No doubt.
Then why in the hell did our U.S. military attack Iraq and not Saudi Arabia?

We didn't attack Iraq over 9/11. It was about 18 months after 9/11 that we invaded Iraq.
Iraq had nothing to do with anything. Like Vietnam. I am of the firm belief that the Bush family, and oil, and the fact they even helped sneak out rich members of the house of Saud out of the US hours after the 9/11 attack speaks for itself. I doubt to many people were helping the Japanese aristocracy sneak around after Pearl Harbor. Because that's were allegiances are, with money, not nations anymore. Well, fuck that.

They did not sneak rich members of the house of Saud out of the country. Are you a 9/11 Truther? Take it to the Conspiracy Theory thread where it belongs! Your delusions can be addressed there.

Yeah actually I think they did, and it's obvious. They sure didn't announce it, did they.
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
I'll ask you again before I report this post, are you threatening me ????
Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Anyone else here like being threatened by posters when they begin to lose their arguments ???
Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Dealing with something at the moment. Get back to you later.

It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Dealing with something at the moment. Get back to you later.

You're dealing with your own invention. I already read it. You're trying to play "victim" where nobody threatened you.

Point stands.
Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
The poster is trying to make an association between religious tenants or beliefs, and the acts described in the mutilation's ?? What would it fall under or be categorized as ??
Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Dealing with something at the moment. Get back to you later.

You're dealing with your own invention. I already read it. You're trying to play "victim" where nobody threatened you.

Point stands.
Are you delusional ??
The posters non-response tells me that it was a threat. So this is where we are in this thread eh ?? Resorting to threats and such ?? Interesting.
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
I'll ask you again before I report this post, are you threatening me ????

it's not "funny" pogoid----Maryam DID actually imply a THREAT. ----it's an ape
chest pounding technique----something like the shit Iran and Erdogan do
No, it was Saudi Arabia that attacked us on 9/11. No doubt.
Then why in the hell did our U.S. military attack Iraq and not Saudi Arabia?
Because nobody had the stones to make Medina and Mecca vanish in the fire of split atoms.
And you believe that would have been a good thing?
Turning one holy city into glass and free-floating atoms? yes.
And yet it didn't happen. Wanna wager a guess as to why?
Nobody had the stones to do it.
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
I'll ask you again before I report this post, are you threatening me ????

it's not "funny" pogoid----Maryam DID actually imply a THREAT. ----it's an ape
chest pounding technique----something like the shit Iran and Erdogan do
It's the way I took it.
I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Dealing with something at the moment. Get back to you later.

You're dealing with your own invention. I already read it. You're trying to play "victim" where nobody threatened you.

Point stands.
Are you delusional ??
No...he just isn't all that bright.
Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did
The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
So in your thoughts here, you assume that I am a white supremacists ??? Stop worrying, because yes I am white, but no supremacists. Funny you mention the civil Rights act of 64, and how you figure that it somehow trumps our security for all citizens in this nation. Well it doesn't. An enemy of this nation can change things if they are successful at harming American's by way of hiding behind the act somehow.
That you might be a white supremacist never crossed my mind although it is obvious that you are hostile to equality as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can manufacture a security incident in order to attempt to override the protections of the federal or other anti-discrimination laws without putting yourself at risk.

And don't worry, I don't worry about people like you, I do something about them.
I'll ask you again before I report this post, are you threatening me ????

it's not "funny" pogoid----Maryam DID actually imply a THREAT. ----it's an ape
chest pounding technique----something like the shit Iran and Erdogan do


Read it. Quote where there's any "threat".
Good grief... It doesn't matter how far anything goes back, but what matters is if it is still in practice today, and if it is still obeyed and believed today.

Sadly it is, and there's a healthy movement to stamp it out.

But the fact remains it has NOTHING to do with any religion, and never did. What that tells us is that the poster trying to make that ass-ociation is blatantly dishonest. A liar.
Dealing with something at the moment. Get back to you later.

You're dealing with your own invention. I already read it. You're trying to play "victim" where nobody threatened you.

Point stands.
Are you delusional ??
No...he just isn't all that bright.
Funny I'm supposed to be the junior here, yet I get the threat because I cut through the bullcrap ?? What the person didn't interpret correctly is that I wasn't attacking his or her (isn't that a female name?), prescious civil Rights act, but rather I was saying that it is that no one should be able to hide behind the act (highjack it), in order to harm others while cloaked behind it. This can happen with any right, act or even our constitution we have if exploited by those whom find a way in through the act or program intended for good, yet is somehow used for bad by those who see weakness within us as a poorly unified nation. We must shore up our unity, and strengthen it in order to secure it. Divide and conquer is on alot of bad people's minds these days, and that ain't good.
Medina and Mecca has nothing to do with the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----but ISLAM
did. Saudi Arabia did not----but islam did

No, "Islam" didn't. Nineteen hijackers did.

Breaking News: Islam consists of slightly more than nineteen people. Could be as high as twenty.


Q How is 9/11 like FGM?
A Neither has or had a religious function.

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