No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard
Again, on full display, your ignorance of female sexuality as well as human anatomy. As far as your ignorance of Islam well it's pretty much on par with the rest of the racist & bigots here.

My parents brought us up to be kind to others, to not make fun of those who are disabled or to refer to people as retards. I see your parents were negligent in your upbringing. This is the result, an uneducated, ignorant, bigoted & racist individual who can't even discern when they are in the company of their betters.
Did your parents teach you to do this

100 percent Muslim

Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard

That's not what you said, dumbass! You even quoted yourself!
The female is mutilated, point of fact, so get used to it Muslim means hate

Muslims do not all perform genital mutilation. Many other cultures do also.

The point was you said they cut their vaginas. They do not, so that makes you a dumbass!

Muslims also mutilate Americans

ISIS releases another video of beheading
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard
Again, on full display, your ignorance of female sexuality as well as human anatomy. As far as your ignorance of Islam well it's pretty much on par with the rest of the racist & bigots here.

My parents brought us up to be kind to others, to not make fun of those who are disabled or to refer to people as retards. I see your parents were negligent in your upbringing. This is the result, an uneducated, ignorant, bigoted & racist individual who can't even discern when they are in the company of their betters.
ISIS releases another video of beheading
Muslim fun time
The only very few people allowed to fly after 9/11 were members of bin Laden's family who were fleeing possible retribution, such as children attending college, etc. They were given explicit permission by the government to do that.
Are they not Saudis?

Your post indicated a large number and anyone who was a Saudi. I corrected that misinformation.
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard

That's not what you said, dumbass! You even quoted yourself!
The female is mutilated, point of fact, so get used to it Muslim means hate

Muslims do not all perform genital mutilation. Many other cultures do also.

The point was you said they cut their vaginas. They do not, so that makes you a dumbass!

Muslims also mutilate Americans

ISIS releases another video of beheading


So do Americans of other faiths, or lack thereof!
You're projecting your own insecurities and failings onto another group of people. Essentially you're saying that all people of X group are inherently bad although there are exceptions to the rule as opposed to some people of group X are bad. And then you further insult the entire group by claiming that the only thing that's keeping them from killing anyone are our laws & punishment which shows you know very little about what motivates people who are intent on killing.

"All black's aren't racist" is a perfect case in point. Who is their right mind would even question whether black people are racists or not, let alone that most are when it was the white race which codified their racism and then enforced it at the barrel of a gun or the end of a rope.
You just betrayed your own convictions stated in the very same post, in the previous paragraph. Here you are ragging at beagle, for downgrading all people of a group for what some of that group do - then you turn right around, and do exactly that same thing, by accusing the white race (that includes ALL whites) of racism, for what a tiny minority of whites did. You are a piece of work.
See this is why we have issues, because you all can't read and comprehend what you've read. How in the hell do you figure that all of white society being statutorily (by law) elevated to a superior position above people of African descent is just "a tiny minority of whites". We're talking American Apartheid and unless you're completely ignorant of the history of our country, you know this to be true. And if you don't know it to be true start with the SCOTUS Dred Scott decision and Plessy v Ferguson and then work your way forward to today.
Well kiddo. Perhaps because 9/11 was...let me se here...funded by Saudis...and then the religion itself came from Saudi Arabia. And the majority of the perpetrators were Saudi as well. So lets go back to say... 1941 December 7th. Did we have this level of denial of the Japanese? Perhaps, it was big oil conspiracy? Perhaps, we shift the blame, the Japanese would never do such thing. We provoked them be cause WE were embargoing them. They were victims They were just reacting to provocations...This is what liberals do, equivocate, split hairs and spread doubt. No, it was Saudi Arabia that attacked us on 9/11. No doubt.

Individuals who were mostly born in Saudi Arabia attacked us. If Osama had shown his face in Saudi Arabia, he would have been looking up at his own body after his head had been forcibly removed. The Saudi government considered him exactly as he was, a terrorist and threat to their Kingdom.
Same could be said of Pearl harbor on 12/07/1941. Those that attacked us mostly were of one religion, and sponsored by one government as well. And, they didn't attack American homeland and they killed less people. And we nuked them less than 5 years. I like the ending of this parable. So what makes Saudis so special? We would destabilize world economy? well, kiss ma grits, what the fuck happened after Germany invaded Poland? So what do the Saudis expect? Its funny, because we haven't done a thing in retribution. Nope. Yet.
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I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
You majored in Anthropology in college. And they talked about Islam, huh? So that's what did it, huh ?

Yeah, that would do it allright, Nothing like a US University education to send one down a path of liberal lunacy, including a sham version of what Islam is all about. Figures.

No actually we didn't. We talked about culture, how tribes and communities develop and form their societies. That has nothing to do with religion. Religion comes much later, and whatever culture that tribe has established, the religion has to accept.

Once AGAIN you've shot yourself in the foot with your ass-sumptions. Which is damned contortionistic.
Your post indicated a large number and anyone who was a Saudi. I corrected that misinformation.
That's not correct although you may have interpreted that way. This is what I said:

Have you ever questioned by[sic] the Saudis were the only people allowed to fly after the attacks on 9/11 when all other aircraft were grounded?
I didn't say "Saudi Arabian Airlines" but realistically when everyone is grounded, it is signicant that anyone is allowed to fly.

And again, if everyone knows it or our government determined it was Saudi nationals who carried out the attacks on 9/11 then why did we not go to war against the Saudis and instead attacked Iraq?

I don't really expect an explanation from anyone, from my perspective this is just part of the same "I will only believe what I choose to believe" mentality that the OP has expressed in this thread in spades.
This is not lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the fact that you're advocating any such thing leads me to wonder if you're in a position to actually attempt to implement such an unlawful scheme.
What's unlawful about vetting ? :confused:
Photo taken in France.
Well then move to France where you can be with other like minded people because our laws have no impact on the French and the French don't have to abide by our laws.

Didn't they teach you about jurisdiction in whatever school you attended that makes you an [alleged] expert on the Constitution?
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