No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

A.) I said at most for a reason.

B.) The KKK killed maybe a few thousand, Democrats killed at least several million & Republicans also killed a few million.

C.) The KKK only has a few thousand members, how can they be the main power & thus problem?

D.) You therefor are not making much sense, in terms of morality or logic.

I didn't bother to note it but your absurd poppycock that "Democrats and Republicans" kill people is as laughable as that dipshit who tried to tell us "Republicans" were a side fighting in the Civil War.

"Republicans" and "Democrats" exist as such when they're running for office. Government officials who wage wars are no longer "political parties". They are operatives of the System.'

Klanners going out to drag somebody behind a truck, or whipping a woman for not going to church, etc, are on the other hand STILL being Klanners, in fact that's when they're MOST being Klanners.

Your argument is dishonest.

Got anything else or are we done here?

The USA has killed then killed many millions, by people who represent Democrats, and Republicans.

So long as you can have all of these mass murdering, war mongering brutes.

I fail to see why the KKK is a bigger issue, it's NOT.

You're clearly very desperate, and dumb having these absurd fussy hysterical panic attacks, but never reaching a truly logical, or moral position.

I *never* represented that the "KKK is a bigger issue" or ANYTHING WHATSOEVER about "bigger issues". YOU did that.

I brought up the KKK as an example of a Christian terrorist group that is provably not derived from Christianism, i.e. correlation is not causation. Obviously that point hit a nerve since the Bigot Brigade has been trying to change that to "body counts". Doesn't change the point one fucking iota so don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence, K?
I cannot insult what you do not have.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?
When Teddy Roosevelt Banned Muslims from America
A progressive hero.
Muslim immigration was still slight at the time and bans on polygamy had not been created to deliberately target them, but the Muslim practice of an act repulsive to most Americans even back then pitted their cries of discrimination and victimhood against the values of the nation. The Immigration Act of 1907 had been meant to select only those immigrants who would make good Americans.
And Muslims would not.

In his 1905 State of the Union address, President Theodore Roosevelt had spoken of the need “to keep out all immigrants who will not make good American citizens.”

Unlike modern presidents, Roosevelt did not view Islam as a force for good. Instead he had described Muslims as “enemies of civilization”, writing that, “The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization", praising Charles Martel and John Sobieski for throwing back the "Moslem conquerors" whose depredations had caused Christianity to have "practically vanished from the two continents."
Well, really, he banned and went after polygamy, along with signing thw immigration act, which barred those believing in the practice from entering. So, Muslims, and most Hindus at the time, too.

But they didn't ban them on the basis of their religion at all, but on whether they were prepared to live according to the law of the land. BIG difference.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Adherents of ancient cultural traditions dating back thousands of years in India, in (some parts of) Africa, and in South America.

And when I say "ancient' I mean way older than any of the religions we have a name for. It has nothing to do with any religion at all.

India has some of the most ancient cultures on earth.
Of course it does, sometimes. But it doesn't happen in a vacuum. In happens in a culture. And that culture takes its cues from Islam.
Then why aren't all Muslims terrorists?
The same as all red necks aren't racist or all blacks aren't racist or all well you get the point. Ever heard of sleeper cells ? Do you not think that people are killers in their minds maybe, but they fear the consequences of such actions so much so that they will never bring those thoughts into the light of day ?? You never know who you have in your midst, but thank God for all the laws and punishments we have in place as somewhat of a deterrent.

You just destroyed the pathetic argument you have spent the whole thread defending.

Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard

That's not what you said, dumbass! You even quoted yourself!
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know


Since when is the nose considered genitalia? Have I been doing it wrong all these years? :D
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.
The religion says you can beat your wife and you should not be asked why. Sharia allows husbands to what they wish to their wives, they are like property. Muhammad compared women to domestic animals (property).
Tabari 9:1754 - "Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves.
Last edited:
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman

Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard

That's not what you said, dumbass! You even quoted yourself!
The female is mutilated, point of fact, so get used to it Muslim means hate
Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit. FGM (once AGAIN) was around centuries before Mohammed, centuries before Jesus, centuries before Moses, centuries before Buddha, centuries before fill in deity here. See also "Linear Time". See also the FACT that there is no religious function in it AT ALL in any of those or any other religion, since it is not a religious ritual but a SOCIAL one.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

Fucking stupid asshole.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know


Since when is the nose considered genitalia? Have I been doing it wrong all these years? :D

Hate is hate, here is a young girl not even sedated getting her clitoris AMPUTATED so she can be a good zombie to her muslim man shit

Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman


I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

And you approve of this because you wasted your money on college. I bought apple no need for college and no bills either. Imagine if you invested your tuition on apple

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.
The religion says you can beat your wife and you should not be asked why. Sharia allows husbands to what they wish to their wives, they are like property. Muhammad compared women to domestic animals (property).
Tabari 9:1754 - "Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves.
I and the Lord thank you for standing up to hate
Who ever done this to this women, should be tracked down and stoned to death. Period. India you say ? Who does this ?

Its a Muslim tradition...…………………


It's not even a religious rite.

Wrong, google it yourself

Muslim means hate of woman

I don't *NEED* to "Google" it Hunior, Anthropology was my major in college --- I already know this shit.

Imagine that ............ actually knowing something instead of pulling it out of one's ass because one would "like it to be true". Amazing innit?

And you approve of this because you wasted your money on college. I bought apple no need for college and no bills either. Imagine if you invested your tuition on apple


Cult of Ignorance speaks. The desire to be ignorant rather than know what's going on. Guess it's akin to the desire to change other people's opinions to what you WISH they had said, as you did above. Fucking *****NOWHERE***** have I EVER approved of this shit, and you god damned well know it so GO FUCK YOURSELF fucking dishonest HACK. :fu:
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
This is just me talking. Islam , er, Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. I don't care to spilt hairs anymore And we didn't do anything about it. Oh, we attacked Iraq alright. Afghanistan? But we still didn't do anything about Saudi Arabia and 9/11. That would upset the worlds economy. We should have fucked them up royally. Fuck the consequences. As an American if the Saudis let their children run amuck and create such havoc, why do we care what they do? Nuke the bastards. Let them worry about the consequences of their actions. Not us...
How do you reconcile the fact that you are citing the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land which it is, while simultaneously ignoring or downplaying the role of the First Amendment which is also the supreme law of the land, irrespective of your agreement with it, because it is a part of the U.S. Contsitution which is the supreme law of the land.

Can you answer just this part? And just FYI the First Amendment is not a separate document, it's part of the Bill of Rights.
I'm not downplaying the 1st Amendment. It's an awesome document. Without it, we wouldn't be here exercising this freedom of speech. Thank goodness for our fabulous founding fathers, James Madison, who wrote the 1st Amendment, and Thomas Jefferson who inspired it.

So you guys wanna talk 1st Amendment ? OK. But the only relationship that Islam has to the 1st amendment, is that it is probably the least agreeable creed to the 1st Amendment of any in America. When a Danish newspaper, Jylands Posten, published an unflattering picture of the so-called prophet Mohammed, in 2005, the cartoon picture set off Muslim riots all over the world, resulting in the killing of civilians, burning of cars, massive looting, and violent invasion of embassies. Looks like the Muslim crowd isn't too sympathetic to the 1st Amendment, and its idea.

Neither was the New York Times, the LA Times, and other prominent publications that refused to print the Danish cartoon. The white flag of surrender (while ignoring the 1st Amendment) hung from these previously stalwart defenders of the Constitutional right to free speech. It was a testament to the fact that Muslim bullying works.

When Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders produced his film Fitna, which connected acts of violence by Muslims to violent passages of the Koran, the world's most powerful Islamic organization the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) went into high gear to stop all speech critical of Islam, and Muslims. The Sect. General of the OIC, Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu, called for restrictions on freedom of speech, saying >> "I don't think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy."

Iran and Pakistan lodged formal complaints with the EU, about the film Non-Muslims joined in the censorship campaign. UN Sect general Ban Ki-moon repeated the OIC's argument that free speech does not apply in words offensive to Muslims. Jorge Sampiano, another high UN official urged Muslims to avoid pointing out the evils that Muslim "extremists" were committing (exactly the OIC's campaign, which was quickly embraced by the UN).

After much conferring on the subject of freedom of expression regarding Islam, the UN's Human Rights Council banned criticism of Islam during UNHRC meetings. No more talk about execution of women by stoning, female genital mutilation, and child marriage, as sanctioned by Islamic law. Thus, an international body ostensibly dedicated to promoting human rights, voluntarily renounced any study of one of the leading sources of international human rights violations.

As far back as 1989, a British-India journalist Salman Rushdie published a book that the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeni deemed "blasphemous" to Islam. Khomeni issued a fatwa to murder Rushdie because of his book. The fatwa has never been rescinded, and Rushie is still alive. After decade in hiding, he's lucky. One of his translators was murdered, and several others attacked.

When the US filmmaker Tom Clancy produced a movie Sum of All Fears, the Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) pressured paramount Pictures to alter the adaptation of the film, to change from Muslim terrorists to neo-Nazis. Paramount fearing a campaign of intimidation, typical of CAIR's style, caved and changed the script. Apparently, the Aryan Nation doesn't have the clout of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Want more examples of Islam's repudiation of the 1st Amendment ? There are dozens, if not hundreds of them. >> talk show host Micheal Graham of WMAL-AM radio, Thomas Klocek of Depaul University, Stephen Coughlin of the Pentagon all were fired from their jobs for expressing views critical of Islam. All the result of Muslim intimidation and coercion.

By the same token, others in the media have been vilified, by the Muslim Islamization train, such as Paul Harvey, Cal Thomas, ex Virginia representative Virgil Goode, Terrorism expert writer Daniel Pipes, book writers Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, P. David Gaubatz, et al. This list could go on and on. The writers of the TV show 24, are also on this list. There is no greater enemy of the 1st Amendment in America than Islam, and the lack of freedoms - speech, religious, and the press, in Islamic countries more than testifies to that. Try building a Christian church in Saudi Arabia and watch what happens. You might get arrested just for wearing a cross necklace.
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The same as all red necks aren't racist or all blacks aren't racist or all well you get the point. Ever heard of sleeper cells ? Do you not think that people are killers in their minds maybe, but they fear the consequences of such actions so much so that they will never bring those thoughts into the light of day ?? You never know who you have in your midst, but thank God for all the laws and punishments we have in place as somewhat of a deterrent.
You're projecting your own insecurities and failings onto another group of people. Essentially you're saying that all people of X group are inherently bad although there are exceptions to the rule as opposed to some people of group X are bad. And then you further insult the entire group by claiming that the only thing that's keeping them from killing anyone are our laws & punishment which shows you know very little about what motivates people who are intent on killing.

"All black's aren't racist" is a perfect case in point. Who is their right mind would even question whether black people are racists or not, let alone that most are when it was the white race which codified their racism and then enforced it at the barrel of a gun or the end of a rope.
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